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[Support] Marzel - Remotely

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remotely.pngRemotely Docker Support Thread

Application Name: Remotely

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/immybot/remotely

Github: https://github.com/immense/Remotely


Application Description: 


A remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET 6, Blazor, and SignalR Core.


If you have any problems or questions, send me a message or write a post in this support thread.


This is my first support thread, so if I have missed anything, please let me know.




Immense Networks is the proud new owner of Remotely. We intend to keep Remotely fully open-source.

I (Darren Kattan) had followed this project since the moment Jared shared it on r/msp years ago. While Jared was writing Remotely, we were writing our own tool for MSPs called ImmyBot, primarily focused on automation and software deployment. Jared and I had similar goals and he felt that we would be good custodians of the project.

ImmyBot experienced explosive growth this year and we only have 4 developers which is why there hasn't been much activity here. We did a big push earlier this year to build an integration between Remotely and ImmyBot but ran into some technical challenges trying to keep only one agent on machines, but we don't want to cannibalize Remotely for the gain of ImmyBot. We want to keep Remotely fully operable as a standalone project. When we resume this initiate later this year, you will likely abstraction of the Remotely.Desktop code into a shared library that can be consumed by Remotely as well as other agents like ImmyBot.


I have updated the links and the template. Also have a look at the repository, there are some explanations, among others how to create the first user.

Edited by Marzel
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I just got this installed and trying to get it set up behind my reverse porxy swag. And I can not seem to get the config right an ideas on what the config should look like I tried the sample one from GitHub and copying one of my working config from another docker.

Edited by brownkurts
Miss spelling
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Ok I get it working if anybody else has this issues this is my config I took out my IP of my server but you just imput you server local IP and this should work if you using the sawg docker to access this remote


server {
    listen        443;
    server_name   remotely.*;
    location / {
        proxy_pass         http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header   Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   Connection keep-alive;
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    location /_blazor {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /AgentHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /ViewerHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /CasterHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    

  • Like 1
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On 5/6/2021 at 8:19 PM, brownkurts said:

the update for me broke my install and rest the docker. It started over with a new config. The PC I had setup are gone and it gave me a new Organization ID.

There was somewhere the info that you need to copy the settings and a db file out of the the container, and after updating/upgrading, back in manually. But I can't find this information no more. As it seems they removed the links to the docker information from their website, too. Hopefully they are working on a better docker support so at least you can have the necessary files in the /config dir to map them out of the Docker.

I have tried to map /var/www/remotely/ where it seems the config files are stored on my own but this doesn't work.

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22 hours ago, Moppen said:

There was somewhere the info that you need to copy the settings and a db file out of the the container, and after updating/upgrading, back in manually. But I can't find this information no more. As it seems they removed the links to the docker information from their website, too. Hopefully they are working on a better docker support so at least you can have the necessary files in the /config dir to map them out of the Docker.

I have tried to map /var/www/remotely/ where it seems the config files are stored on my own but this doesn't work.

Ok thanks for the info I look into that. Hope they figure a way out for the docker to do this when an update is ran. but for know I look in what I need to backup for now.

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Hi all,


I have just updated my Remotly container. The update went through without any problems and my settings were not reset either.


Files that are important:


  • appsettings.json

The server will use this new file for reading/writing its settings, and it won't be overwritten by future upgrades.

  • Remotely.db

By default, SQLite is used for the database.
The "Remotely.db" database file is automatically created in the root folder of your site.


Both files are now located in appdata/remotly by default.


More info about the update can be found at Github.

Edited by Marzel
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I tried installing remotely today, however when starting the container it just stops after

Entered main script.
Starting Remotely server.


The same thing happens when manually creating it with the docker-compose.yml


Is something broken or am I forgetting something here?



I checked it today again, apparently it works now. Maybe setup just took very long or something even though it's a fast cpu and storage. It seemed inactive yesterday.

