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Asrock N100DC - Test/Messungen - Dicussion

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1 hour ago, cottec said:




I have been able to reach higher states than c3 disconnecting ethernet.


So I guess, there is no a problem of ASPM beyond kernel NIC Realtek bug. I guess, because I get higuer than c6, but ASPM lscpi results are the same, and higuer states doesn't look like stable. So,  the results comes with a few caveats I cannot solve and I am being completely ignored at "Reduce power with powertop" thread.

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22 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

Dazu müssen folgende Befehle ausgeführt werden:

sudo setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

sudo setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42




From a reddit forum:



Which one is correct? Or are both the same?

By the way, I tested this with Ubuntu, with ubuntu installed at nvme. Tested with other nvme brand too. ASPM output was the same for me: disables for one pci and realtek. (But as i said in my posts, disconnecting ethernet reveals c8 states are possible with ASPM disabled.)


So, with Ubuntu,  I had no usb connected, not keyboard and no mouse.  But still:


So, no idea why is this.  I explained this here:



On 1/25/2024 at 2:05 AM, vmasip said:



@mgutt, finally I've been able to install latest ubuntu server (release normal version)  at the nvme. I have had same results and questions explained here. Please, could you or anyone address them?:


Of course, because of realtek driver bug, I need to disconnect ethernet to reach higher states. But still appearing other pci device with aspm disabled. But, works ... not high percentages as I question here:



I've researched this, running powertop -t 60, even -t 1000 and still not going above 48%. I've make it run without usb or hdmi, using sleep 10 && powertop --auto-tune && sleep 10 && powertop -C -t 100 , then disconnecting keyboard and hdmi and waiting for 100 seconds, but same results at the csv.


Hope it helps and someone can help.



Edited by vmasip
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If you have the N100DC-ITX, then insert in the "go" File:

setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42


All other stuff will not work. If you have another board you need to find out the addresses of the registers by yourself, it may be the same, it might be different ones.


You can also test it first without inserting it into the go file but then use:

sudo setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

sudo setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42

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39 minutes ago, MPC561 said:


If you have the N100DC-ITX, then insert in the "go" File:

setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42


All other stuff will not work. If you have another board you need to find out the addresses of the registers by yourself, it may be the same, it might be different ones.


You can also test it first without inserting it into the go file but then use:

sudo setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

sudo setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42


Great. I've got same board.


So you haven't seen stability issues by now. I'll test this myself too. My question is:

If the machine goes into C8 states, and keep in that state, shouldn't the % increase over time? Why it doesn't go higher than 40~50 %?



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1 minute ago, vmasip said:

If the machine goes into C8 states, and keep in that state, shouldn't the % increase over time? Why it doesn't go higher than 40~50 %?

Sounds hard: But I´m not your personal teacher. And if yes: "In my company one of my hours is calculated with 200 Euro" :P


Think about or google it. But as hint: Might it be that the processor need sometime to calculate something and that then the deep c-pkg states are left?


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57 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

Sounds hard: But I´m not your personal teacher. And if yes: "In my company one of my hours is calculated with 200 Euro" :P


Think about or google it. But as hint: Might it be that the processor need sometime to calculate something and that then the deep c-pkg states are left?



I did, I googled and chatgpted that. But every content is about getting into higher states and it's problems, but no content about the % of time.


I've made the same assumption, but I've seen captures with higher results (80-90%), and I thought, hmmm, interesting... Is something not right if you get only half?

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Ok, then teacher...


Assume you would have only 1 core in your CPU (so it´s the easiest way to explain).



A processor core can in principle only be in 2 states. Calculating something or being in idle. 

How you calculate CPU load? By measuring over a certain time, let´s assume 1s, how long the processor is in idle. So when he is 0,4s is in idle, this are 40% idle and this means 0,6s not in idle, which means 60% CPU Load.


A prerquisite to enter deeper c-Pkg states is that you processor is in idle. So based on how often he and other devices on your board are in idle so "long" you can stay in deep c-pkg states.


If you run on your board a lot of Docker container or VMs where the cores have high loads there is not a lot of time left for the deep c-pkg states.


And then its showed that you are only for (e.g.) 20% in C8.



Edited by MPC561
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4 minutes ago, vmasip said:

but I've seen captures with higher results (80-90%), and I thought, hmmm, interesting... Is something not right if you get only half?


My guess: this CPU is less powerfull.

When a new I7 needs 2% to do normal workload and can be 98 percent in lower states,

then maybe a far less powerfull CPU needs more time to talk with its PCIe Slots, legacy connectors, SATA Ports, USB ports, and so on. And so the CPU can not reach the same high numbers in lower states.


