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WebGUIs errors twice today

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Hey guys, after months running perfectly, my server starts acting up.

I found it with the WebGUIs busted yesterday in the evening. I saw that I couldn't access /boot so I figured that the flashdrive dropped for some reason.

As I was moving a lot of data so I left it finish it's task since and dockers and Samba were OK. Couldn't pull diags since /boot was not there and didn't bother copying my syslog.



Today, I remotely rebooted the server when the file operation where finished.

But it failed again only a few minutes later from the log. This time, it's not an issue of the flashdrive dropping, so I grab my diagnostics.


Nothing jumped out in the logs, but my linux knowledge is quite limited. :/ Does anyone see something that could be the cause ?


I'll shut the server down in an hour or two to backup the USB and run a checkdisk on it, just in case.

In the meantime, if you think of some command to run to diagnose something, it's still possible. :) 


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Log is filled with these:


Nov  3 14:58:48 mediahub root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: uninitialized csrf_token


Not sure what they mean though, typical error is wrong csrf_token, which means multiple browser windows open, maybe try temporarily uninstalling or re-installing UD.

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31 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Not sure what they mean though, typical error is wrong csrf_token, which means multiple browser windows open, maybe try temporarily uninstalling or re-installing UD.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into UD.

But I wonder if this error the consequence of Unraid issues rather than cause. I only use UD to connect to my Syno NAS and I was still able to use the connection (that's how I recovered my diag file).


The flashdrive had no errors, but I still replaced the bzfiles just to be on the safe side. It's running fine for 12 hours now. I'll update if something comes up again or it I discover something new. :) 

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