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Everything posted by JustinChase

  1. No, because I'd already rolled back before I saw that image. I rebooted the laptop about 4 times while I was running 6.12.2 and they never worked, and I could not re-map a drive makes sense. How would you recommend one begins this update to their security? I'm not in love with SMB, it's just what i setup long ago, and has mostly worked fine for me. I don't open any ports to the internet, (I run a ShieldsUp test regularly) and I'm not really worried about anyone on my wifi, so I'm not sure it's "necessary", but more security is usually good. Thanks all for the help
  2. I reverted to 6.12.0 and upon unraid server restarting (not my laptop), shares were instantly available with no further input from me. I guess this is, once again, a formal bug report and no longer a request for help. my system did no change, only the unraid version. this points to unraid issue, not a me issue. thanks again for trying to help
  3. thank you, I appreciate the data point. I have used the server name on multiple computers for over a decade without issue. Even if it were unreliable, that is still an error and should be fixed. But, in my case that has not been the case, and it has worked just fine. With all that said, I have tried to connect with the IP address and that also fails. Windows sees the server name just fine, but refuses to connect.
  4. Thanks for the help. it's not a company laptop. it has worked mostly flawlessly this way for a decade. it's just the latest upgrade of unraid that has caused the issue. i did not change anything on the laptop. as I posted before, a previous upgrade caused the same issue, and reverting instantly restored full functionality. I have not reverted simply because I'm hoping there are some actual troubleshooting steps I can take. i will wait until after the US holiday and create a new post in general if there isn't any more feedback here.
  5. I've been able to use name for about a decade without issue. However, i did try using IP address, and it still fails to connect. There is something about this new version that breaks the ability to map network drives on my laptop. The diagnostics file I attached previously doesn't tell me anything, but I also don't really know what to look for. What else can i do to help diagnose/troubleshoot/solve this issue?
  6. Sorry, I was mistaken in the versions that had the issues. I had version 6.12.0-rc5 installed and mapped drives worked fine. I updated to version 6.12.0-rc6 lost mapped drives. I downgraded back to rc5 and it all worked again. Earlier today I updated to 6.12.0 and tested mapped drives and it all looked fine. I then updated to 6.12.2 and lost mapped drives again. I have tried re-mapping, but it does not work. Windows tells me it cannot access \\MEDIA (the name of my server). Windows does find it under network, but refuses to connect to it. Diagnose does not find any issues.
  7. windows 11 shares are broken in this build. I was on 6.11.5 (I think) and updated to 6.11.7 (can't remember exactly which, but not 6.12) and I lost the ability to open/use mapped drives in windows explorer. After a couple hours trying to resolve, I thought to just roll back to 6.11.5 and mapped drives worked again. Earlier today, i saw that 6.12.2 was available, but I could only update to 6.12, which I did. i tested mapped drives and all seemed fine. Then I updated to 6.12.2 and now mapped drives do not work again. I'm guessing this is me not changing some setting, or this would have probably been reported before, but either way, it IS broken for me, and I don't know how to resolve it. Diagnostics attached, help much appreciated. media-diagnostics-20230704-1710.zip
  8. I had not. I reverted to 6.12.0-rc5 and it worked instantly after rebooting the server. I didn't even have to reboot windows. I guess this is now an official bug report. Hopefully this gets fixed before final release.
