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didn't find any posting regarding the new WD20EARX with SATA 6 Gb/s interface, so I'll post that here:


Just got the information, that Western Digital upgraded the WD20EARS with an 6 Gb/s interface, and calls this drive WD20EARX. I've no information about prices yet...


UPDATE: The WD20EARS is 52.00 EUR at my wholesale dealer, the WD20EARX is 64.00 EUR right now (not including taxes, of course...). That's 12 EUR for SATA600...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't end up getting one as they were out of stock so picked up the same EARS drive.




Same here. Got two EARS yesterday, precleared and already in use. Only difference to the existing ones is another change in the serial number, which is now WD20EARS-07 instead of WD20EARS-00 ... same firmware though...

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Same here. Got two EARS yesterday, precleared and already in use. Only difference to the existing ones is another change in the serial number, which is now WD20EARS-07 instead of WD20EARS-00 ... same firmware though...


How long did it take to preclear them? Seems fast, all my 2TB drives take 27+ hours for a single cycle and I always do 3 cycles.

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Hi, my EADS took about 26 hours. Seems they got a little bit quicker, as they took about 30 minutes longer a few months ago. And they seem to have better quality - no DOAs this time.


I wouldn't base their failure rates on your small sample size ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't heard of anyone using them with unRAID yet, so if you want to try it out, go ahead.  I don't know of any differences between the lines besides the SATA II / SATA III rating.


i bought one of these WD20EARX yesterday,  is pre-clearing at the moment, but seems to be the same in firmware as my other WD20EARS



it's a WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 51.0AB51 , keep you guys posted for further results

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  • 4 weeks later...

and 541 Power on Hours later i noticed that the total LCC counts (Load Cycle Count's) is a lot lower then the WD20EARS series : 410 counts  = 0,75 per hour


In comparising to the WD20EARS : 8089 counts for 3380 Power on Hours = 2,4 per hour


Can not explain it directly because the firmware is the same version (51.0AB51)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have one oh this drives working as parity in my 5.0b12 without issues by the moment and it seemed faster than the rest of my drives in the raid (WD20EARS) when generating the parity (so high speeds writing), but I have been unable to find any comparison yet.


May the raid save your Data :)

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Picked up 4 of these drives the other day (I know about buying in a batch but postage kills here) 2 appear to be DOA.


1 x i used in a media player seems to be fine but i didn't preclear it

1 x I'm clearing now and will let you know if there are any issues

1 x had a screeching noise on boot up put was recognised

1 x didn't get picked up by the BIOS. (tried diff same port as one that is preclearing and diff PC)


Now take it with a grain of salt as it could be a btach issue but i also picked up 4 hitachi's a no problems. (They didn't have any more otherwise I would have stuck with hitachi's)




edit, the second one passed preclear and is running fine so 2 out of 4 DOA.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm still on 4.5.6 (holding out until 5.0 to upgrade).  So I guess I'd have to jumper it?


Why not upgrade to 4.7 and stop worrying about jumpers?  Seems easier to me.


I'm considering the upgrade to 4.7 or 5.0b14 now.  If I already have all my WD20EARS drives with the jumper on them, do I need to remove them before or after upgrading? Or not at all?

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