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WebSocket connection to wss:// sub/var' failed: dynamix

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When I go to the plugins tab, I only get the loading thingy (vertical bars) and then nothing happens. Console shows

WebSocket connection to 'wss://<my-server>:4433/sub/var' failed:



How to fix this? I'm unable to upgrade my plugins at this moment. 

Edited by eXorQue
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On 3/1/2022 at 8:58 PM, bonienl said:

Start with clearing the cache of your browser and restarting your browser fresh.


I have tried clearing cache, and in a fresh install of firefox (as I didn't have it installed yet). In Firefox I see another message 

GET wss://488af51abcfd8d6b9afac041cb7eb63e770b2928.unraid.net:4433/sub/dockerload [HTTP/1.1 507 Insufficient Storage 48ms]

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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone else having this problem in the future (Fix at the bottom, description in the middle):

Symptoms: Everything works fine after a reboot but after "extended" uptime (1-2 days) the error would occur and unraid would show 100% memory usage in the "Log" section.


Problem: After some days of testing I believe that the issue may be that unraid is unable to handle stale websocket connections. Like when you're putting your computer to sleep the connection doesn't get terminated by your browser since it doesn't actually quit, it just gets frozen.


Solution: What fixed it for me was to always log out of unraid, therefore properly closing the websockets, before putting my PC/Laptop to sleep/hibernate.

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  • 2 years later...

just ran into this myself unraid 6.12.10   on firefox 128  (no adblocker enabled)

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://,var,notify.

cleared cache+cookies, logged back in.. still nothing.

loaded up chrome  126.0.6478.127, worked fine.


went back to firefox, seeing it spamming browser console that it cant get a wss going. then poof started working, refresh paged and all good now. odd indeed.


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