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[Support] C4artZ Templates


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Just now, ice pube said:

I added the top line to my config file per the instructions, but I keep getting this error


2021-03-05T16:20:10.068Z vault:message Loading "/config/config.json"...
2021-03-05T16:20:10.071Z vault:error ERROR when loading config, please fix it. Run your file through a linter before trying again (search for 'JSON/YAML linter' online).
2021-03-05T16:20:10.071Z vault:error Unexpected string in JSON at position 101


I edited the json file using notepad++ on my windows vm and then copied it back to the config dir in appdata

Your JSON syntax is invalid. Make sure it starts after the first "{" and there is a comma after the closing } of "search". It should be indented the same as the entry below it. Sorry, poor choice of words by me. I will change the template description.

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19 minutes ago, C4ArtZ said:

Your JSON syntax is invalid. Make sure it starts after the first "{" and there is a comma after the closing } of "search". It should be indented the same as the entry below it. Sorry, poor choice of words by me. I will change the template description.

Thanks, does this look right? Sorry my coding skills are non-existent. 




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2 minutes ago, ice pube said:

Thanks, does this look right? Sorry my coding skills are non-existent. 




Almost. You're missing the comma after "auth" : null } and you should probably format it like I have below. PV might still complain if you don't format it exactly like it expects.

It should look like this:

  "search": {
    "host": "",
    "log": false,
    "version": "7.x",
    "auth": null
  "auth": {
    "password": null
  "binaries": {
    "ffmpeg": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg",
    "ffprobe": "/usr/bin/ffprobe",


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On 3/4/2021 at 12:03 PM, C4ArtZ said:

Release 0.26 seems to break the Elasticsearch integration. When the template was created, Elasticsearch was optional. I have updated the template to only target /porn-vault:porn-vault:0.25.0-alpine. (Thank you @DenizenEvil!) You should be able to get the new template in about 2 hours from now. I would recommend removing the old container + image from your server before downloading the new one. All your data should be in the persistent share you specified. I will try release 0.26 again in a week or two.

0.25.0 and earlier used a custom search engine, but there was no point in maintaining it, as it didn't scale reliably and wasn't future proof. So there's no point in installing Elasticsearch for that version, however 0.26.0 requires Elasticsearch, and all future versions will do so. I recommend using a docker-compose with the official Elasticsearch image (version 7.x), but it can be hosted in any way on any machine that can be communicated with.

I also recommend not sleeping on 0.26, as it has better startup times, faster and better searching, more features, bugfixes and will be the way forward.

Edited by boi12321
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@C4ArtZ Please see the edit in my prior comment. It shows how to fix the issue with PornVault not being able to connect to an Elasticsearch container. You can revert the change to target the latest PornVault version. Reverting to the 0.25.0 version was only a temporary workaround to figure out the root cause. There was no issue with PornVault, it was the communication issue between the containers and the unRAID host due to the macvlan option being dissabled by default.


@boi12321 As far as I know, unRAID unfortunately doesn't support officially docker-compose. The two easier options are to either do what I recommended with enabling the macvlan and using a custom br0 network or baking Elasticsearch into the image used in the unRAID template, the latter of which I believe to be bad practice. I'd go with the macvlan option.


If someone wants to use docker-compose, there are apparently some ways to work around it, but it's hacky at best.

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On 3/5/2021 at 10:22 AM, SLNetworks said:

Tried it for shits n giggles. Docker app stops as soon as it's started. Installed Elasticsearch, added the code, the script. Same result. The first release worked, nothing since.


See my edit on page 1. You need to enable the docker containers to talk to each other with the macvlan option. You may need to also create and use a custom br0 network (maybe not necessary, did not test).

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On 3/7/2021 at 5:56 PM, DenizenEvil said:


See my edit on page 1. You need to enable the docker containers to talk to each other with the macvlan option. You may need to also create and use a custom br0 network (maybe not necessary, did not test).

If you read carefully, it's not an issue with ElasticSearch. My issue is with the container stopping as soon as I start it.

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I have the link to ElasticSearch in place, coded properly. Logs say ElasticSearch "isn't running," but I can view the web page of information from it with no issue.

