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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

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I'm trying to setup my first Unraid server and I've been unable to create a disk on the array that isn't listed as "unmountable" due to an "unsupported partition layout." Here is an summary of the hardware and software I'm using:

- Unraid 6.11.2

- Seagate Ironwolf 4TB HDD (used as disk one in the array)

- WD Green 120 GB SSD (used as a cache pool device)

- 32 GB USB Drive with GUID support (used for running unraid)


I've attempted the following methods for resolving this issue according to other forum threads and posts online:

- I've attempted to format the HDD via the "format" option on a started array (with the relevant checkbox marked)
- I've formatted the HDD using Unassigned devices (with destructive mode enabled)

- I've cleared the HDD using Preclear
- I've SSH'd into Unraid and used fdisk to clear all partitions and create an empty table using GPT

- I've SSH'd into Unraid and used fdisk to clear all existing partitions and create a single new one with GPT as the table and xfs as the partition type

Despite taking all these different steps, I'm still stuck with the aforementioned error message when I start the array. Could you please help me resolve this issue?

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I also had the same issue, but with replacing a smaller disk with a bigger one.

I ended downgrading but the issue did not go away and started the array and replaced the data in the new disk using the parity.

The only option the system gave me was formating the new disk.

Afterwards the system worked ok but I lost what I had in the disk that was replaced. I have it and I looked what was in it mounting it and it's just Linux ISOs and stuff that is easyly replaceble.

Do I have to do anything special, like run a parity check or something so the system is not inconsistent?




I tried to update to 6.11.3 and the machine would not boot, the usb was not recognized and I had to download a backup from Unraid and look for a new usb drive.


After this I was able to upgrade to 6.11.3


Running a parity check and finding out many errors.


Edited by acastellab
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I apparently lost data because of this bug. I replaced a 2tb with a 14 tb and now the data is gone. I still have the old 2tb disk and have downgraded to 6.9. What can I do to fix this? 


Edit: So I thought I would just mount the old drive and write the files back to the new drive... I cannot mount the old drive via usb, I get an invalid super block error. The drive is formatted xfs. If I put the disk back into the system via a sata connection I am able to mount it via the unassigned devices plugin but cant when connected via usb. Any ideas here?

Edited by Syco54645
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58 minutes ago, Syco54645 said:

I apparently lost data because of this bug. I replaced a 2tb with a 14 tb and now the data is gone. I still have the old 2tb disk and have downgraded to 6.9. What can I do to fix this? 

You don't lose data, just upgrade Unraid and repeat the rebuild, unassign the disk, start array, stop array, re-assign the disk, start array to rebuild.

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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

You don't lose data, just upgrade Unraid and repeat the rebuild, unassign the disk, start array, stop array, re-assign the disk, start array to rebuild.


That did not work for me, I had no option to rebuild, only format. The drive is completely empty. It seems the only route forward is copying the data from the old xfs drive over to the array.

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4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

That is what you should have done, formatting is never part of a rebuild, now and if you still have the old disk, do a new config wit the old disk (Tools -> New config), re-sync parity, then replace the disk.

Why not just use the old disk and issue the following command. This would avoid having to do a parity resync and fat fingering the new config setup. Not to mention I will maintain parity protection through this process.

rsync -rav /mnt/disks/old-disk-12 /mnt/disk12


Edited by Syco54645
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