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Everything posted by daves

  1. +1 for this, fixed my issue as well. this feels like a bug that should be fixed.
  2. Hi Squid, thanks for the helpful tips. The docker image file was in fact on an array disk and my libvirt folder was also on a disk. Unfortunate that these don't show up with the Open Files and File Activity plugins. Was able to move my system share to an SSD cache and all is good now. It's worth noting for anyone else reading this if you don't have a redundant cache you might not want to move these files to a cache drive as there is a risk of data loss with a single SSD failure.
  3. I have one array disk that refuses to spin down, if I manually spin it down it immediately spins back up. The same problem exists for the parity drive in the array. I installed the File Activity plugin and it shows no activity. The system log only shows the following: Nov 20 10:22:54 snarf emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh Nov 20 10:22:56 snarf emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh Nov 20 10:23:29 snarf emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd Nov 20 10:23:31 snarf emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdd Any thoughts of where to look / what to do next?
  4. This continues to be a problem for me on 6.10.3. Is there some way to completely re-load the graphics drivers short of rebooting?
  5. Hmmmm, this doesn't feel like an issue with Plex. Transcoding works...until it stops working and a reboot is required. I suspect that it's an issue with the i915 driver.
  6. Unraid Version: 6.10.2 (same issue with 6.9.x) CPU: Intel Xeon e2278G Motherboard: Gigabyte C246-WU4 Dockers Using QuickSync: plexinc/pms-docker, blakeblackshear/frigate:stable-amd64 I have run Plex in a docker with hardware transcoding via Intel QuickSync for years without issue. For the past several months I have the following issue: Plex works fine for several days, hardware transcoding works as expected. Plex fails to play any video file that requires transcoding (direct play continues to work fine) GPU Load is listed at 100% (see below, screenshot taken while frigate and plex docker stopped) Only way I can get it to work again is rebooting server. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or recover or fix it? Thanks!
  7. After installing the docker I am able to access the VirtManager. The virt manager gives an error "The libvirtd service does not appear to be installed...." I have tried just about everything including making a new libvirt.img file. I am able to successfully create and run VMs from the VMS tab.
  8. It looks like shoginn has pulled most of his projects from dockerhub. I wonder if this was intentional or a mistake? Perhaps he can comment....
  9. I had a similar experience. It would be great if anyone has any theories as to WHY pihole breaks everything...
  10. It is not clear to me how to activate a new receiver from scratch. Following the linked in instructions on the FlightRadar24 website says to "Click "Activate" on the receiver you want to connect to your Flightradar24 account." or, if that doesn't work to run their install script. Unfortunately I don't see an "Activate" button and their install script won't run in the docker. What am I missing?
  11. Great docker! I can get rid of my standalone Pi now. Thanks! I think the instructions need to be updated. The docker won't start without a FlightAware Feeder Key, and you cannot register a new receiver without starting the docker. I got it working by putting a bogus value into the docker config for FlightAware Feeder Key, starting the docker, claiming the receiver on the FlightAware website, and finally inserting the key from FlightAware website into the docker config.
  12. Magically this got fixed, I think with an update to the Docker....but really can't say for sure.
  13. After years of wonderful service I am unable to "Search the movies in your library". I enter the name of movie already in my library in the search box and nothing happens. No error, no response. Help Please!
  14. I am having the same issue. I am unable to stop the VM manager or make any changes to the VM Manager settings because clicking the Apply button does nothing.
  15. daves


    Done! Works for me!
  16. daves


    Just installed. Works great! Is there anyway to disable the webserver/VNC server? I really only need to run this from the command line.
  17. daves


    Will you be adding this to CA?
  18. I attempted to install mosh. I keep getting the following error when trying to run mosh-server: mosh-server: error while loading shared libraries: libprotobuf.so.9: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory protobuf-3.5.2-x86_64-1dj.txz is installed.
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