Again. This indicates that you didn’t read my instructions. The containers can not communicate because unRAID disables inter-container traffic by default. Either put them on a custom br0 or enable macvlan.

This is the solution that I posted earlier.
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ElasticSearch craps out now when I assign a dedicated IP address to it. Doesn't even generate any logs. I can watch the CPU & memory load bounce around a bit, and then nothing.
The original release of PV worked great. I had zero issues with it. I wonder what kinda dev environment @C4ArtZ has to get things to work for him.

Then you must have a setting wrong with your custom br0 network. ElasticSearch would only fail to start if the parameters sent to Docker are bad. Edit the template and click Save. Check the docker command that’s generated by the template and verify that it’s good.
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11 hours ago, SLNetworks said:

Do you use the "Custom br0" network type option? That's what I gathered by your post on the first page.


You need to check that your custom network for br0 is enabled first. Stop Docker and enable Advanced View in the Settings tab. You should see "IPv4 custom network on interface br0 (optional)". The subnet box should be checked and you should see your LAN subnet here. Enable the option that says "Host access to custom networks" to enable the macvlan. You may also need to ensure bridging is enabled on your NIC in Network Settings and that your connected NICs are members of br0. Re-enable Docker.


If you enable macvlan, you do not need to use the custom br0 network. If you use the custom br0 network and want any other containers in bridge to connect to any containers on the br0 network (e.g. a reverse proxy to serve PornVault), you need to enable macvlan. To get PornVault and Elasticsearch talking to each other, either macvlan or br0 need to be used. If you need bridge <--> br0 communication, macvlan must be enabled.


Once Docker is back up and running, check your Elasticsearch container and move it to the br0 network if not already there if choosing this method. You need to make sure nothing else on unRAID is listening on ports 9200 and 9300. Move PornVault to the br0 network as well if going that way. When you move the containers to the different networks, you'll want to set some static IPs for them. After that, edit the config.json for PornVault and point the search host to http://<ELASTICSEARCHIP>:9200.


If you just enable macvlan and don't want to use the br0 network, change the search host to http://elasticsearch:9200 or whatever the Elasticsearch container name is. Alternatively, you might need to use, which should be default.

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9 hours ago, Sjjang08 said:

after installation PV can find my files and add them but it wont automatically add actors and labels.  Is this due to some elasticsearch problem? Also I cant seem to get plugins to work can someone make a guide for how to add plug ins. Thanks


If something is not working, look in log entries. Labels are correctly being automatically added for me. I did not test actors.

Plugin instructions are right on the GitHub:https://github.com/porn-vault/porn-vault/blob/dev/doc/plugins_intro.md

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Giving this a try but I think I have tried all steps to get elasticsearch working with PV but can't. Don't know if I've just missed an obvious step but not getting any errors or seeing anything in the log referencing it either.


Have followed both notes in the docker templates.


This is at the top of my config

  "search": {
    "host": "",
    "log": false,
    "version": "7.x",
    "auth": null
  "auth": {
    "password": null


(Have also tried  "host": "http://elasticsearch:9200")

I also have 'Host access to custom networks:' now enabled . Both tried in custom: br0 network with separate IP's before setting this.


Could anyone advice on anything else that may be the cause?

Many Thanks

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13 hours ago, DenizenEvil said:

You should be seeing something in the logs if there's an error. What does your log file output when starting the container?

Is your Elasticsearch server working? Going to the URL in a browser should provide output to verify it's working.

Does PornVault come up? Does it crash? What is happening?

