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Remote SMB share


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Hi @coblck! Thanks for your kind words. As for your issue, now that I can see a little more, my first idea for troubleshooting this would be to see if you can mount one of the other folders listed on that same machine ie Downloads. If you can map it and mount it, that at least narrows the problem down specifically to the google drive folder. 

if you cannot mount one of the other folders, that would tell us it’s a broader networking issue. Hopefully doing this will make the answer more clear to us, and if we still hit a wall we can link over to the UAD support thread with your logs and let dlandon take a look. Keep us posted!

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Hi ive tried mounting all shares and none work 😒, but ive managed to get it to work if i put in ip address on my pc and share mounts ok then.  Ive followed the rest of the video and rsync backup fine, im backing up the plex data as shown from your other video to my G drive now as well so i have an off site copy.


Edited by coblck
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On 4/8/2021 at 2:46 AM, Masterwishx said:

If you mount GDrive smb mounted to some Ip, then you need it to be online when using backup right? Is any way to mount GDrive shared folder to unraid share. And then to make backup to GDrive? 


hi @Masterwishx! that's correct, when mounting gdrive using remote smb, the host machine with the google drive application must be online for unraid to find and use it. there are some containers in community applications that allow you to access your gdrive, but after looking at one or two of them, i was not impressed with the security work arounds incorporated by the containers. in fact, one container author even offered full disclosure that his private server was used to handle some of the traffic involved. while i appreciate that disclosure, i felt it was too insecure. for now, i still think this is the best/ safest method.

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On 4/12/2021 at 5:16 AM, Cpt. Chaz said:

hi @Masterwishx! that's correct, when mounting gdrive using remote smb, the host machine with the google drive application must be online for unraid to find and use it. there are some containers in community applications that allow you to access your gdrive, but after looking at one or two of them, i was not impressed with the security work arounds incorporated by the containers. in fact, one container author even offered full disclosure that his private server was used to handle some of the traffic involved. while i appreciate that disclosure, i felt it was too insecure. for now, i still think this is the best/ safest method.


Thanks for great videos , and your script backup, im using now script backup to unnasigned device, and to smb share from my Main Comp but only source IP smb share work, when im using source NAME that smb share can see it but when mounting, its cant find it .... 😞

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24 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:


Thanks for great videos , and your script backup, im using now script backup to unnasigned device, and to smb share from my Main Comp but only source IP smb share work, when im using source NAME that smb share can see it but when mounting, its cant find it .... 😞

thanks for your kind words @Masterwishx. if you don't want to use the ip address to mount remote smb share, you best bet will be to ask for some help troubleshooting the unassigned device plugin in that specific support forum here.

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