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Thanks a lot unRAID! Go to h*ll Tom!


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Yeah, that's right, I said what so many others had on their minds.  Thank's A LOT..


Thanks to you and your software and knowing I have a secure, reliable and protected repository, now I have to finally rip roughly 500 Music CD's.


This not counting the wife's dedicated few CD's which is music I'm simply not a great fan of.. so yes, thanks alot!  But in a good way... I suppose.


So which software allows multiple instances for audio CD ripping?  Evidently, Audiograbber isn't letting me do it.


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So which software allows multiple instances for audio CD ripping?

dBpoweramp Batch Ripper


Also, you should rip to FLAC for archiving. If anyone is interested in yet another obsession, this one related to the technical aspects of digital music, check out Hydrogenaudio


I hate +1 thingies, but in this case....




The dBpoweramp ripper (single rip or batch) is very easy to set up, and powerful.  It's also quite fast if your drives allow.  Note - some drives are much slower / faster than others at CD ripping.  As stated, ideally rip to a lossless format such as FLAC.  I also recommend dBpoweramp batch converter to generate MP3, WMA, AAC or whatever you need from the FLAC master.  Only one possible snag - dBpoweramp is Windows only.  OTOH it loves multi-core CPUs to convert multiple tracs at once.  It Windows is not an issue, give it a try - free for 30 days I think. 

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dBpoweramp is great for ripping a FLAC archive.  MediaMonkey Gold will then allow you to sync your mp3 player while converting the FLAC on the fly...no need to store two copies of the same music!


I enjoy a joke as much as anyone else, but this thread title sure didn't come across as a joke when I first read it.  I thought that you had lost all your data and were blaming unRAID/Tom.  Just saying, you might want to tone it down a bit...

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I'm guessing hes being sarcastic. LOL

Kinda like Thanks alot for the porche now it sucks I have to drive 221mph




It's an attention grabber.  Definitely being sarcastic.. but, the nay sayers and skeptical will likely flock to this thread first.. then they'll see, that it's a great product with a great support staff/community.


@Raj, then the post did it's job. ;)


Yes.. now that I finally have a reliable protected means of storing all my data, I have 300 more music CD's to rip, plus my wife's.


@Trurl, I totally forgot about lossless, crud... crud crud.  Ok, will have to consider that, I already have 200ish ripped at 320 CBR MP3.  Bleh.


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I thought your server went tits up and lost all your data.


I totally forgot about lossless, crud... crud crud. 


You ONLY have 40TB of storage!


You might consider buying another 40TB server for the wife..... or keep the second 40Tb for yourself and get her a mini 4TB with a free license.

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I thought your server went tits up and lost all your data.


I totally forgot about lossless, crud... crud crud. 


You ONLY have 40TB of storage!


You might consider buying another 40TB server for the wife..... or keep the second 40Tb for yourself and get her a mini 4TB with a free license.


Good point!  Maybe I should think about reducing it to CBR 192 instead...

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err umm.. i was being sarcastic...


but honestly.. depending on how good your home theater system is, and how good your hearing is. there is sure to be a "sweet spot" for compression. you still have the CD's to re-rip later.


altho. doing it just once at lossless is the way I'd go. my time is to valuable and storage is so cheap..

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err umm.. i was being sarcastic...


but honestly.. depending on how good your home theater system is, and how good your hearing is. there is sure to be a "sweet spot" for compression. you still have the CD's to re-rip later.


altho. doing it just once at lossless is the way I'd go. my time is to valuable and storage is so cheap..


As was I.. ;p  I've switched to lossless.  All those already ripped at 320cbr are already in their own pile (the ripped pile -- which has now become the "RErip" pile I suppose).


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I know how you must feel.  I did "the big re-rip" about four years ago.  Took ages back then, but I'm glad I did it.  For what it's worth, my library of around 700+ CDs takes about 320GB, so the actual storage requirement for lossless audio is not that bad - in my case no more than 7 or 8 fat blu-ray rips  ;D

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Good point!  Maybe I should think about reducing it to CBR 192 instead...

VBR is really the way to go with modern codecs, and mp3 @ VBR 192 is probably overkill for quality. See Hydrogenaudio where they test these things scientifically


You should archive lossless not because it sounds better but because it can be converted to any other codec and you are effectively starting from the original instead of converting lossy to lossy


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Good point!  Maybe I should think about reducing it to CBR 192 instead...

VBR is really the way to go with modern codecs, and mp3 @ VBR 192 is probably overkill for quality. See Hydrogenaudio where they test these things scientifically


You should archive lossless not because it sounds better but because it can be converted to any other codec and you are effectively starting from the original instead of converting lossy to lossy



I don't care for variable bit rate, at all in more than many cases.  I'll stray away from the reason, as it's been in the past a hot debatable topic.  No matter, am already going lossless.

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I use EAC with the FLAC encoder. I'm in the process of a re-encode too...

Only thing is I have oer 6,000 CD's. Ugh.

But I'm going FLAC, with embedded art work.

Supposedly with the FLAC and CUE sheet you can reconstruct a CD exactly as it was before being ripped.


Then using mp3fs with fuse to convert or present the MP3's to apps on the fly.

So I f I need to drop files on my Archos 101, Archos 5 or my android phone I can drag and copy and they will be convert tyo mp3's on the fly.


I'm considering AAC because they numark device I want to use for DJ'ing supports WAV, AAC or MP3, but I have not fully decided right now.



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That's cool, I'll have to check out mp3fs, though I've started filling up my iPod with ALAC for CDs I really like, but most of it is V0 mp3s.


And yes, the CUE sheet contains info about the track sectors, and where they were on the CD, so it can align them exactly as they were.  But I really don't burn CDs back, but you can I suppose play the CUE sheet so you can playback on your computer as it was.  Or also use the CUE to convert it to one large file--and back again.

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And yes, the CUE sheet contains info about the track sectors, and where they were on the CD, so it can align them exactly as they were.  But I really don't burn CDs back, but you can I suppose play the CUE sheet so you can playback on your computer as it was.  Or also use the CUE to convert it to one large file--and back again.

Foobar2000 uses the cue sheet for full CDimage rips from EAC. It lets to access the tracks individually.

XBMC also works with a full CDImage EAC/FLAC/CUE sheet rip.


Where the cue and full CDImage comes in handy is for backing up rare CD's so you can reconstruct them if need be.

This weekend I got hold of some really rare CD's and wanted to make a back up copy should I need to re-rip the individual tracks again.


I put mp3fs on my XBMC machine.

Since I use one of the spare XBMC machine's drives as a backup of my music repository, I installed mp3fs there.


This lets me rip to XBMC and rsync to unRAID. When I need to put one of the flacs to an mp3 player, I access the tree over samba with mp3fs.. copy and paste the tracks to where I need. It takes a bit of time, but works well.


I'm sure I'll eventually get mp3fs running on my unRAID server.

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By bit of time, do you not recommend for 10k+ library collections?


I try to keep all of the CUE/LOG files, but I don't rip everything myself, and my buddy seems to have deleted most of those files, but I think they're good to keep for archiving purposes.


I'll check out mp3fs and see if it fits my needs, whatever they are :D

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