Cpt. Chaz

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Everything posted by Cpt. Chaz

  1. does anyone have a good site for gpu rom files to use in the vm passthrough? i've got an AMD rx 580 4gb GPU that i tried to passthrough on a new BigSur VM and not having any luck (vm works fine otherwise), wanted to try a different rom file and see if that makes any difference. i previously tried this one from Tech Power Up
  2. thanks for this @sreknob! i've updated the original post to reflect your contributions 🙂
  3. just a heads up for anyone transcoding to ram, an 8gb movie file will use 8gb of ram. 3 workers transcoding 8gb movie files at once will use 24gb of ram. an insufficient amount of ram will cause transcode failures, so if you're in short supply, try dropping the number of workers, or it may be the best case is to transcode to a cache disk or unassigned SSD instead. Also, if you do wanna try transcoding to ram and you don't want unmanic to use it all, you can set the path to /dev/shm which allocates only 50% of the ram. you can also decrease unmanics CPU priority by adding --cpu-shares=2 to the extra parameters field in the container.
  4. it's in the same place, just in a "hidden" folder, ie mnt/user/appdata/unmanic/.unmanic in terminal, navigate to the unmanic appdata folder and run ls -a and you'll see it. if using a file browser in windows / mac, enable hidden files and folders respectively
  5. @Josh.5 i'm familiar with the basics of ffmpeg, but wondering if you can clarify use on the advanced options in this container for me a little bit. the command example shown uses input and output file paths, so does that mean that these additional options only work on a per file basis? can more than one at a time be entered in? if it's not on a per file basis, how does one override the unmanic defaults for all files? thx
  6. Do you have a link to the post you're referring to?
  7. Xabi, Typically the forums stay chatty, but occasionally some slip through. Assuming it's not too late, let me offer my $.02 1. First off i have to say that i don't game with my rig. i also run my server(s) headless, so 98% of the time I access from a browser on another computer. That said, i found what looks like a good tutorial by none other than spaceinvader one on youtube that shows exactly how to do it all with one machine. If you are limited to accessing the unraid UI from only one computer (assuming the computer running the server and the VMs) keep in mind that unraid can also be accessed by phone browsers. 2. This is totally subjective. depends on how many parity drives you want, what size drives you have/ want, and your storage needs. 8 seems like plenty of sata ports to me, especially if you happen to have any m.2 ports, or spare pci ports to run your cache drives on. 3. yes, you can pass through onboard USB ports. depending on how many you have, you may need to break up their iommu groupings to pass through certain ones. this can be slightly tedious if you're new to unraid and spaceinvader one again has a good tutorial on this here. however, given the cheap cost of pci usb cards, it may just be easier to pass through one of these cards and dedicate it to your VM 4. my experience of passthrough on these is that it's pretty straight forward. Just make sure to install all the necessary virt io linux drivers on the windows VM for the sound to work - it won't work right out of the gate. See spaceinvader here again. This can seem daunting to a new user setting up. it will take an investment of time if you're learning all this on the fly, but don't be afraid to reach out to the support forums (which generally offer a faster response time that what you got here) and utilize the great resource of spaceinvader's tutorials on youtube. i and many others would tell you that once you get started and rolling on unraid, you'll never look back. good luck!
  8. open unraid terminal (or ssh, etc) and use the "cd" command like so: cd /tmp/user/scripts/tmpScripts/xxx/ be sure to use capitals when necessary. If the script log is short, you can use the "cat" command to view directly in terminal window like so: cat /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/xxx/xxx.txt (or if you used the "cd" command to navigate to the directory already, use:) cat xxx.txt If the log is too long to view its contents entirely in the terminal, you can copy the log to an easier to access location, such as a folder on the array, and open with a notepad app to view the whole log, like so: cp /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/xxx/xxx.txt /insert/destination/path/here hope this helps
  9. for anyone experience something close to this, i downgraded to docker tag "pihole/pihole:release-v4.3.4" and i've got the UI back, and everything seems to be back in working order. This release uses pi-hole version v4.3.5, webui v4.3.3 and ftl v4.3.1 edit: @eubbenhadd try pulling this docker tag and see if it helps
  10. wow, this is what i was coming here for too! my scripts are starting to stack up, would love to be able to organize them in a folder type structure. i.e. array scripts, backup scripts, VM scripts, etc. Goes without saying, Squid, great plugin for sure.
  11. "No you fool, we're following orders!" haha!
  12. generally speaking, yeah i think rsync is one way. a quick google looks like some people have set up a 2 way sync with some trickery, but ymmv. could you be more specific about your specific use case? i'm asking because, if the main usecase is for pushing remotely available drive storage, then there are other solutions. you mentioned syncing your photos remotely with onedrive earlier - this seems like a perfect job for nextcloud, also negating the use of a cloud storage provider. I sync all my photos remotely (via ios app or web browser) and locally on my nextcloud instance hosted on my server.
  13. i think most do. however, this method calls the native (and manual) zipped flash backup script. it let's you save multiple dated, zipped files instead of a single unzipped backup of the files. i too use the CA appdata backup, and it's handy if you ever just need to restore a single file from the flash backup. But trying to reinstall fresh from an unzipped backup has it's own challenges. I recently found myself in a bind with this, hence the inspiration for the script to save "snapshots" of zipped flash backups 😀
  14. nice work @nitewolfgtr! I had originally tried to modify the actual zip script so that it would just backup and zip to $dir, but after a couple of failed attempts, i was out of my depth with it. So then i took to writing the second script, and never occurred to me to call the original script within it. sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. hopefully the rest of it works well for you!