  • Like 1
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3 hours ago, MPC561 said:

Ok, then teacher...


Assume you would have only 1 core in your CPU (so it´s the easiest way to explain).



A processor core can in principle only be in 2 states. Calculating something or being in idle. 

How you calculate CPU load? By measuring over a certain time, let´s assume 1s, how long the processor is in idle. So when he is 0,4s is in idle, this are 40% idle and this means 0,6s not in idle, which means 60% CPU Load.


A prerquisite to enter deeper c-Pkg states is that you processor is in idle. So based on how often he and other devices on your board are in idle so "long" you can stay in deep c-pkg states.


If you run on your board a lot of Docker container or VMs where the cores have high loads there is not a lot of time left for the deep c-pkg states.


And then its showed that you are only for (e.g.) 20% in C8.




Ok, I just assume all the test , of course the ones I have done, are with a fresh installation (unraid and ubuntu) with no docker at all,no processes. And obviously no more hardware. @MPC561 BIOS settings. Just running ubuntu doing nothing, I mean, just running  ubuntu default daemons.


And I have seen other machines with n100 having better performances. This is a n100 ChinaBox.




You can see it here:
I just wanted to dig into this, but... google is not offering me a lot of info about what is awakening the processors.

Edited by vmasip
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6 hours ago, MPC561 said:


If you have the N100DC-ITX, then insert in the "go" File:

setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42


All other stuff will not work. If you have another board you need to find out the addresses of the registers by yourself, it may be the same, it might be different ones.


You can also test it first without inserting it into the go file but then use:

sudo setpci -s 00:1c.0 0x50.B=0x42

sudo setpci -s 01:00.0 0x80.B=0x42

Ok, they are different ones.



I didn't found the address beyond the part of : 00:1c.0. I mean, this part is easy with:


But I haven't found how you have found out 0x50 and 0x80 part.  I gues 0x42 is the "yes". Somehow, the method I pointed out worked


echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/r8169/0000\:02\:00.0/link/l1_aspm


You say it wouldn't. Was that because something I am gonna find out from now? Because by now...:




And amazingly, Now I go beyond 60%, something I think you don't have, and I didn't have disconnecting ethernet. Curious. I think without Unraid UI and/or USB this test could go higher. But now, we know this is the way and everything is correct.

Edited by vmasip
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On 2/21/2024 at 12:35 PM, MPC561 said:

PS: Hier melde ich im Unraid 6.12.8 Release Thread das ich das das Problem erstmal gelöst habe und verlinke unten die wirklich interessante Seite wo das Wissen mit den Adressen herkommt.

Klick Mich


Thanks for the pcie addresses. Useful info I could not find googling it. Anyway, somehow, my echo command worked. And for those who wonder, I have same motherboard as everyone here and addresses were not fine for my motherboard because setpcie command didn't work ,so everyone have to find their own addresses.

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On 2/20/2024 at 7:33 PM, alturismo said:

so siehts aus ;) VM's sind keine aktiv, nur Docker ... und genau das ist das Thema, sowie etwas mehr darauf auch wirklich läuft außer NAS ist das (leider) mehr oder weniger hinfällig.


Ich lasse es trotzdem mal laufen zur Bestätigung ob es Stabi Probleme macht, du weißt ja, ich bin nicht auf der Jagd nach jedem Watt, mache nur den Quertest falls andere dir folgen wollen ;)



Lack of info:

Which ram do you use? which nvme do you use? Not everyone of them allow deeper c states.

Which sata disks do you have?

Something connected at pcie? I guess you don't by your picture.

Haven't you stopped docker to try this? Why? Disable it and stop the array to do this test?



  • ASPM enabled messages can be not very useful. You only can trust completely when is disabled.
  • Disconnect usb , mouse, hdmi, and anything you can have connected. How in order to get the results of powertop? Disconnect just after: `sleep 10 && powertop --auto-tune && sleep 10 && powertop -C report.csv -t 100`
  • My USB with unraid doesn't affect. I have installed ubuntu at different nvme and booted with it and without any usb with same results(I connect it to the phishycal usb connectors of the motherboard).
  • Follow @MPC561 BIOS settings completely as it is. If you go beyond this, is uncharted territories. - I have only tried different sata settings by myself with no changes at all-
  • Maybe the new unraid version has sightly different kernel, which encounters problems with your nvme or ram as from unraid 6.12.5 version linux kernel created the realtek issue with our asrock NIC. You can use new and old ubuntu to find this out. (Or new old unraid)
  • But first of everything disconnect the docker, is simple and an clear root of problems
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41 minutes ago, vmasip said:

And for those who wonder, I have same motherboard as everyone here and addresses were not fine for my motherboard because setpcie command didn't work ,so everyone have to find their own addresses.