  9. I am now unable to connect to my mapped drives from Windows 11 since upgrading. Could certainly be coincidence, but I've not had this issue until updating unraid, and every "windows" solution I've found has not helped. I'm getting this when running diagnostics... "The device or resource (Computer) is not setup to accept connections on port "The File and printer sharing (SMB)" I am able to connect to unraid via Putty, but not with windows explorer. Neither by connecting to the server directly, nor a mapped drive, nor can a create a new mapped drive connection. I've tried turning on and off "File and Printer sharing for Windows Networks" from my adapter settings Press the Windows key + R shortcut to open the Run command window. Type in gpedit.msc and press OK. Select Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> Lanman Workstation and double click Enable insecure guest logons and set it to Enabled. Now attempt to access \\tower reinstalling network drivers so far, nothing has helped. any suggestions on what to try next? media-diagnostics-20230604-1645.zip
  10. I recently update to the newest release candidate (Version: 6.12.0-rc2) I setup a windows VM and used the auto setting for disk location, which created a directory on the cache drive with the same name as the VM name. I'd set it to be 65G in size. I got it all setup and running. I later realized this new directory was not setup to use the cache drive, so the fix common problems plugin threw an error about this. I already had a directory on the cache for VM images, so I just moved the image from the one "auto" created location and changed the name to reflect the VM it is used for. i.e. I changed it from cache/windows11/vdisk1.img to cache/VMs/Media Server/windows11.img I then updated the VM to point to this new location. I then discovered that this changed resulted in the VM going from 65G to 30G and is now unable to be changed back to 65G. This also resulted in the VM not starting. I'm guessing because it expects a different size than the new size. 1. Is this recoverable from here, or do I need to pull a backup of the VM from yesterday and edit the VM back to use the auto location? 2. Is this a bug, or is this expected behavior? If expected, why?
  11. I never found a solution. I ended up just creating a new VM and installing windows from scratch. I only used mine for a media player, so setting it up from scratch seemed like it would take less time than I was spending trying (so very unsuccessfully) to fix this issue. I actually reinstalled windows in place over the existing version, thinking it would fix any issues, but it had no positive effect. I hope you find a solution, but I have given up and just have a new VM now.
  12. funnily enough, I was just about to do that when I saw this. Yes, that worked. not sure why the whole controller being passed thru no longer works, but considering how much time I've lost to this stupid computer situation, I'm going to call it "good enough" for a while. i'd still love to figure out why it seems the entire VM seems to be running as if the CPU has been replaced with a 25 year old pentium, but again, another day. Thanks for your help
  13. The posts show, but the first one listed has the yellow triangle. I can update the driver for it, but the triangle comes back eventually. I can delete it, but upon restart it comes back. I suspect one of the folders in the virtio disk has the correct driver, but I think I've tried pointing to every main folder, drilling down to the w11/amd64 folder, but none have worked. The really weird thing is that the windows install that was working, but just really, REALLY slow now also does not work for this USB. So, I don't have a keyboard or mouse, so I'm trying to do everything via remote desktop. I really just wanted to 'fix' the otherwise working windows, but that hasn't worked, and installing a new machine also isn't working, and I'm just spending way, way too much time trying to get what used to work working again. Some days i really do hate computers!
  14. Yes, recreating the VM from scratch and pointing to the existing image did work, thank you. Sadly, I cannot get the USB passthru to work in either the old/slow/borked image, nor in the newly created, installed from iso windows install. I have both VM's running as Q35-7.1 machines, thinking this is newer and allows for PCIe, but maybe this is the issue with the USB3 controller. Anyone know if USB3 can/should work in a Q35 VM, or if there is some other trick I'm missing? This is the same controller that used to work before I ran into the borked/slow windows issue, so I know if can/should work. Thank you for acknowledging and fixing this issue!
  15. Sadly, the root of my issue is that the existing windows install is borked and I cannot figure out what is wrong, and I've spent too much time trying to find an answer. I've posted here a few times asking for help, but have not gotten any help to get it working properly again, so I decided to just start fresh (thinking it would save me time; it has not!) The real issue is that the VM setup has just simply removed the network setting part. There is literally no network setting provided to change. I could probably figure out how to add them with the XML, but i really don't want to have to dive that deep to fix what i think is just a bug in unraid.
  16. The issue I'm having is with network adapter. When creating a new Win 11 VM, windows doesn't find a network adapter, so you just can't proceed.. I tried selecting e1000 as the adapter, but that didn't work. I then had to select the accessibility options in the windows setup BEFORE getting to the 'no network' scree, since you cannot access the on-screen keyboard at that point. Once i had that turned on, I could then get the command prompt, then type something (oobd/netpasssomething - i don't have it in front of me now), to bypass the force network issue, so I could get the windows installation to finish. But, I do not have a network adapter in windows now. The troubleshooter doesn't even find an adapter, so I figured I'd have to change it in the VM setup, but network is not even shown in the VM setting page now, so I can't even try changing the adapter to see if I can get that to force an adapter into this windows install. I cannot find a current 'how to install windows 11 VM' guide where any of this is covered, and I'm stuck at this point, and ready to just give up on having a working windows 11 install. I used to have one working, but it began working at about 1/10th speed, and I could not find any help in resolving that, so I figured just reinstalling windows would be faster, but this network thing is just killing me. How can I get a working network inside a brand new Windows 11 VM?
