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Everything posted by comet424

  1. i dont even know what half all that means i added some code from other peoples when i googled and modeded to what i needed
  2. echo "Backing up Videos" rsync -avzu --exclude ".Recycle.Bin/" -s --stats --numeric-ids --progress -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -T -o Compression=no -x" /mnt/user/Videos/ root@backupserver:/mnt/user/Videos/ --delete
  3. ya the main server has parity.. but im copying to the other unraid which has no parity and it fluxuates 25meg up to 45 meg but wont go higher.. when i copy from Windows to the Main Unraid server with parity i will get anywhere 90-120megs/s so i figured maybe rsync is a slow process over windows copy
  4. ah ok thanks i learned something new today 🙂
  5. so does that mean Plugins are also like VMS? or does unraid know whats going on in Plugins... or just same as a VM unraid doesnt know anything going on with plugins too
  6. oh ok so its like then unraid when it runs MS Windows or Ubuntu VMs it just hosts it.. ok gotcha learn something new everyday.. i appreciate it.. i figured it knew what was going on
  7. hi i have 2 unraid servers both have 7200rpm drives.. both connected to 1gb network when using rsync all im getting is 35meg/s copying of 1-3gb files i not getting the 100-120meg/s i get from my desktop to the server.. i only noticed as i doing command line rsync is there a way to see whats bottle necking or is that part of rsync slower then regular copy from windows to the array or copy from the array to the desktop but if its not possible thats ok i figured i could get same speed as windows to unraid and i dont use a cache ssd as i dont wanna wear them out for copying .. so its direct copy hard drive to hard drive over the network
  8. ah ok.. well well yes krusader is an unraid app just like Norton Antivirus is a Windows App or MS Tweak programs that alter windows for you but isnt made by Windows MS and Unraid are the OS Krusdader and Norton antivirus are the OS apps i didnt say krusaider was a Built in Unraid app.. its just a unraid app and isnt a docker and a App (in windows like norton antivirus in the background ) the same thing as for the Parity dont need one this just a media server plus it only has 4 hard drive case parity takes up too much i need to get bigger hard drives to add a parity it its a Acer H340 case 14 yrs old i just upgraded to a m.2 as cache drive instread of a 7200 rpm 1tb usb external as a cache drive as for the results Processing /mnt/user/isos Processing /mnt/user/system Processing /mnt/user/.Trash-99 Processing /mnt/user/Videos The following files / folders may not be accessible to the users allowed via each Share's SMB settings. This is often caused by wrong permissions being used on new downloads / copies by CouchPotato, Sonarr, and the like: /mnt/user/.Trash-99 nobody/nogroup (99/99) 0700 hope that helps.. i guess the issue is with trash then.. wonder how that happens?
  9. ah ok well you think since krusader is a unraid app because if its windows all apps associate with windows.. so if an app deletes a share or what not windows responds to that request... plus i wouldnt make the shares in the gui. id make them in krusader sometimes but no biggy.. does anyone know why i have error found yet no error stil havent found the issue it wasnt the shares issue i dont know how you find the error when there is no error
  10. hi i checked sys logs i made sure usb shares didnt have shares that didnt exisit anymore a bug in Unraid is if you delete shares in krusader it doesnt update it in the ram.. so when you reboot unraid.. it saves those non exisitant shares to the usb so you maybe have 4 shares.. but unraid loads 20 shares you deleted but aside that i cant find what Fix Common Extended scans are finding i cant figure the error mitchflix-diagnostics-20200724-1204.zip
  11. how do you fix the issue of the "Gah your tabs have crashed" i have uninstalled app made sure appdata didnt have it.. reinstalled it but going to a website(s) sometimes works for a while then boom constantly get the "gah your tabs crashed.. how can they crash frustrating stopping and starting container or rebooting unraid doesnt fix it.. automaticlly goes to "Gah your tabs...." on new pages even google is there a setting i need to add to the docker?