Edited by kraai
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  • 4 weeks later...
15 hours ago, rain3x said:

For the life of me, I cannot get this running behind Nginx Proxy Manager. Does anybody happen to have a working setup behind NPM that they would be willing to share?


I'm using NPM and it works for me. Do you get any Errors? Where are you stuck?

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On 6/12/2021 at 5:16 AM, Marzel said:


I'm using NPM and it works for me. Do you get any Errors? Where are you stuck?

I'm not at work so I don't have access to that unRAID instance, but currently I'm getting a CloudFlare 502 or  NPM bad gateway.

NPM settings:
http, (unraid IP) port 5000

Websocket support enabled, Block Common Exploits enabled, and everything on the SSL tab enabled.

I should've included all this in my response initially but I was frustrated from toying with it for a long while. When I get back to work on Monday I will updated with any further relevant logs and information.


I appreciate your willingness to help. When I got to work today, it just worked fine. I didn't change anything and it didn't work on Friday. No idea. Thank you though, very much appreciated for your time.

Edited by rain3x
Additional information
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  • 3 weeks later...



Under downloads tab "Installable Instant Support Clients" I am see 

"Must be built from source to target specific server URL"


When I download the file it and attempt to install it i get the error

"An error occurred trying to download ''."


I have looked all through the settings and i do not see where I can update the url to download the file. 

Edited by khadley
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On 6/27/2021 at 5:39 PM, khadley said:



Under downloads tab "Installable Instant Support Clients" I am see 

"Must be built from source to target specific server URL"


When I download the file it and attempt to install it i get the error

"An error occurred trying to download ''."


I have looked all through the settings and i do not see where I can update the url to download the file. 



I also am looking for this answer. There is very little documentation on this process, and the author's github page says it s required to fork the repo so it compiles with your personal info included. There has to be a way to make this happen without these steps.

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On 6/30/2021 at 10:32 AM, Steve-0 said:



I also am looking for this answer. There is very little documentation on this process, and the author's github page says it s required to fork the repo so it compiles with your personal info included. There has to be a way to make this happen without these steps.

I did see the instructions. I was hoping for an easier solution. I will try and run through the directions when i have time


Edit: I see now that instructions are for when you install on a new server. Unless someone else wants to help out I dont see how it is done during the docker installer.

Edited by khadley
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On 6/12/2021 at 5:16 AM, Marzel said:


I'm using NPM and it works for me. Do you get any Errors? Where are you stuck?

Okay, back again with a new issue. I have the domain working correctly but none of the buttons on the organization page work through the domain. They work fine if I access it through the local IP. For example, when I visit remote.example.com and go to Organization and type in "Test" to the add new device group, then click add - nothing happens. Same with reset password, delete group etc. None of those buttons work now. Do you happen to have any config under advanced on NPM?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/5/2021 at 2:12 PM, brownkurts said:

Ok I get it working if anybody else has this issues this is my config I took out my IP of my server but you just imput you server local IP and this should work if you using the sawg docker to access this remote


server {
    listen        443;
    server_name   remotely.*;
    location / {
        proxy_pass         http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header   Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   Connection keep-alive;
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    location /_blazor {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /AgentHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /ViewerHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    
    location /CasterHub {    
        proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280;    
        proxy_http_version 1.1;    
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";    
        proxy_set_header Host $host;    
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;    


#shorter version that works


server {
    listen        443 ssl http2;
    server_name   remotely.yourdomain.com*; #or whatever you want the URL to be
    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;
    location / {
        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
proxy_pass  http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9280; 
        set $upstream_port 443;
        set $upstream_proto https;

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  • 1 month later...

Working with NPM sitting in front of it and so far this is an awesome little project but the documentation for Unraid/docker is lacking. I am new to docker and while the tutorial makes sense I cant figure out a way to recompile the applications and "install" with the custom url for the Installer. Anyone have any thoughts or tricks?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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