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Everything posted by jebusfreek666

  1. I was hoping someone could walk me through rolling back to a previous release. I recently update my docker, and now autoremoveplus no longer works. From reading the last few pages, it's clear I need to roll back to a previous version in order to get this to work again. The trouble is, I have no idea how to do that. A detailed guid would be greatly apreaciated!
  2. Kinda dig the look of those. But the price is a bit high. Feel like I could build something with better specs for cheaper.
  3. So I am looking at building a second server for my mothers house. It will be used by her as a primary, only to store photos, videos, and important documents. Basically just backing up her home computer. I will also be using it as an off-site backup of my server, but again only the most important files like photos and documents. I need this thing to have a small footprint, be quiet, and use as little power as possible while still giving us good performance. I am planning on using duplicati for the backups. So at this stage I am looking for suggestions for hardware, case, mobo, cpu, basically everything I will need that will fit within the parameters I am looking for. I am planning on re-purposing the HDD I am taking out of my server right now as I am upgrading from 6tb drives to 12tb drives. So the current plan is to have the backup have 3x 6tb drives (1 parity, 2 data), and 1 small ssd. I know that amount is probably overkill, but it is what I have at hand. Also, the grand plan is to build several of these machines and have them be an entire backup web. My entire family wants me to do this for them, so in total I would be looking at my main server (already built) and in the long run 4 of these smaller servers (each with backups of each other). If at all possible, I would like to use a case with 2x 5.25 external slots so I can do a 2-to-3 hot swap cage on each of these for ease of maintenance. So the internals only have to support the psu, mobo, and 1 ssd.
  4. To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know there was a chrome app store until you said that. I just looked it up, but I am not sure which one of those would allow this function. Just to clarify, I can already see thumbnails on anything stored locally on the chromebook and things in my google drive or google photos. It is just the SMB share on my unraid server.
  5. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I was hoping someone could chime in on this. I got it working and can see my shares on my Chromebook. The problem is that when I look at the photos folder, I can see only the generic jpeg image. Is there a way to have it load thumbnails for the pictures?
  6. I am trying to delete some of the files that were automatically uploaded from my phone to my server via plex camra upload. It allows me to "move to trash" jpegs, but when I try to do the same to mp4s it says trash has reached its maximum size. Clean up trash manually. I am sure it is something stupid I am just overlooking, but I can not find the trash to empty it. Any info on how to do this would be great. Also, is there a way to set it up to just delete things instead of putting them in trash?
  7. This is kind of what I am looking for, but finding one seems to be an issue. I am even ok with the cube design, but can't seem to locate one with sufficient external 5.25 bays.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. But the hot swap capability is one aspect that I want the most,
  9. Currently running a define R5. It houses 2 SSD, and 11 HDD (dual parity, 9 data). I am in the process of upgrading the drives to larger capacity, but thought I might as well upgrade the case for more storage options down the road as well. I would really like to change out to hot swap bays instead, and would like to have more than I currently have available. I think it would be nice to have the 2 parity drives internal so I don't mess them up, but all data drives hot swap if that is possible. I saw in previous posts from a few years ago that people were suggesting and antec 900 case with 3 of the supermicro CSE-M35T-1B 5-in-3 cages. Is this still the recommendation? Ideally, I would like to have room for 4 of the cages, but I could probably make due with 3. It seems that both this case and the cages are old hardware as I can't even find the cage on ebay. I have found it on newegg and amazon, but it looks like its 3rd party sellers. So I am guessing supermicro has discontinued this in favor of a newer model? So the breakdown of what I am looking for is as follows: Space to fit at least (3) 5-in-3 hot swap cages, but preferably (4) Internal space to also fit 2 HDD for dual parity Internal space for 2 SSD for cache Something as quiet as possible Something with filters if possible Any other features you can think of that I may need. This is only my second build.... Thanks guys.
  10. Need some quick help. I originally set up openvpn with spaceinvaderones youtube video about a year ago. I have now purchased a new router. I upgraded from the asus rt-ac68p to the rt-ac86u. I copied over all of the previous settings in the router, but can not connect via openvpn. On the general settings tab in the router settings there is an exclamation mark next to the DDNS connection status, so I think the problem is with that. The settings in the new router are identical. Do I need to do something on the openvpn docker side? I'm sure it's something stupid that I am just missing...
  11. @dmacias Is it possible to add the ability to separate the graph into 2, one for upload and one for download speed? Spectrum gig internet is 940 down, 35 up. Since it extremely asymmetric, it makes seeing changes in upload speed very hard since a change from 35 to 10 is tiny when the scale goes up to 1,000.
  12. Ok, assuming that I don't really care about how much electricity I use and my number 1 goal is longevity of my drives, is it better to set the drives to never spin down vs. spin down delay of say 1 hour. The servers primary purpose is plex, and deluge. It runs 24/7. They have been running nonstop basically since I set it up, and my HDD temps have always been great. I did recently just add a 3 in 2 in the 5.25 bays on the top which have been giving me a bit of trouble with temps. But even those never exceed 38 C. All others hold at 30 all the time. I have done multiple searches on this, and it seems like people are split 50/50 on this. Again, assuming I am not concerned with conserving electricity or saving the planet.... what is best for the drives themselves.