  12. so i was able to get ssh into Raspberry pi but running code on the Raspberry Pi doesnt work right i get this error on Unraid "Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/raspberry pi/script: line 4: /home/pi/bin/pumpon.py: No such file or directory" my user script is ssh [email protected] /home/pi/bin/pumpon.py 16 it says no such file or directory.. but it defently exisits on the pi so i dunno why its giving me errors
  13. hi i i have couple questions i tried googling didnt find the answers 1... can you access Raspberry PI to run a command on it from the user scripts at a certain time. 2.. i know how to setup rsync to login another unraid using the pub key stuff.. but can i do the same for raspberry pi kinda thing what i wanan do is Unraid ====>certain time====>tells Raspberry Pi to flip a relay on using one of my raspberry pi scripts then unraid(main) in the userscript then tells another computer to turn on WOL and then rsyncs with it.. then after unraid tells that computer to shut down.. and then tells Raspberry pi to run another script before ending the user script is there any code that could help me
  14. ah ok... yes already had monogodb.. already had rocketchat running made users in it.. it works but like i mentioned it shuts down on its own randomly so could be running 2 hours then shuts down i uninstalled it and was going to reinstall it all see if it fixs it just havent gotten to it yet
  15. so i solved it... i fiddled and fiddled etc.. i havent resolved Local Master but Tower says Local Master is Tower Backupserver says Local Master is Backupserver Mitchflix says Local Master is backupserver but i fixed the issue on the desktop \\tower showing files that werent there.. and a Sync Pending so after playing around.. what i ended up doing was Stopping Array.. in Settings Network.. i set DHCP not static and i set in my router to put the IP address to the Mac Addy.. so it be the same.. so after setting to DHCP i saved and rebooted.. once back up it worked \\tower was able to access files tower/ started to work. so i retried.. other way again.. I removed the Static setting for the MAC addy of Tower in my Router I stopped sunraid array.. I went to settings/network i re changed automatic to Static.. so it be ip and gateway and dns i saved rebooted and array started it still worked \\tower also the \\tower single was gone.. the Sync Pending was gone.. its a built in Windows 10 File syncing program.. so that solved it i decided to shut everything down to make sure... and left it off for a while.. i booted back up and \\tower still works across the board and so does tower/ i not sure what maybe went wrong in network settings but if i had know that would been a simple thing to test right away and wouldnt happened to trouble shoot for days... just a simple turn on and off the Static/automatic for an IP address go figure.. maybe something went funny with the last update of unraid when it was updating i do not know as it only affected this one out of my others.. but i appreciate the help.. and least its up and running again sorry for being a bother and such.. and i appreciate all the help and testing.. still dont know why i got 3 Local masters but its still there lol
  16. ya strange pfsense just a more powerful router then asus ya i did a shut down for 10 min minus the backup server.. the vpn i disabled so it doesnt connect to the other Pfsense router.. so it wasnt there i think the 56.1 is a computer heres the kicker i unplugged the (tower) and i can still do \\tower get the Desktop files but here is the kicker i only have 4 unraid servers and 3 of them are my my local network other is on a remote location behind the vpn now i cant ping tower as its unplugged but i can still do \\tower in the file explorer and write files and have no idea where its writting too.. update... i tried my windows 7 laptop file explorer shows Tower but i cant access it... even though its unplugged... Im guessing the Local master of my backupserver keeps that name and thats why my laptop sees it even though the servers not there.. but my desktop computer the sees tower and i can save files.. its like \\tower location is saving directly to my Desktop computer.. i gotta do another power down switchs modem router computers and let is be powered down 15 20 min.. i appreciate the help guess i got gremlins in there causing crap ill keep fiddiling if i ever find a resolution ill post it..
  17. so how you fix it? so this tool it to scan for local network for unraid? and why doesnt it pick up my OpenVPN connection to that network of 192.168.1.x thats where i have 2 unraids on there too.. as i dont know why it picked up a i cant find this computer i been unplugging things and the desktop-qt00 thats my desktop computer i ran the the program from.. your guess is good as mine why no mac address.. so if i only should have 1 master what do i do to fix it? if i do \\ it connects but shows no files still cant find where that computer is or \\tower why its giving me a smb share when the array is turned off .. and i can add files to it too lol ugh i think there is ghosts in this network and is local master only a unraid/windows thing as i have never heard of local master smb over the 20 yrs i used windows i only learned about it now from what you mentioned and to make 1 master.. do i do what you mentioend years ago unplug everything have a cup of coffee then slowly plug things in?
