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Emby on Unraid crashed - Unmountable SSD disk


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Emby stopped working and Unraid is informing me that "Sharedata references non existent pool chache"

Now I've notice that my Samsung 1TB SSD is "Unmountable disk present".

I'm assuming that the cache was pointing to that SSD.  If I reformat it, then I will lose any cache data that was there.

I'm not sure what my next steps should be.

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When booting, I select 'Memtest 86+' but it just reboots again without running any memory test.  I dealt with this before by using a different version of Memtest, but I'm trying to remember how I did it.  Do I need to run memtest from the main console - not on the GUI terminal?

I have always gotten some errors when running the weekly parity check, but it hasn't hurt performance, and those errors appeared to be on the main data drives and it always finishes saying 'Parity is Valid'.  It takes almost 19 hours to do the parity check and generally reports about 1200 errors -  It's always been that way.

Now, it appears that the problem is with the SSD failing on me and not mounting.

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Thank you for reminding me.  I think that I had a different flash drive just for that purpose.  I'm trying it now. I had thought that it was on my standard Unraid boot flash drive.  Yep, I've got Memtest86 running now.  Now I've just got to figure out what I'm looking for and what I'm seeing.


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It does appear that the system runs pretty well, even with these memory errors.  I want to fix the problem and probably need some more memory sticks.  Maybe I should just get one new memory stick and try it in each slot to see which one fixes the problems.

Even with that, If I just put my new SSD drive in (I just received it) and formatted it, wouldn't that solve my current problem with the Appdata that is not able to go to the cache drive right now?  I'm assuming that the data is in-tact on one of the other drives and just needs a functional cache drive to make my Emby docker function properly.  Then the Emby program would come back up as normal.  Am I correct in this thinking?


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Thanks again.  You were right on with memory speed.  Now Memtest runs without any errors.  


Now to the SSD,  I got another message that "If the disk is listed as being unmountable, and it has data on it, whatever you do do not hit the format button. Seek assistance HERE"

What can I do now?  When I press 'Here', it just leads me to the community forum for which I see no solutions. Are there any other resources available to help me solve this?  I was going to put in my new SSD, but now I'm afraid to and want to know if there's a way to recover the data on the previous SSD, or is it mirrored elsewhere?

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Question - Since I have chosen to not use the cache SSD for any of my data other than 'appdata', can I assume that the SSD only holds temporary data that is also elsewhere?  Because this is only a media server, and I infrequently add new media, it seemed cleaner to just write straight to the array when I add new media.  Also, the array has been performing wonderfully without using the cache.

It's the lack of access to the appdata that Emby is complaining about because of the SSD being offline.  Would it just respawn the data on a newly formatted SSD?

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appdata holds the configuration, customization, and some of the meta-data for your media files that are on the server.


So, a new install of Emby pointed at your media files would indeed have your shows, but all your Emby users, played status, thumbnails and assorted other things will be missing and need to be recreated, either by you or automatically depending on what it is.

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Thanks. I was thinking that everything on the SSD was to be considered temporary, and therefore was also somewhere else.  Actually, I think that I have a configuration backup utility enabled on Emby, but I don't know where it is yet.  I would probably have to completely start it up again and then locate the backup.

But, it appears that I may be able to restore some of that, if not all, if I try to mount the SSD in read-only mode.


I just verified that I have daily configuration backups on my array that include Users, userdata, library, pluggins, dlna, playlists, scheduledTasks.  That appears to be my saving grace.  Am I wrong to just move forward with a new SSD and then restore emby settings?


Edited by dcruff
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I went ahead and replaced the SSD with a new one, and them formatted it with the default XFS file system.  Then I went into EMBY and installed the "Configuration Backup" Pluggin and restored my most recent settings backup (9/5/22).

Everthing seemed to be going fine as Emby was trying to load all of the images for all of the media, but now Emby won't get past a few blank icons in the My Media section and nothing is working.

Unraid is not giving any errors but the 'Dashboard show 100% Utilization of 'CPU 8 - HT 9. and I see almost no activity on the other CPU's.


Thinking that I may format the SSD again and try the restore again, but this time be particular as to what parts of the backup to restore, since it give me the option.


Any ideas?



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Well, now I am stuck.  I tried clearing the cache SSD and re-formatting it so that Emby wouldn't see it's configuration settings in the appdata on the SSD.  It seems to be finding it elsewhere and Emby locks up as soon as it starts to load.  I'm wondering if I should just uninstall the Emby Docker and then re-install.

Again, all of my 15 TB of Media are intact on the Array.  And the Array holds my Emby settings an configuration in a backup directory.



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