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Google+ Invites Here


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Its not really storage related, but since the entire system is currently invite only I figured I would share the love some. Well I have invites for anybody who would like one.


Feel free to PM me your email addy and I'll hook you up. Do you have to be my friend? Nope honestly I don't know a lot of you guys/gals outside of unRAID so I'm guessing you don't want to be in my circle either. LOL


If you don't know its Facebook like minus all the games and what not.



I would say to keep it easy just PM me your Name/email address and I'm guessing it has to be a GMail.com address for it to work. Please do not post your addresses here or do any thanking so we can keep the chatter down and save the moderators some work.


I can't say for sure, but since its off topic this post can/might get deleted. ;)

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I kinda like it actually.


I like how you can post publicly and then if you want you can post to a specific circle of friends and then later to only family and vs versa.


To me FaceBook is just way to open to everybody and when you really want to post something that not everybody should see you have to private message or not at all.


As you can see from my postings I'm just going hog wild with it. ;)

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