  18. not sure how to look at whats attached to the SMB network.. array is stopped.. and ran the scanner LANscanner v2.02 - ScottiesTech.Info Scanning LAN... -- A8-5E-45-A1-5E-47 -- c4-1c-ff-d9-7c-c2 -- c4-1c-ff-b2-b7-ed -- 52-54-00-b5-fe-40 BACKUPSERVER 00-1a-64-c5-f3-f4 WORKGROUP MASTER DESKTOP-QTO0GRU WORKGROUP MASTER MITCHFLIX 30-9c-23-de-95-38 WORKGROUP MASTER TOWER a8-5e-45-a1-5c-cb WORKGROUP also trying to add the code to the Tower SMB Extra to make it a master doesnt work it saves but when you reboot array it deletes the 3 lines of code i added and not sure what is and those not all the ips of my network anyways nore my pfsense router
  19. i did read skim them none of them answered my questions none of them answered why do "Desktop Shares" thats on the array works when the array is stopped \\tower shows "Desktop Shares" and files in it \\ shows no shares i tried looking on cache and Flash drive... why is my array files showing up on share when Array is stopped i didnt see that in any of sub headings either ... i re skim peoples things and keep trying things
  20. oh and my Backup server i left it running older version of unraid 6.8.2 no issues with SMB shares its running 157 days no reboot i limit the number dockers installed on it as it just backups i have 3 dockers on it.. and bunch of plugins.. i was thinking maybe 1 of these dockers i have on Tower mess's up SMB shares and web browser gui that was my idea anyways.. as i reading some of the articles now it was something i was thinking might have broken things???
  21. ah ok ill check the links.. also i know about the ip address.. remember i sent pics if you type \\ shows all the shares if i do \\tower it only shows 1 share and partially so my question is.. whats wrong with this unraid.. why did this break this week only and the other 3 are running fine ya i use DNS server for my VPN and WAN connections through pfsense... so i stll curious did this unraid(tower) break somewhere internally so why does tower say my backupserver is the DNS server for Samba.. shouldnt each Server say the servers name.. like Tower should be tower not backupserver... as i usually leave all 4 servers running on my browser always so they all up.. just Tower has failed and ya i mentioned i have a static IP i also sent you a pic of my static IP of the above messages so ill check it out.. so does this mean my other 3 servers are going to fail next week since Tower failed last week for samba naming.. i still dont understand how it can break.. did a Docker mess it up.. and the only docker i recently installed was RocketChat and monogodb thanks help so far ill read those articles
  22. so i stopped and started the array doesnt work still cant do in browser tower/ and if i do \\tower in the file explorer i only see the 1 folder so the local master didnt fix that problem 😞 still does the what i showed above picture 1 folder for \\tower everything for \\ and in browser works tower/ fails in the browser but backupserver/ mitchflix/ work fine the 4th one is under a different subnet but works by IP soo local master didnt solve it 😞 so what does it actually do in unraid oh and "tower" is 24/7 days a week i usually reboot unraid maybe ever 3-4 weeks unless i have to.. so its always on and the dns server is
  23. so i installed it and went to bottom of smb page its say my backupserver is the master but how is that possible this is confusing and the server is Tower... but you mentioned the local master is its own dns server... well i use PFsense as a DNS server does that mean its not working right for unraid.. or does unraid have an issue? as my dns is
  24. ya like i mentioned "shares" showed only 39 shares the Bin-Krusader had 39 shares... but the FLASH /config/shares had 57 shares shares of shares that no longer existed.. it didnt delete the ones that dont exisit anymore.. so i had to manually erased them so what i ment was is it ok to Erased FLASH\config\Shares so what i did was shut down unraid took out the usb and renamed config\shares\ to !oldshares and then shoved the USB back into unraid and booted it back up.. as i couldnt deleted it in krusader.. when i renamed flash config\shares in krusader and then did a reboot so it force it to redue the shares it resaved all 57 shares thats include the ones that dont exisit.. so the shares are now 33 guess unraid had a glitch and doesnt know to delete the shares(cfg) from the Flash drive when they no longer exisit on the array or so... as for the local master plugin no never heard of it but ill try it now.. so why would unraid suddenly stop working like it.. shouldnt the other 3 unraids have the same problme ... but ill try it now and get back to you
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