But the PCIe addresses are per board. If you have the same board you have the same addresses for the ASPM hardware Registers. The register addresses would only be different if you have another vendor/version/revision of the network chip soldered on your board. And the HW register address is completely independent of the installed OS.


The PCIe Adresses are also unique per board.


So I don´t. understand why it didn´t worked for you, especially as it worked for the others here and also with the  different N199m mainboard from altruismo. But if your command works for you, be happy.


On 2/20/2024 at 4:53 PM, vmasip said:

And I have seen other machines with n100 having better performances. This is a n100 ChinaBox.


Me is really wondering. Sometime you say "china box", sometime you say the same MB as all of us. You have both? To be honest this is confusing.

Edited by MPC561
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21 minutes ago, vmasip said:

Lack of info:

sorry to say but nope, the infos has been posted in several states already ;)


not on every point i post something again, and may as note, i dont have any issues and im not working on it as i have my own experience with it for some time already ... which comes into the game here


23 minutes ago, vmasip said:

Haven't you stopped docker to try this? Why? Disable it and stop the array to do this test?


im pretty sure when i disconnect everything and stop everything i also get the higher C States ... but in the end, what do i gain with this Info overall ... cause in my case, it only counts the result while using the "running" system and not a theoretical case.


so on my Main Server i made some experiences and also have a bigger Post about howto spare energy in different ways with a multi dGPU setup and what happens when i stick a card into the System ... using different CPU drivers, making use of nvidia persistence in combo with passed through cards, using hooks to switch governors and frequencies, and so on ...


so please, before "fingerpointing" may read the full context of my posts here instead ...


to bring it together, im aware of the BIOS settings, im aware of what USB devices may trigger in terms of C States, im aware what a VM does, im aware what docker does, and im NOT complaining and working on it as i know (out of my experience) with my personal real life setup where i am ... and what a "labor" setup could be, but this is not my goal ...


best overall experience with my running setup ...


so with my current setup i am very happy ... and all i did was cross checking for @MPC561 on the n100m version if his "extra lines" would result in any instability issues ... as im pretty much trying to help others in case they have issues im testing alot, knowing that this is not my personal usecase ...


to end this statement here, please leave me out of your offers ... without reading the overall thread,

i personally really dont like "Headline reader's" ... and answering these kinda things.

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2 hours ago, MPC561 said:


But the PCIe addresses are per board. If you have the same board you have the same addresses for the ASPM hardware Registers. The register addresses would only be different if you have another vendor/version/revision of the network chip soldered on your board. And the HW register address is completely independent of the installed OS.


The PCIe Adresses are also unique per board.


So I don´t. understand why it didn´t worked for you, especially as it worked for the others here and also with the  different N199m mainboard from altruismo. But if your command works for you, be happy.



Me is really wondering. Sometime you say "china box", sometime you say the same MB as all of us. You have both? To be honest this is confusing.


After saying After the capture I said:

On 2/20/2024 at 4:53 PM, vmasip said:

There you'll notice that I use the capture from there. In addition I say "other machines" like saying not mine.


And the address thing , yes, is hugely confusing. I've tested a lot. I made with and without sudo. I've made a reset and retry several times. None of it worked. The echo command at the first attempt. Curious, because echo didn't work for you. But as you say, very happy :)




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2 hours ago, alturismo said:

sorry to say but nope, the infos has been posted in several states already ;)


not on every point i post something again, and may as note, i dont have any issues and im not working on it as i have my own experience with it for some time already ... which comes into the game here


im pretty sure when i disconnect everything and stop everything i also get the higher C States ... but in the end, what do i gain with this Info overall ... cause in my case, it only counts the result while using the "running" system and not a theoretical case.


so on my Main Server i made some experiences and also have a bigger Post about howto spare energy in different ways with a multi dGPU setup and what happens when i stick a card into the System ... using different CPU drivers, making use of nvidia persistence in combo with passed through cards, using hooks to switch governors and frequencies, and so on ...


so please, before "fingerpointing" may read the full context of my posts here instead ...


to bring it together, im aware of the BIOS settings, im aware of what USB devices may trigger in terms of C States, im aware what a VM does, im aware what docker does, and im NOT complaining and working on it as i know (out of my experience) with my personal real life setup where i am ... and what a "labor" setup could be, but this is not my goal ...


best overall experience with my running setup ...


so with my current setup i am very happy ... and all i did was cross checking for @MPC561 on the n100m version if his "extra lines" would result in any instability issues ... as im pretty much trying to help others in case they have issues im testing alot, knowing that this is not my personal usecase ...


to end this statement here, please leave me out of your offers ... without reading the overall thread,

i personally really dont like "Headline reader's" ... and answering these kinda things.


