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unRAID is unresponsive after a day or so

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Not much more to add to the title except after it's unresponsive I have to power off and on by holding the power button and, some of the hardware changes that I have made. I swapped out a SATA PCIe card that I have had no issues with for months with a 2.5gbps network card and rearranged where the hard drives are plugged in because of that. After that the problems started. I have just uninstalled the the new network card and reinstalled the SATA card and put all the hard drive back where they were before to see if that solve the problem. Is there anything in the diagnosis anyone can tell me about why this is happening or if it is even related to the network card?


Edited by Neight
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Ok it crashed again and I had syslog running. It's different this time. All the dockers are still running but the unRAID GUI is unreachable. I did not test to see if Plex could access files so I don't know how much was actually working. My unRAID server is also called Plex just FYI. I do believe that this is not anonymous so after someone views it should I take the file down or does it not contain sensitive information?


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/6/2023 at 5:23 AM, JorgeB said:

I believe that solved those errors a posted here 


On 9/5/2023 at 6:32 PM, Neight said:

My log is filled with this as well if that helps.

_usr_local_emhttp_webGui_scripts_run_cmd tail -f -n 90 _var_log_syslog (Plex) - Brave 9_5_2023 6_30_58 PM.png 

I've still been having random crashes every two days or so. The last time that it crashed I was able to get back home before it fully froze up and it was showing a bunch of SATA connection errors. After I was able to get the system rebooted none of those errors were logged into the sys log. After taking my NVMe drive out I noticed this. Also, over the last few weeks I've been having a lot of NVME temperature warnings while seemingly nothing that should be taxing the drive is going on. Is it a possibility that this NVMe drive is dead? I tried washing it off. It's not a smudge. I know it's a little bit difficult to see but I tried to get several pictures and that's the best I could get.




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4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If the log spam is fixed use the syslog server and post that log after a crash.

Will do. If it's going to crash again it would be in two to three days. I did replace it with a smaller NVMe so if the crashes don't come back it was the issue and I'll be back in a week to update this post. 


2 hours ago, flyize said:

I just started having this issue as well and have enabled the syslog server to flash. There's three threads on the first page about very similar issues. Is this a regular issue that guys deal with users or are we just unlucky?

I hope not. Could you quote which issue you're having specifically? Because I'm not exactly sure what my problem is just yet lol.

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Ok it crashed again. When I had it running again this morning the log was full of NVMe errors that didn't get logged into the syslog again. I think I have it setup wrong so that's my bad. So I replaced it with an SSD. Now I'm getting the cache drive is read only and can't run Dockers. I also included the diag from just now incase it has any useful information.

syslog- plex-diagnostics-20230924-1103.zip

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On 9/25/2023 at 3:32 AM, JorgeB said:

One of the cache devices dropped offline in the past, post the result of a correcting scrub, also see here for more info.

Ok so I had a friend tell me that I also upgraded to 6.12.somthing when these problems started happening. So before you posted that I downgraded to 6.11.5 and all my problems went away. Not a single error in a week now, and no crashes. Here is the diag before the downgradeplex-diagnostics-20230925-1532.zip and one from todayplex-diagnostics-20231002-2111.zip.

Edited by Neight
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56 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Extremely unlikely that a device would drop offline because of the upgrade, but the other issues could be related. 

There is a possibility that my NVMe pins on my motherboard are toast which is why it was dropping offline. I've switched to SSD cache drives now with no problems. Any idea what to look into about the update causing problems?

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