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Added a drive to a share-Array operation now shows disabled--BTRFS operation is running

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Hey everybody I just stopped my array and added a drive to a share that I had setup for 28 drives but only had 24 in it so far. When I started up the array under array operation it now has the stop button greyed out and next to it it says Disabled--BTRFS operation is running. The new drive shows up as drive 25 and healthy but wont show up in the total TB %. I did a reboot to see if this would help but it doesn't seem to have. Now I have a bunch of errors on other drives. I added my syslog if this helps at all. Don't know what to do or if this is normal. 



Edited by DCcrypto
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Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.


Why are you ignoring so many SMART warnings? (though I guess since you have no parity none of those potentially bad disks can affect your ability to rebuild since you have no ability to rebuild.)

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I'm using this to put CHIA plots on. A friend of mine said I should just use all the drives to get as many plots as I can on there so that's why no parity. He said if anything messed up I could just replot. Hope that's not the case. Very new to this world but learning fast. I hope this doesn't result in my losing what plots I had on there. Everything seems to be working as far as everything that's connecting to the data on both of my shares. I have a 28 disk array and now this 25 disk share that has the errors after adding disk 25. Here is the diagnostic zip file. Thanks for any help or knowledge you can send my way. 


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I checked SMART for a few of those disks showing 👎 and they look OK so I don't know what that is about. Maybe it has to do with

1 hour ago, DCcrypto said:

BTRFS operation is running

If you mouseover that 👎for any of them it should show you what the problem is.


20 minutes ago, DCcrypto said:

this 25 disk share

This is a pool, not a share. Looks like you have a share using that pool though.


You may just have to wait on the btrfs operation to finish, it has to rebalance across all disks in the pool.



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mouse over shows

UDMA CRC error count: 1

It lets me acknowledge them and goes back to healthy. I didn't know this before. Thank you I will wait it out for awhile. In the future I have 3 more disks to add into this pool can you share the correct way to do it so I get it right the next time please. 


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6 hours ago, DCcrypto said:

When I started up the array under array operation it now has the stop button greyed out and next to it it says Disabled--BTRFS operation is running.

When you add a drive to a pool a full balance is done do data is redistributed by all devices, this can take a long time depending on the data size.

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Yep almost. lol     So what I've learned is its better to add all the drives you want into a pool right away instead of adding one after I started filling the pool with data.  Is there anyway to stop this process and take the drive out or would that mess everything up since its already started?  I am collecting up drives to start another 20 drive pool anyway. I've been having trouble with my machinaris wallet not updating since I've added this drive to the pool. 

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I would recommend using multiple pool for this, create as many as needed with 3 or 4 disks max, they can all have the same share and Chia will see all the plots with a single entry, if you use for example \mnt\user\plots, smaller pools are much easier to manege and if you lose a disk you only lose that pool, not everything.

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That makes sense. I wasn't sure how many pools I could use. Just to make sure I understand you correctly I would use pools of 3 or 4 drives and they would all be listed  on the plots line as shown here. How would I separate them? /mnt/user/ATMTWO/, /mnt/user/ATMTHREE/, /mnt/user/ATMFOUR/, /mnt/user/ATMFIVE/, and so on separated with a  comma?


For the Share you said I could make one share and each pool can use the same share name so I would fill out the above share and select All the pool under select cache pool, Will it let me select all the pools under this one share when they are all set up? And can I add pools to the share as I get more and more HD's to add in?  Thanks again for all of your time. I am taking notes and researching as you teach so your time is being spent well.

Lastly I have an array of 28 drives and a pool of 25 drives with drive 25 at 81% complete of the BTRFS running operation. Its getting there. lol   Can I split these drives up now or do I need to make new pools and move the data over before splitting them up or am I just stuck with them being bigger pools and leave them along until something happens (hopefully never) and then split them up? 


Edited by DCcrypto
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You can have multiple pools with the same share, just need to move the data there manually, since in this case data is just going to be written once and then left alone it would not be that complicated, in the docker plots entry you'd just need to specify /mnt/user/plots, and it would access all the pools containing that share (folder).

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37 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You can have multiple pools with the same share, just need to move the data there manually, since in this case data is just going to be written once and then left alone it would not be that complicated, in the docker plots entry you'd just need to specify /mnt/user/plots, and it would access all the pools containing that share (folder).

I see.


You are talking about only needing read access and exploiting the fact that UnRaid sees files in a folder with the name corresponding to the share name even on drives that are not mentioned in the Share settings.


I wonder if this might later lead to some confusion if the user ever tries to write files to that share?


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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

I wonder if this might later lead to some confusion if the user ever tries to write files to that share?

It will depend on the use cache setting for that share, if it's set for example to "cache only" and using the pool you want to write to it should even work correctly for writes, just need to remember to set it to the next pool once that one is full.

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@JorgeB my drive has gotten past 30% in the BTRFS is running  operation in unraid. If I was to restart the Unraid server right now would it start that process from scratch with a new operation starting on the latest drive I added in? The reason I'm asking is under the processor info in the unraid dashboard I'm seeing a few of the processors at 100%. just 1 at a time the rest are all in the grey area and total load is not going crazy. Thought maybe this has to do with the data moving around from the BTRFS operation. I am syncing up the wallet in machinaris at the moment as well which I believe adds so stress to the system and I'm writing about 130 plots a day to my first array, not the pool that I added the drive to. 

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