  15. video is a few years old now, but should get you pretty close
  16. EDIT: 12/16/2020, a new and cleaner script based in part on suggestions in this forum has been outlined my updated post here. After looking and not finding anything, i've figured out a clunky way to automate the flash zip backup process using the user scripts plugin, so i thought i'd share it. It also has an option to remove old backups that i'll explain. There are a few steps involved to set it up, and the script itself is rudimentary, but ultimately it seems to get the job done. i'll lay it out in steps below for anyone interested. i'm still new to scripting and linux in general, so I invite anyone to offer input, if they find problems, refine, polish, make changes, etc. ***Full disclosure, i only have this running on my test server right now, but so far seems to be successful without any issues! for anyone that decides to try, MANUALLY BACKUP YOUR FLASH DRIVE FIRST BEFORE TRYING. if you are at all nervous or unfamiliar, please don't try this - i don't assume any liability here for data loss. Use at your own risk, this is still a work in progress. Here are the steps: 1. the unraid flash zip script is located in #/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts open with proper text editor, then simply copy and paste into a new user script (via the user script plugin) and save it as something like "unraid flash to zip". 2. (If you're running unraid version 6.9b30, skip this step and go down to 2A) in the user script plugin, create another new script called "Flash Zip Backup" and paste in the following: #!/bin/bash #dir = WHATEVER FOLDER PATH YOU WANT TO SAVE TO dir=/insert/your/path/here echo 'Remove symlink from emhttp' find /usr/local/emhttp/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*flash-backup-*.zip' -delete sleep 5 echo 'Move Flash Zip Backup from Root to Backup Destination' mv /*-flash-backup-*.zip "$dir" sleep 5 echo 'Deleting Old Backups' #ENTER NUMERIC VALUE OF DAYS AFTER "-MTIME +" find $dir* -mtime +30 -exec rm -rfv {} \; echo 'All Done' 2A. #!/bin/bash #dir = WHATEVER FOLDER PATH YOU WANT TO SAVE TO dir=/insert/your/path/here echo 'Remove symlink from emhttp' find /usr/local/emhttp/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*flash-backup-*.zip' -delete sleep 5 echo 'Move Flash Zip Backup from Root to Backup Destination' mv /mnt/user/system/*-flash-backup-*.zip "$dir" sleep 5 echo 'Deleting Old Backups' #ENTER NUMERIC VALUE OF DAYS AFTER "-MTIME +" find $dir* -mtime +30 -exec rm -rfv {} \; echo 'All Done' Before saving here, make sure you change the "dir" path to your backup destination. i'd advise something off of the array to a remote share or unassigned disk (via the unassigned device plugin), but it can be anywhere you like. 3. This script also removes backup files after a certain number of days. On the second to last line, the "+30" stands for "30 days or more", so the script will remove files in the given directory that are 30 days or older. Adjust this number to anything you like, i.e. 14, 60, etc. (I have this set to run once a week, so 30 works for me). Once you've entered the dir path and the number of days, you can save the script. 4. Let's set a cron time for these two scripts to run a little smoother. For the first script, "unraid flash to zip", in the user scripts page i scheduled it for Mondays at 1:00pm, so 0 13 * * mon is the entry for that. For the second script, "Flash Zip Backup", i have it set to run five minutes later, so it's 5 13 * * mon. These times can be adjusted to run whenever you like, but obviously the "unraid flash to zip" script must run first before " Flash Zip Backup". Be sure to hit apply on the bottom left of the user scripts page to save before exiting. And that's it! You can manually run the scripts if you want, verify the flash.zip in your backup directory, make sure everything is working. Again, if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know. I know there's more than one way to skin a cat with linux commands, this is just how i landed with it. EDIT: It seems @nitewolfgtr was able to combine steps 1 & 2 into a single script here. I haven't tried it yet but it looks good EDIT 2: @sreknob helpfully pointed out on 6.9b30 that backups are now stored in /mnt/user/system/. An alternative Step 2A has been provided for users running this script. Have to point out again, that nothing is definite in this script and great care should be taken when implementing new steps. Thanks so far for everyone contributing!
  17. for streaming and sharing to multiple users running multiple client devices (remote and local), plex is hard to beat imo. i found emby clunky and much less refined than plex. might consider jellyfin someday if they ever put an app out for roku and appletv. ymmv
  18. recently had to do a fresh install of unraid, and incidentally lost all my user scripts (as they're stored on flash). So, i wrote a simple script to backup user scripts to the array in my backups destination. flash path should be the same for everyone (unless you manually changed it), you'll just need to adjust destination path accordingly. Maybe somebody can find it useful. #!/bin/bash dir=/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/ echo 'Copying Scripts' rsync -avh $dir /your/backup/destination/path chmod -R 777 /your/backup/destination/path echo 'all good' Cheers!
  19. i'm here with the same problem, and a virtually identical log, except my pihole is set to i'm also not able to access web ui at all I've seen where some people said to try chmod'ing the appdata folder, i tried it to no avail. i've also tried reverting back to v4.1 and chmod'ing, still no luck. my unraid network settings have DNS pointing to -> (pihole) and then -> I've had it working fine for about a year until recently i needed to do a fresh install and haven't gotten it working since then. here's a picture of the container settings, would love it if anyone could help us out with this
  20. fortunately yes, i'm up and running now. i've learned i need to be better prepared for this though. do you know of a good automated way to backup a copy of the flash zip off-array?
  21. wow, found my flash backup. i *thought i had made a backup before i made changes. when i looked for it i didn't see it, and thought it didn't stick. turns out it had. rookie move. thanks for the knowledge though @mkfelidae! crisis averted