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[Solved] Data disk disabled after parity swap

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So just when I tought I was almost done with everything, a new problem occured.


After changing 2 disks from reiserfs to xfs and transfering files to another disk, I replaced one of two older disks by a newer/bigger disk. 


I follow the WIKI procedure for this. After having shut down the server, swapping the old with the new disk, I tried rebooting the server.


Unfortunately withouw any luck as the server couldn't be found in my network. After hooking up the server to a screen a can only see a black screen with in the right corner below B2. 


I've already tried various USB ports without any luck. 


Should I make a back-up of the files on the USB and then put a new build on the USB? Or are there other steps before doing this? Couldn't find any topics about this B2 message (except for Backblaze B2 topics).

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6 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

That looks like a BIOS post code, does Unraid start booting, i.e., do you see the Unraid boot menu?

Unfortunately I can't see anything, except for the black screen with that B2.


Some days ago I've updated to the latest version of Unraid but there weren't any problems when shutting down/rebooting the server. Except for yesterday, just after I swapped disks.


Would it be a BIOS problem with the motherboard or the LSI board?

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When connecting the new 18TB disk, I can get into the LSI BIOS but not in the motherboard BIOS. After exiting the LSI BIOS I get the black screen with B2 in the lower right corner.


When connecting my old 10TB disk (which served previously as the parity disk and was replaced by another 18TB disk) I can get into the LSI BIOS as well as the motherboard BIOS and Unraid boots. 


So my guess is the new 18TB is causing the problem. I've tried connecting it to a SATA port on the motherboard and by connecting it to the LSI board. No matter what I do, with the new 18TB disk the system doesn't boot.


Any clues as what could cause this? My new 18TB disk as well as my 18TB parity disk are the same type WD 18TB ultrastar dc hc550 disks.

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Man I'm really getting fed up with all these problems.

As told, yesterday I've put the old 3TB disk back, as Unraid didn't wanted to boot with the new 18TB disk. As I knew Unraid booted with the old 10TB data disk (which was previously my parity disk and replaced by another 18TB disk) I decided to replace the 3TB disk with the old 10TB disk.

I followed these steps:


1. Stop the array

2. Unassign the old 3TB drive if still assigned (to unassign, set it to No Device)

3. Power down

4. Connected the cables from the 3TB drive to my 10TB drive

5. Power on


After that, Unraid tells me the 3TB disk is missing. However, it doesn't mention the 10TB disk. So I can't assign it to the slot of the old 3TB disk.

Am I missing something?

My goal was to change already the 3TB disk with a 10TB disk before dealing with that new 18TB disk.

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After having shut down, with the 10TB disk still connected (but not detected by Unraid), I connected the 3TB disk again and rebooted. It detected the old 3TB as a new disk and asked to do a data-rebuild. So this is now running. Is this data rebuild necessary knowing that the data from old 3TB disk was formatted to XFS earlier?


It's not the first time I've changed disks. This server has been running for almost a decade and now all of a sudden nothing than troubles :s





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22 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Changing array disks always requires either a disk rebuild or parity sync, it's always been like that.

Yes, I know but what I don't understand is when I follow the replace disk procedure Unraid doesn't detect my 10TB disk as a new unassigned device. With the 3TB disk Unraid detects it immediately.

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44 minutes ago, Starkiller said:

Yes, I know but what I don't understand is when I follow the replace disk procedure Unraid doesn't detect my 10TB disk as a new unassigned device. With the 3TB disk Unraid detects it immediately.

Don't ask me how but I've tried my luck again this evening and Unraid finally detected the 10TB disk. I'm letting Unraid run the disk clear for that 10TB disk now. After that I'll try my luck again with the 18TB disk.

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  • Starkiller changed the title to [Solved] Data disk disabled after parity swap

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