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Server randomly unreachable after 6.12.1 update

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I recently updated from 6.11.5 to 6.12.1 and have been experiencing some stability issues. So far the server has become unreachable twice in the last few days, leaving me to force shutdown the server. The server loses all network connectivity so, since I am running this headless, leaves me with no way to interact with the server. I plan on connecting a monitor, but I have to have one connected at power on for it to work for some reason, so I have yet to do that.


I did, however, enable mirroring syslog to flash drive. Unfortunately, this did not seem to shed any light on the issue as the last entry in the syslog file prior to the reboot is a few hours prior to the issue. Though, looking at the syslog after the reboot, one thing did stand out to me a bit, but not sure if it is related:


*** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***


I have attached the diagnostics log that I pulled immediately after powering back on.




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  • 1 year later...
On 6/27/2023 at 4:50 PM, ljm42 said:

You are getting call traces related to macvlan, see the release notes:


I just did a big jump in updating my server last night going from 6.7.x to 6.12.10. I noticed that my server has also gone unresponsive similar to how OP has. I'm not sure if it's just network related or something deeper. I have a monitor plugged into the server now so I can see if it's still running after I lose access to it again over the network.


I noticed that Fix Common Problems is giving me a "MACVLAN and bridging found" warning" and wonder if if this could be the culprit (provided that the issue is only network related). How would switching this to IPVLAN affect any docker containers I have set up on custom networks? I've got a proxy network set up with Swag and some other containers that I use for outside access.

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