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Everything posted by Abigel

  1. I had the same proxy settings on the other container and the message did not come up. I have now increased all possible values in nginx and nextcloud but it still does not work. I can upload files that are larger than 5GB but i can't set a background image that is 5MB
  2. I can't find the file I have searched it manually and with find -iname no results
  3. Where can I find the php.ini ? I want to edit the upload_max_filesize for the background image.
  4. Of course, i have delete it, sry And now i have the solution for the rewrite problem After debugging with firefox when i push the button for confirmation, it says that something is blocked from the request. I have add " 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https'," into the config.php and now the client can connect! Thanks for your patience and help! Now I sit down at the OnlyOffice problem @knex666 can you please show your config.php from nextcloud?
  5. Thank you very much for your Config! I don't know if it is important but maybe you should delete or falsify your shiffre code ? I had letsencrypt running with my above mentioned config and the old nextcloud container, so it should work with this container, I only change the IP address, so can the problem be somewhere else ? I can access the Nextcloud via Web but not via the clients Can you please also show all your nextcloud config.php? I get to the point where I want to connect to the windows client, I type in the URL, click on continue, browser opens for verification, I press allow access and then nothing happens, the wheel turns and nothing more. At the client the message comes then: "Error accessing the 'token' endpoint: Error transferring http://mydomain.de:443/login/v2/poll - server replied: Bad Request I really don't know any more
  6. Thanks The Only Office topic is secondary for me. First of all nextcloud should run with the clients, don't know how
  7. I don't know what to do to solve the problem with the client connection. What should I do to use only office only from outside ? My let's encrypt container nginx config: server { listen 80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } upstream backend { server; keepalive 64; } #####Nextcloud server { listen 443 ssl; server_name nextcloud.mydomain.com; root /config/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; ###SSL Certificates ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ###Diffie–Hellman key exchange ### ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ###SSL Ciphers ssl_ciphers 'xxx-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-xxx-AES$ ###Extra Settings### ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ### Add HTTP Strict Transport Security ### add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains"; ## add_header Front-End-Https on; client_max_body_size 0; ### now nextcloud config location / { proxy_pass; proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; } }
  8. After over 12 hours of attempted migration from LISIO to this container I give up. I had managed to migrate the most necessary database entries manually from the old database to the new one, migrating the users, the files, apps and settings. I have changed the letsencrypt-Docker-Settings. Now the http over port 80 falls on my feet... No client, no matter if Android or Windows can connect, after the browser redirection nothing happens or the above mentioned error message. OnlyOffice works only in the local network. I would be very grateful if you could write a 1 to 1 guide for a migration from linuxserver.io to this container. Then I would like to try it again
  9. I mean the occ nextcloud commands. Where is the path to the occ ? Another question: my onlyoffice is not working because i don't know what to do 😕 In the local network it works fine but over dynamic-dns not. Should I set the onlyoffice-settings to: "https://nextcloud.mydomain.com/apps/documentserver_community/" or "" and should i change something else? And If i want to connect my windows-Desktop-Client this error is shown: " 400 Bad Request The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port nginx/1.16.1"
  10. How can i use occ commands with this container ?
  11. But I can use nextcloud from linuxserver in home network over https Why is it not possible with this container?
  12. Okay thank you this solve the problem with the UI but what is with the other problems?
  13. Hi, okay but how can i change the access to the nextcloud via https 443 and not port 80 ? My mapping is now set with -p '445:443/tcp' -p '8080:80' But i can only access with the 8080 and if i have only 443 with 445 it doesnt work. I want only a secure access over https. After editing the ports: When I right-click the WebUI, it just opens the GUI of Unraid because it is accessed via port 80
  14. Are the nextcloud data in Container Path: /var/www/html/data ? why they are in appdata ? Will this not blow up the AppData folder? And there is no option for the port-mapping ?
  15. Should I use /mnt/user/appdata/ or /mnt/cache/appdata for the Backup? I have Shares without Cache and with Cache using
  16. Hi, I did a restore, but there were folders that were created after the backup and therefore should not exist. What have I done wrong ? It is about a Nextcloud-Docker mapping looks like this: data -> /mnt/user/nextcloud config->/mnt/user/appdata
  17. Hi, i want to upgrade my nextcloud from 17.03 to the latest version. I am following this steps, but at the step for upgrade i can not do this due to the commands for upgrade or maintenence are not longer known and if i open the website, it starts a new installation and asks me for an admin user: ##Open terminal in container docker exec -it nextcloud bash ##Turn on maintenance mode cd /config/www/nextcloud/ sudo -u abc php occ maintenance:mode --on ##Backup current nextcloud install cd /config/www/ mv nextcloud nextcloud-backup ##Grab newest nextcloud release and unpack it wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloudXXXX.tar.bz2 tar -xvf nextcloud-XXXX.tar.bz2 ##Copy across old config.php from backup cp nextcloud-backup/config/config.php nextcloud/config/config.php ##Now Restart docker container via Unraid WebGUI ##Open terminal in container docker exec -it nextcloud bash ##Perform upgrade cd /config/www/nextcloud/ sudo -u abc php occ upgrade ##Turn off maintenance mode sudo -u abc php occ maintenance:mode --off ## Now Restart docker container via Unraid WebGUI Next Problem: I can not edit the container via the unraid GUI, i can not open the container over clicking on the name and if i confirm an update:
  18. Hi, Can you write which path should I map to which one from the old container to the new one ? They are a little bit different. Than will try it tomorrow
  19. Okay Can you write which path should I map to which one from the old container to the new one ? They are a little bit different. Than will try it tomorrow
  20. Hi, I just wanted to ask if you could see when you could write a guide ? 🙂
  21. Hey Unfortunately this is not a manual for Unraid-Docker. The user www-data is not the same as with the container. I would be super grateful if you or a colleague would write an official migration guide
  22. I have make an upgrade to version 18.01 but now i can not go to older version and don't install the new version. In the old version i can not access settings, due to i can not activate the settings app, an error that it is not the right version for it. And a upgrade is not possible because of Set log level to debug Updating database schema Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException: The table with name 'nextcloud.oc_direct_edit' already exists. Update failed Maintenance mode is kept active Reset log level I moved the existed table but now other tables are note existed or already exists in the engine...how can i fix my database? I have appdata backups but a roll back doesnt help.
  23. Is there an easy way to migrate from Linuxserver.io container to yours? Maybe with clean new and import the old settings in the clean system but without data loss?
  24. What is the diffrence between this container and this one: ? Which one is better?
  25. Is the problem known? When I use an externally attached storage and delete or move a file or folder there, I get an error message that it could not be deleted or moved. If I reload the page, it still happened correctly. The log will say something like "rename(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory at /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Local.php#289".