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Unmountable wrong or no file system + missing another disk! :(

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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2 hours ago, steppi said:

This morning I woke up and found my Unraid as well as the screenshot

There is a lot more to the story than that! What did you do with your server before you went to sleep?


You seem to be rebuilding disk8, but it looks like there are connection problems on disk7.


Explain in detail exactly how you got to this point.

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20 hours ago, trurl said:

There is a lot more to the story than that! What did you do with your server before you went to sleep?


You seem to be rebuilding disk8, but it looks like there are connection problems on disk7.


Explain in detail exactly how you got to this point.

Maybe my problem is that every 7-10 days a disk becomes "missing disk" but it is never the same .. Sometimes it is also the "parity" one .. Who knows what is happening to my server ..
I didn't do anything before going to sleep, I just built a disk that had become a "missing disk", I restarted the parity start without that disk, then I rebuilt it then start it again, so the reconstruction started.

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Hi boys! I tried to do "SMART extended self-test", but it freezes at 10% and then after a few minutes it freezes.
The disk7 that resulted with the wrong filesystem, I tried to format it, but doing so I lost all the contents, because when I restarted the array, it did not rebuild the volume, but presented it as empty, this was a big problem for me , I lost 6tb! :(

Ok, one restarted everything, I found the only positive side, because the disks were all green ..
But this morning I lost disk 4. At this point I would like to understand what is wrong with my UnRaid, before I lose any more data. Do you think it could be a problem in the Sata PCI controller? or the unraid USB Stick? If necessary I could create a new Unraid, I believe that to do this it is only important to put the disks back


I attach the diagnostic zip file and attach today's screenshot ...

Schermata 2022-09-07 alle 23.08.31.png


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5 hours ago, steppi said:

The disk7 that resulted with the wrong filesystem, I tried to format it, but doing so I lost all the contents, because when I restarted the array, it did not rebuild the volume, but presented it as empty, this was a big problem for me , I lost 6tb!

Really wish you had asked before doing anything at all.


You should never format a disk that should have data on it you want to keep. There is a big warning that you had to ignore to make it do this.


Format is a write operation. It writes an empty filesystem to the disk. When you format a disk in the array, Unraid has to treat that write operation just as it does any other, by updating parity. So, after formatting a disk in the array, parity agrees the disk has been formatted, and the only thing that can be rebuilt is an empty filesystem.


When you have an unmountable disk, the correct way to proceed is with check filesystem.



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Emulated disk4 is mounted and is almost full. Disk1 is also almost full. I recommend not letting your disks get that full. Full disks don't perform as well, and you need to have some free space in case filesystem repair (check filesystem) is necessary.


Looks like you are having connection problems with cache. Check connections, both ends, SATA and power, including splitters.


Then post new diagnostics



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12 hours ago, JorgeB said:

You are using an Asmedia controller with a SATA port multiplier, those are not recommended, not surprisingly disk4 is connected there, suggest you replace that with a recommended model before attempting any more rebuilds.


Thank you very much for your reply, I am really convinced that the problems related to my unraid are due to the sata controller. In fact 2 months ago I bought this:

HP - 726907-B21 - HP H240 Smart




But when I mounted it, my unraid did not detect even one hdd of the ones I had connected. I also tried to run an ssd with a copy of Windows 10, but even that operating system did not identify any hdd .. I believe that this controller must be configured to set which type of raid should be configured. Obviously to run unraid I think you have to set "raid-1". But I don't know where to start for this type of configuration, I tried to press F11 F9 F10 at boot, but nothing happens.
Some advice?

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14 minutes ago, trurl said:

No you don't want any raid with Unraid.



Ok .. so I was wrong to buy HP H240 Smart?  I don't need it for unraid?  I saw your link but which one do you recommend to buy that can have the most sata ports?  is there a sas controller without raid that is fully compatible?  sorry if i ask you but i already got it wrong once and i would like to buy the right controller.  a thousand thanks

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/30/2022 at 12:57 PM, JorgeB said:

Disk7 is failing and since there already another disable disk you are in a bad spot, you can try cloning disk7 to a same size disk with ddrescue than use the clone to rebuild disk4, but there will likely be some data loss, how much depends on the amount of data ddrescue can recover.


Ok thanks for your reply.

Today I replaced the controller by putting the new HBA 240 which works very well.

Now how do I copy (ddrescure) disk4 if I can't mount it? bye

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I finished the ddrescue after about 9 hours of work. I attach a screenshot of the result. From the main of unraid I noticed that the target hdd, so the sdk (6tb) is not mountable and is only the word "format", as if it were still not written. What should I do now? Stop array - on disk7 I select the new disk (sdk)? I ask before I am wrong.




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