  17. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to begin troubleshooting this? Log files don't show me much, but I don't really know what to look for. This same hardware worked fine for a very long time. I can't think of anything I've done recently to change the setup, other than change the DNS settings of unraid to cloud9, but I have since removed this change and have unraid just using the router for DNS right now. This didn't help. It just feels like the processor got changed to a Pentium from 1990, everything is just really, really slow.
  18. Good point, thanks. Now attached media-diagnostics-20230308-1237.zip
  19. This has not gotten any better. I cannot find any logs or anything to point me to a possible cause. Any guidance on where to get started troubleshooting this would be most appreciated.
  20. I have been seeing this for weeks also. I currently use wireguard, but originally set this up prior to wireguard existing. Are there any 'stale' settings I need to change/remove, or is this something I can edit to rectify? I've also been seeing most of my nzb files failing rather quickly saying # articles were missing. one example... Name House of the Dragon S01E03 Second of His Name 2160p HMAX WEB-DL DDP5 1 Atmos DV HDR H 265-CRFW mkv-xpost Completed 18 minutes ago Status Failed Size 0 B Category Default Path /downloads/SABnzbd/House.of.the.Dragon.S01E03.Second.of.His.Name.2160p.HMAX.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR.H.265-CRFW.mkv-xpost Source House.of.the.Dragon.S01E03.Second.of.His.Name.2160p.HMAX.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR.H.265-CRFW.mkv-xpost.nzb Download 9 articles were missing Servers NEWS.USENETSERVER.COM=0 B
  21. Thank you again, your help is, as always, most appreciated!
  22. Thanks. Is this a correct/reasonable change; from this my wg0.conf file shows this endpoint... Endpoint = nl-amsterdam.privacy.network:1337 to this Endpoint = brussels.privacy.network 1198 or do I need the "remote" part? or is this all not worth changing? I ask because deluge often doesn't start for me, stating trouble connecting to Endpoint = nl-amsterdam.privacy.network:1337 in the log Once it does connect, it seems fine, until I have to reboot, then it may take several tries to get deluge running again.
  23. How would I do this when using wireguard? I think I should be able to specify endpoints by changing the wg0.conf file, but it's not super clear if I can list multiple endpoints here, or just one, and what that format should look like. the endpoints look different for openVPN and wireguard. my wg0.conf file shows this endpoint... Endpoint = nl-amsterdam.privacy.network:1337 but the documentation says... A20 Yes, all the Docker Images i produce do support multiple endpoints, this is achieved by editing the OpenVPN configuration file located in /config/openvpn/ and adding in additional 'remote' lines, an example is shown below:- remote al.privacy.network 1198 remote ad.privacy.network 1198 remote austria.privacy.network 1198 remote brussels.privacy.network 1198 remote ba.privacy.network 1198 remote sofia.privacy.network 1198 I guess I"m not sure if I need "remote" in front of the name, nor if these are good for wireguard also, or just openVPN. I just don't want so mess it up, so I figured I should ask first.
  24. It seems that if you have the wrong base location set in Settings > VM Manager the problem below happens. Correcting this to a valid location seems to have resolved the following issue for me. I hope this helps someone else in the future When editing a VM, one of the choices is OS Install ISO: If you click on the line where it says "Click and Select CD ROM Image to install operating system", it brings up a blank field below that field, but it's not something you can use to navigate. I cannot find any way to just navigate to the correct location. I have to manually enter the location, which is obviously error-prone. it seems like this should open a navigatable system, like it other places in unraid, but this is not working here for me. I've tried in Firefox and Edge with no addins installed. Neither works.
  25. I've been making some changes on my network over the last couple weeks, and now i've logged into the VM and the server is unbearably slow. It takes several minutes to open a browser page. I've restarted it. I've verified the images in the setup point to the right place. i've checked everything I can think of, and it all seems fine to me, but I'm surely missing something. Is there some logging, or obvious next step to help me begin to diagnose the reason this has become so unbearably slow?
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