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router sending warning about website rebindtest.unraid.net

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hey Guys,


my router is sending me a warning every 30 seconds:

Mon Mar  7 18:14:28 2022 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3219]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: rebindtest.unraid.net


Do you guys know how to prevent this (or at least reduce frequency)? I'm not sure if this is due to a plugin or what is happening, so every Idea is wellcome.



Thank you in advance



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1 hour ago, Autchirion said:

becaus it is the only way (known to me) for flash backups


Two alternatives that have existed for ages are automated backups via the CA Backup/Restore plugin and manual backups by clicking on the drive on the Main tab and selecting the backup option.


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Is it running literally every 30 seconds? Or is it more like every 10 minutes?


This is related to SSL certificate support, but it sounds like you aren't using our SSL certs so I can rework things to avoid making this call. 


Would you please upload your diagnostics so I can confirm some of my assumptions?



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Wed Mar  9 12:47:11 2022 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3219]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: rebindtest.unraid.net
Wed Mar  9 12:47:42 2022 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3219]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: rebindtest.unraid.net
Wed Mar  9 12:48:12 2022 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3219]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: rebindtest.unraid.net
Wed Mar  9 12:48:42 2022 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3219]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: rebindtest.unraid.net


Could you let me know which part of the diagnostics you want? I'd want to remove some of the information, ideally only provide what you want to look at, but of course I'll gladly help.

Btw, after removing the plugin the "issue" is gone. If you want me to reinstall it before getting the diagnostics let me know as well!

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