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Unmountable disk present

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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Thanks for the assistance Jorge.


It found 0 errors when I ran it when this issue began.


Does this info below help at all?


How would RAM effect the log file issue?




Also @JorgeB now I reset the stats and it says 0, do I just reboot and kill the corrupt log file and start again? What is your suggestion?

Edited by folic86
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6 hours ago, folic86 said:

How would RAM effect...?

Bad RAM can affect anything.


You shouldn't even attempt to run any computer unless RAM is working perfectly. Everything goes through memory, the OS and other executable code, your data, everything. The CPU can't even do anything with anything until it is loaded into RAM.

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On 1/20/2023 at 4:16 PM, JorgeB said:

That's the same as before, check filesystem then if the emulated disk looks OK you can rebuild, SATA cable should be replaced before doing it though.

So I did this, and it repaired the errors. I then had a lost+found folder which is fine but I embarked on a data rebuild and it has come back in an error state and has stopped the rebuild. 


I am so puzzled. Can you advise? wopr-diagnostics-20230124-1647.zip

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