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Everything posted by ndaringer

  1. It varies depending on where it pulls the docker image from. I usually go to dockerhub and search for what is the 'Repository' box on the update container page. When you find it on dockerhub, click the tab that says 'Tags". Then, find the version you want and copy the appropriate text from the box on the right that starts 'docker pull X:tag', where X:tag is the image and version. Of course, I'm probably using incorrect terms. so be careful. Oh yeah, and changing to v1.7.0 didn't fix this bind :80 issue for me either.
  2. This should be standard with unraid. Thanks
  3. I'm not sure, but maybe I'm using the wrong docker here. This page says that it hasn't been updated in a year.
  4. I'm not using my docker names in my reverse proxy setup. I just use hardcoded IP addresses.
  5. Not 100% sure if this is the best way to do it or not, but here is what I did to migrate to the bitwardenrs docker !!!!! Stop your existing bitwarden docker and then make a backup of your existing bitwarden appdata folder !!!!! I did this using the unraid web terminal as follows: cd /mnt/user/appdata/ tar -cvzf bw.tgz /mnt/user/appdata/bitwarden Copy that tgz file to at least 3 places. You should see it in the root of your appdata share. Now that you've backed up your precious bitwarden data, let's do the migration. Go to CA and open the template to install the bitwardenrs docker set the webui port to the same port you had previously used for bitwarden. make sure the appdata folder matches your old appdata folder set your server admin email address lastly, set your admin token with a long random string. I used 'openssl rand -base64 48' to make the string. You should be able to hit Apply now and it should create the new docker for you. Hope this helps.
  6. These instructions should be stickied! THANK YOU!
  7. This is a nitpicky thing for me, but is there a way to change the date format in dirsyncpro? It's in DD-MM-YYYY on the schedules tab and it's driving me nuts. I would like MM-DD-YYYY Other than that that docker works great for me to backup essential unraid files offsite.
  8. OMG I've wanted something like this for ages. Thank you!
  9. I installed both onlyofficedocumentserver and onlyofficecommunityserver, yet I only get this screen on the community server. I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Log has pages and pages of this.
  10. Thank you! This worked perfectly!
  11. how do I pass a serial port to this container? my router has a serial port and I'd like to access it with this.
  12. Hi so I'm reading through this page and trying to wrap my head around this works. Everything I've set up in the past has just used a configuration file. Is this image set up the same way? Am I just supposed to throw variables into the config.json file? The default config.json looks like: { "use_env_variable": "CMD_DB_URL" } I found where CMD_DB_URL is on this page. However, I am confused how that is translated into the correct database URL. Bottom line, I'd like to know more about how this docker is customized using the json file and I'd like to further understand how the default configuration even works. Thanks.
  13. what is the default config file for tf2? I usually use server.cfg but I'm not seeing anything that specific here.
  14. Anyone know how to feed the speedtest docker through the linuxserver/letsencrypt docker? I'd like to be able to have remote plex users run a speedtest to my server. here's my nginx config: location /speedtest { proxy_pass http://10.X.X.X:6580; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; } I'm getting "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" in chrome with my puny attempt to pass it through. Edit: I was not connecting to my https port. DUrrr. It still doesn't work right. Through nginx: Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.21.54 PM Directly to the docker (IP Address field works correctly, I just missed it in the screenshot) Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 7.23.17 PM apologies if this is the wrong place to post.
  15. the MinecraftPE docker is 4 months out of date.
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