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I can't select my ZFS pool as the secondary storage, why??

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I'm trying to understand the new shares and cache behaviour in Unraid 6.12.x. This reddit post and the corresponding video are quite useful and I thought it was clear enough for me but I'm trying to make just some tests on my brand new Unraid system and I'm confused.

On my system I've got (see image):

1. Array -> A 32GB USB drive that is there just because I wanted to configure my HDDs as a RAIDz1 array.
2. Cache -> A 2 TB SATA SSD that I want to use for docker, VMs and some frequently accessed files
3. Pipinas -> The storage pool with three 10TB HDDs configured in RAIDz1, so 20TB available and 1 drive fault tolerant.


I just wanted to create a new share called 'downloads' that uses cache as primary storage but the Pipinas (the RAIDz1 ZFS pool) as secondary, and then mover could move the data from cache to the pool when needed. It only shows the 'Array' as option, but 'Pipinas' isn't there (see image). So I can't never select my Pipinas RAIDz1 array as secondary storage, and I don't really understand why. Can somebody explain me this?



Thank you

Edited by JaviPas
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you have selected "Pipinas" as primary storage, so it cannot be secondary storage too

Use "cache" for primary, I bet then "Pipinas" (I better do not tell you what this name gives for assuptions in german here :-))) ) will be on the choice list for secondary


"primary" means: new data is stored here

"secondary" means: data from primary is moved over to this one

(so, selecting the same disk for both makes absolutely no sense because the data is already there, no need to move)


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Sorry, I gave the wrong example. I tried there to select "Cache" as primary storage, "Pipinas" as secondary and then set Mover to "Cache -> Array", but I don't get that option. Image edited.

PS: And yes, I guess what that means ;) It's the same in Spain... but only if you use it with our tilde (pipí).

Edited by JaviPas
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  • 7 months later...

Still looking for this feature! I think it would be useful beyond OP's use case; I have old files on my array and other pools that I want to exist on a specific pool. Since, to my knowledge, the mover will only move files specified in primary and secondary storage, I'll have to stop my services, move the files from the incorrect pool to my array, then move them AGAIN from my array to the correct pool. With this feature I could directly move from the incorrect pool to the correct one.

Edited by nrgbistro
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