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New to UNRAID : Mover Full - Not Transfering

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I'm new to unraid, but have installed a 500GB SSD for Cache. I setup a new share with my disks and the SSD was immediately filled. There are a ton or warning saying that the SSD Cache is full, but when I try to mover nothing happens. I've tried changing it to hourly, and manually selecting "move" but nothing happens. I've looked at lots of forum posts with the same issue, but none of the solutions work. I tried the Mover Tuning plugin and nothing changed. I also saw a post that said you can fix it but it's not in the GUI, then the instructions aren't clear how to fix it if you're not familiar with making changes outside the GUI. Am I doing something wrong or is this a common issue? 

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4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Share floor is set to 10TB, remove 3 zeros, or use 10G

I have 300-500GB Files, will that be a problem? For some reason I thought I have to have it half the size of the largest files (so maybe 300GB). It does seem to be moving now though! Can you help me understand why that was stopping it?


Also THANK YOU! This is very helpful

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Twice the size of largest file is often recommended. I recommend not caching for files as large as you say you have.



Unraid has no way to know how large a file will become when it chooses a disk for it. If a disk has more than Minimum, the disk can be chosen and if the file won't fit the write fails.



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56 minutes ago, unraiduser83332 said:

Any ideas why this is still not moving over?

Difficult to say, you can go to the Scheduler and enable the Mover logging.

Then launch the Mover if it is not running.


After some time, you can analyze the log to see what is happening or create a new diagnostics to share here for help.

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