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UPS is shutting down immediately on power outage instead of delaying

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Hello all,

I have an APC BX1000M UPS that powers my Unraid box.  I have configured the UPS settings to wait until there are 10 minutes left in the battery before it shuts the system down.  The other day, we had a 2 minute power outage and the Unraid server shut down immediately!  Apparently, I am doing something wrong.

Here is the UPS Settings page.  Note that "Time on battery before shutdown" is set to zero.  This is supposed to disable this timer.


Can anyone shed light on this? 



Screenshot 2022-06-30 110721.png

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34 minutes ago, CaptainTivo said:

wait until there are 10 minutes left

You don't actually want to do what you are attempting. The point of UPS isn't to allow the server to run as long as possible. UPS should be used to get you through brief outages, and shut down cleanly after an outage that is somewhat longer than brief.


You don't want to restart your server on an UPS that doesn't have much to spare, and you don't want to discharge the battery that much either.

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It will shutdown based on the first hit of the 3 parameters set, in this case time to initiate shutdown, set that for 2 or 3 minutes, like mentioned you should avoid long time on battery, also at least here when the power goes out for more than a couple of minutes it will usually be a while. 

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Thanks for the advice but I would still like an answer to my original question.  I think I have set the parameters such that it should shut down in 10 minutes or when the battery has 10% left.  It is shutting down IMMEDIATELY on power outage.  What I am missing?

This is what the help text for the "Time on battery before shutdown" parameter reads:


"If during a power failure, the UPS has run on batteries for time-out many seconds or longer; apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown. A value of zero disables this timer.

If you have a Smart UPS, you will most likely want to disable this timer by setting it to zero. That way, your UPS will continue on batteries until either the % charge remaining drops to or below Battery level or the remaining battery runtime drops to or below minutes."

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