  13. Original Krusader is no longer being updated, and hasn't for some time. Do you have the newest version by Binhex? Also, this is a very old post. If you have further issues, you would probably get more/better help in the docker thread.
  14. Yes, it is a torrent. so the seed ratio makes sense (although, i don't really understand seed ratios yet). In screenshot 3 and 4 above, it states that both files (original and renamed) are both on disk 2. That is what is making me think that it is not on the cache. Sometimes it says it is on the cache, and an array disk. Why would it be on both? Shouldn't it sit on cache until 3:30 am, and then mover take it from cache to the array? The Download share is set to use cache, but the Media share is not. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I am using radarr currently to upgrade movie files I already have on the array. I previously had small 800mb yify DL, due to using them from an external HDD. But since I built the server, I am upgrading. So the original small file, is already on the array.
  15. Ok, so I am definitely still doing something wrong here. I turned hard links off, but everything still looks the same. It still is making a copy, renaming it, but leaving the original until I delete it. It is also leaving it on the deluge list after finishing downloading. On top of that, I am not sure what the point of a cache drive is. I thought it was supposed to DL to my cache, then have mover put it where it is supposed to go in the middle of the night. Instead, it seem as though it is renaming and moving it immediately, and also moving the original to the same disk? Am I just reading this wrong?
  16. Will that remove the hard links that are already there from previous downloads, or will I have to go manually to the share mnt/downloads/completed and just delete everything there? My settings currently in download client are the same as the pic above, except I have completed download handling "remove" set to yes. And for media management I have rename folders, and hard links set to yes. All others set to no from the picture above.
  17. Ok, So now I think what is really happening is that it is creating hardlinks with the files original name. Here is what I am seeing: As you can see, in my media share everything is renamed correctly and placed in the correct place. But in my downloads share, it still remains with the downloaded torrent name. Both say they are on disk 2. Both are the "same size". my understanding is that they both point to the same file, but only use up the stated 14Gb once. The issue comes in that I want to clean up the download folder. How do I get rid of these? Can I just delete them? If so, how to I do this? Is it as simple as navigating to mnt/download/completed and deleting everything in there or will this mess something else up? Also, do I change the option from hardlink to copy, and then just manually delete the second copy periodically? I originally left this option on because it said it may not be able to move/rename if it wasn't on. Which would create a different problem....
  18. Wonderful. I will check it when I get home. Thanks again!
  19. I'm sure this is just something dumb that I am missing, a button not clicked somewhere or something. But I have looked through it for a bit and can't seem to figure it out. Radarr is downloading to "incomplete" folder via deluge When DL is finished, it moves it to "complete" folder via deluge setting Radarr is then renaming to the correct format, and placing in my media->movies folder (or, I guess mover is actually moving them?) The problem lies in the fact that it doesn't seem to just be renaming and moving the file, it seems to be copying and renaming, leaving the original file in the "complete" folder. Like I said, I am sure I just missed a setting somewhere to delete this, or possibly I am messing it up by removing the torrent from deluge when the completed ones start to pile up. Or, maybe it is copying the file and renaming due to the fact that the original is seeding at that point? Just a couple ideas, none of which I am certain how to solve. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Don't want to mess with the settings and mess something else up.
  20. I know that he only had 2 added in the picture. What I was saying was that it seems like there is only 2 public sites listed on the jackett docker, or only 2 that do not require username and password info. I could be wrong, but I think all the others listed are either semi-private or private. But I am not 100% sure about that. As for adding multiple index feeds from jackett with one link in sonarr/radar, and changing the url, what format would that look like then? I am assuming https://serverIp:port/all? is that it?
  21. Speaking of which, is there something I can read to explain this further? What I mean is, everything I have ever seen about port forwarding states that you have to set it up through your router and designate a port to be open. But according to the info I have read on here, with the delugevpn docker, as long as you have STRICT_PORT_FORWARDING and subscribe to PIA, and pick one of the locations that allow port forwarding, you are good to go. I would really like to read about how that is possible. TBH, I don't fully understand port forwarding to begin with and I am in no way an advanced (or even competent) user. But it seems like this is side stepping a necessary process somehow. Edit: This is strictly for informational/educational purposes. Don't mean to imply that the software is faulty in anyway. I just like to understand how things work.
  22. I am not really sure what the deal is, but I am pretty sure it has to do with the sonarr/radarr side of things. I can test the connection to TPB in jackett, and it works fine. But copying and pasting the URL provided does not work. Also, is there an updated version of jackett available? I see the above post has ETTV. The only public ones on the docker that I have is Rarbg and TPB. I would also like to see EZTV, and thought these were already included?
  23. I couldn't get this to work either. I also had issues adding some of the indexers in general. However, I think the anime category would have to be a numeric value also, like the categories above.
  24. Wow, everyone on this site is leagues ahead of me when it comes to this stuff. I will play around with it a bit when I get home tonight, and I am grateful for the help. But I feel like a 10 year old sitting in a college lecture.....
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