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Everything posted by Nowjon

  1. Thanks for the info! I think I know the issue, the Palworld docker container (game server) has a memory leak, and it would periodically kill that when the server was running out of memory but I wasn't sure if this freezing issue was related to that. I've moved that container to a different VM with portainer installed so hopefully this won't continue taking down my host. Thanks for the information! :)
  2. Alright, so this happened again today, posting my diagnostics. Unfortunately, I had to reboot the host and these diagnostics are post-reboot, hopefully they still shed some light on the issue? Edit: Forgot to include the time, according to Uptime Kuma (Runs on a different device) I started noticing services go down at 13:44:37 CST (Timezone is set to CST as well) docile-diagnostics-20240126-1951.zip
  3. Will do, I'll update once it happens. Thanks!
  4. Good Afternoon, My server recently stalled, I was able to get into the device via SSH but I could not get to the WebUI nor could I access the shares. I noticed this issue when I was kicked from my server. This has happened a few times, but I've so far been unable to determine why. Possibly because of these? Jan 22 21:28:54 Docile php-fpm[9142]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 21439 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 560.130631 seconds from start Jan 22 21:29:17 Docile php-fpm[9142]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 26838 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.585703 seconds from start I've attached logs, if anyone can assist, thanks! docile-diagnostics-20240122-2334.zip
  5. Feature Suggestion: Have the ability to automatically add a folder for any containers not already designated to a folder to show in an "Uncategorized" folder. When all containers are removed from this folder by assigning to other containers, hide this folder.
  6. I see! I updated this and it started working as expected. I appreciate your assistance & commitment to ensuring great containers are available for us and supporting issues related to them
  7. Ah sorry! My current IP is and I can get to just fine via traceroute traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1 setup.ubnt.com ( 3.058 ms * 4.542 ms 2 ( 2.289 ms 2.838 ms 3.330 ms 3 docile ( 3.737 ms 2.480 ms 2.902 ms Is there anything within the container locking down access to the LAN_NETWORK or something similar? Update: I set my webtop container to the same network as the host ( and verified I was unable to access it there either. Update 2: I set my webtop container to the bestitpros network, and I can access it here via in the container. Now I'm really wondering if there is an allowance or something for the WebUI
  8. I'm attempting to connect to Here's my running container: Here's the message I get when attempting to load the site:
  9. I'm having this same issue, were you able to resolve this? If not, I'd appreciate any assistance, I've followed https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md for the attached log file. supervisord.log
  10. Hello Community, Appreciate any assistance on the below. I'm replacing a data drive on my UNRAID host, due to one having 'Reallocated sector count' of 8. I've got the new drive, pre-cleared it, and I am wondering if I can replace the drive without rebuilding parity. Is there a way I can copy the data from the existing disk 3 to the new drive before replacing it in the array so that I'm not having to re-read from all the disks? I'm thinking I can stop the array, add the new disk to the array, use unBALANCE to copy all the data to the new disk, and then remove the old. Will this work? Appreciate it!
  11. Check came back clear, guess I needed to run one after the correction check to get the number to update. Thanks!
  12. I've started another one, I'll update once it completes. Thanks!
  13. Hey! I'm seeing a ton of errors in UNRIAD, this server did have a unclean shutdown although I've ran a correction check without change. Could someone tell me if these are of concern or how to clear these? Thanks! Update 1: Correction Parity Check Completed last on 2/16 at 07:16:44 AM PST docile-diagnostics-20230217-1051.zip
  14. Not sure if this has been noted here before but wanted to note it for myself and anyone else who comes accross it If you're trying to use MariaDB and it's just looping through the boot Verify you've named your database to photoprism, it doens't have an option for the database name but creating that database instead of what I had before resolved it.
  15. I haven't experienced this issue after reinstalling so I'm assuming that may have resolved it.
  16. I'll keep an eye out for this, just so you're aware, in case this is related to unraid-api, I was able to reboot the server and regain normal functionality until 12-24 hours later it started doing this original issue.