Can access both ElasticSearch and PornVault without any issues, would there be anyway to see if . Log below after trying with newer repository, I do get some warnings now, but i guess that the files are over limit?


but also now "vault:error {"


2021-03-21T16:04:21.058Z vault:message Max. memory: 8119 MB
2021-03-21T16:04:21.058Z vault:message Loading "/config/config.json"...
2021-03-21T16:04:21.062Z vault:message Registered plugins: []
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message FFMPEG set to "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message FFPROBE set to "/usr/bin/ffprobe"
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message Check https://github.com/boi123212321/porn-vault for discussion & updates
2021-03-21T16:04:21.103Z vault:message Server running on port 3000
2021-03-21T16:04:21.104Z vault:warn Creating backup in /config/backups/kmjcor8v...
- Loading DB...
- Compacting DB...
✔ Compacted DB
✔ Loading DB...
- Building scenes index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of scenes done in 0.078s.
- Building actors index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of actors done in 0.001s.
- Building movies index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of movies done in 0.001s.
- Building studios index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of studios done in 0.001s.
- Building images index... ETA: calculating...
2021-03-21T16:04:21.058Z vault:message Max. memory: 8119 MB
2021-03-21T16:04:21.058Z vault:message Loading "/config/config.json"...
2021-03-21T16:04:21.062Z vault:message Registered plugins: []
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message FFMPEG set to "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message FFPROBE set to "/usr/bin/ffprobe"
2021-03-21T16:04:21.063Z vault:message Check https://github.com/boi123212321/porn-vault for discussion & updates
2021-03-21T16:04:21.103Z vault:message Server running on port 3000
2021-03-21T16:04:21.104Z vault:warn Creating backup in /config/backups/kmjcor8v...
- Loading DB...
- Compacting DB...
✔ Compacted DB
✔ Loading DB...
- Building scenes index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of scenes done in 0.078s.
- Building actors index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of actors done in 0.001s.
- Building movies index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of movies done in 0.001s.
- Building studios index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of studios done in 0.001s.
- Building images index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of images done in 0.374s.
- Building markers index... ETA: calculating...
✔ Index build of markers done in 0.003s.

│ │
│ Open http://localhost:3000/ │
│ │

7[r[999;999H[6n82021-03-21T16:04:22.060Z vault:message Scanning folders...
2021-03-21T16:04:22.060Z vault:message Scanning /videos for videos...
- Scanned 0 videos
✔ /videos done (17 videos)
2021-03-21T16:04:22.077Z vault:warn Queued 0 new videos for further processing.
2021-03-21T16:04:22.077Z vault:success Video scan done.
2021-03-21T16:04:22.077Z vault:warn Reading images on import is disabled.
2021-03-21T16:04:22.077Z vault:message Scanning /images for images...
- Scanned 0 images
2021-03-21T16:04:22.078Z vault:success No more videos to process.
2021-03-21T16:04:27.444Z vault:error {

"methodName": "constructor"
2021-03-21T16:04:27.445Z vault:error Failed to add image '/images/043.jpg'.

2021-03-21T16:04:32.904Z vault:error {

"methodName": "constructor"
2021-03-21T16:04:32.905Z vault:error Failed to add image '/images/29vt5k.jpg'.

2021-03-21T16:04:36.535Z vault:error {

"methodName": "constructor"
2021-03-21T16:04:36.536Z vault:error Failed to add image '/images/2fond9.jpg'.

✔ /images done
2021-03-21T16:04:36.633Z vault:warn Added 3 new images
2021-03-21T16:04:36.651Z vault:message Next scan at 3/21/2021, 12:04:36 PM


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The error looks like it's unrelated to Elasticsearch. It looks like PornVault is able to connect to Elasticsearch perfectly fine.

It's failing to add some images, but the logging is not very helpful at only "info" level.

You can enable debug mode by starting the container with the environment variable PV_LOG_LEVEL set to "debug" or 5.

That might give more useful debug messages.

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1 hour ago, DenizenEvil said:

The error looks like it's unrelated to Elasticsearch. It looks like PornVault is able to connect to Elasticsearch perfectly fine.

It's failing to add some images, but the logging is not very helpful at only "info" level.

You can enable debug mode by starting the container with the environment variable PV_LOG_LEVEL set to "debug" or 5.

That might give more useful debug messages.

Ok, is that done through the container? Like so?



I don't appear to get any extra info in the log that way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/6/2021 at 9:00 AM, SLNetworks said:

I did a bunch of voodoo on my server. PV has been working well with Elasticsearch. I did notice the lack of *.mov and *.mkv support, however.


Also doesn't play well with large JPG files

Support for video formats other than .mp4 will be added in the next version (currently in beta).

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