  17. I appreciate you taking a look ljm42 Unfortunately, I did reboot and uninstall the My Servers plugin so this doens't provide any output root@Apollo:~# cat /var/log/unraid-api/crash.json cat: /var/log/unraid-api/crash.json: No such file or directory I just reinstalled, verified it was connected before and after sign in, and Activated flash backup I'm still getting the "Failed to sync flash backup" The crash.json is also still empty I went ahead and rebooted for good measure After the reboot verified still connected, and no change, when hitting the Update button it just reloads the page and loads "Failed to sync flash backup" I had previously posted my gitflash & diagnostics on this thread, not sure if that might have what you were looking for. If not then I'll see if this happens again tomorrow after reinstalling and if so, should the crash.json be there after reboot? Or should I collect that log while it's affected if possible? Appreciate your time.
  18. Seems you agree it may have been due to the My Servers plugin, would this be more appropriate in the "My Servers Plugin Support", and can you move it there or should I re-create there? Thanks!
  19. Hello! I noticed here recently, especially after installing the "My Servers" plugin (But I'm not sure if that's caused it, I've uninstalled it for now and will see if I continue to get this), I've been having issues with my UNRAID server. This has been happening every day, when I go to the Main tab it doesn't really show my disks correctly, and I have the "undefined: undefined" error you see in the screenshot. I attempted to pull the Diagnostics but was unable to as it just wouldn't finish loading. I've pulled the syslog, and there are errors, but I'm not really sure if any of them are pointing to the issue or not. Could anyone take a look and let me know if you see anything specific you think could be causing this behavior? Appreciate any time and all the effort of the community UNRAID Syslog
  20. Wanted to tag along with reporting my issues, I'm sure they're all similar I verified I can see my server under My Servers on here I've attached my /var/log/gitflash file Seems I keep getting the below [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). I wanted to note, I updated the plugin and then rebooted, uptime is below root@Apollo:~# uptime 13:14:47 up 10 min, 1 user, load average: 2.17, 3.94, 2.57 My server is also not currently showing connected to the mothership, but shows online on the Unraid form. Update: After running "unraid-api restart" it's now showing connected to the mothership on the dropdown but still same error, "Failed to sync flash backup" I also get the below error, like d3rax. root@Apollo:~# ssh backup.unraid.net [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). apollo-diagnostics-20220902-1557.zip gitflash
  21. Heyo, I just setup Glances and I can access the webui but the RX & TX for the Containers is showing NaNb, anyone know how to get this to properly display the RX/TX? I've noticed it for Plex which is currently set to Host networking, the Glances docker is set to a Proxynet I've setup for my swag container.
  22. Heyo, Attempted to view some Plex items today and I'm getting an error in the log "PMS: failure detected. Read/write access is required for path: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server" I have my /config mounted to /mnt/disks/Plex_SSD/ which is an drive mounted by unassigned devices (This is mounted as RW/Slave in the template) I went into that drive and set the Library permissions to 777 and applied recursively Here's some screenshots of the permissions and docker log Edit: Found that the drive I was using for Plex was full.
  23. Heyo, I just installed this and love the interface. I wanted to put some custom CSS but when I went to create the assets on the Theme page it said " file does not exist" looked in the docker log and it says " [31mERRO[0m[0026] sending error response for /api/theme/create: file does not exist [31mcode[0m=0 [31mdevice[0m="map[arch:amd64 num_cpu:8]" [31mmethod[0m=GET [31mos[0m="map[name:linux]" [31mruntime[0m="map[go_maxprocs:8 go_numcgocalls:9458 go_numroutines:19 name:go version:go1.14.9]" [31mtype[0m=handlers [31murl[0m=/api/theme/create" This says we need SASS installed and in $PATH https://docs.statping.com/ Anyone aware of how to do that or could we make this change to the docker? Thanks!
  24. Take a look at You could also get the amazing Docker Folder plugin and add a button from the folder to the item
  25. Does anyone know how to install the "Extended Personal Media Scanner" to this docker container? I used the terminal from the docker to place that .py script into the "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Scanners/Series/Extended Personal Media Scanner.py" folder but it's not installing. I also attempted in placing it in "appdata\binhex-plex\Plex Media Server\Scanners\Series" but still nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
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