I have read al this thread. Any meany others. I don't memorize them, and above all , i don't re-read them again if I am not looking something I remember. I know your name, so I know you are not new here. I think your questions and great. You made a huge post with a lot of info, so I guessed is all there. I don't want to have to investigate pages and pages to find out every detail you have posted in this forum. Sorry but no,


You already know it is a docker issue (when you said "that's exactly the issue" ) , as you said possibly a unique case (because when you say docker you mean docker containers running, not the docker container service running, isn't it?). And it's not at all specific of this motherboard, so why in this thread where the talks go about this motherboard? I mean, is not related at all with the motherboard. It's specific about the container, it's OS, it's daemons, it's apps, configuration used to deploy it.  It's guess is not related at all with the motherboard, because this motherboard and this OS you say let you go to deep CStates. If you agree with this, I recommend use a new thread,specific for the users who have same docker apps. Because the issue is for more users than the owners of this MB. If that is the case, you can provide more specifics about the aspect of your docker run,compose,build, so on. We can help to reproduce or others who run your apps succesfully with powertop.

Edited by vmasip
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18 minutes ago, vmasip said:

I have read al this thread.

actually then i would have to ask again, why are you fingerpointing at me i wouldnt provide the relevant infos ...


which are provided in this thread here even in different steps


from 2 pcie devices to 0 pcie devices, from 3 HDD setup (with extra card) to 2 sata devices onboard controller,

from ATX PSU to pico psu, etc etc ...


to make it short, i didnt even ask for something and you point at me with (sorry to say) weird assumptions ...


so we aggree on this now, i stop posting here about the n100m board and you stop pointing at people without taking a closer look ... and not just doing "1, 2, 3, ..." assuming others are not knowing what they do.

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1 hour ago, vmasip said:

After saying After the capture I said:

Sorry, I do not understand what you want to say.


1 hour ago, vmasip said:

There you'll notice that I use the capture from there. In addition I say "other machines" like saying not mine.

I again do not understand. The link is to a bad google translated post of me. There I discuss with some people about the Realtek problem?



Again I ask you. Do you have the Asrock N100DC-ITX board or a China Box or both?

Again I say this works with the setpci instruction for a lot of people. If it does not work for you then the probability is high that they did it right.

The "echo" instruction, which is btw. not from you, it´s from somebody on reddit, it's old and me knows the thread there :P


I strongly believe you work with google translate. This leads to incorrect technical translations. 



Wenn das so weiter gehen sollte... Die bitte von mir in deiner Rolle als Mod da etwas aufzuräumen und den Unsinn zu entfernen. Das spamt mir den Thread mit Unsinn voll. (Die Bitte ist hoffentlich ok?)



Edited by MPC561
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15 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

Wenn das so weiter gehen sollte... Die bitte von mir in deiner Rolle als Mod da etwas aufzuräumen und den Unsinn zu entfernen. Das spamt mir den Thread mit Unsinn voll. (Die Bitte ist hoffentlich ok?)


erledigt und sorry, auch mein Fehler das nicht einfach zu ignorieren.


@vmasip as note, moved this out of the main thread as it gets messed up by this discussion, not that you think im deleting anything.

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17 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

Sorry, I do not understand what you want to say.

I had brain-keyboards issues :) . Sorry.  Just,  I meant that I pointed to the other n100 box and after that I said: You can see it at this link. So obviously, china box is not mine, but here there was speculation about depending on the cpu and core kinds, time at different C-States can be different. I just wanted to point that other n100 users had better c-states performance. And, you are at that thread, yes XD.


I did it right. Maybe I should do a video of me using your commands to believe me, but I won't get angry. Neither because of you for calling me idiot for doing bad a copy paste.


I just tried to help @alturismo , and he called me idiot because his huge last post was - according him- a part of many. So, I won't go through everypage finding every piece of information. If he doesn't even mind to quote those previous pieces of information. I just made my reasoning with the huge post. If he doesn't like the help of a rookie much less intelligent than you two - my lords- , just don't answer. Is my advice for him.  @MPC561 ,


If you read again, you'll notice that I defend from attacks, I don't attack, I don't call anyone - not even implicit way-  idiot, annoying, or similar. You can't deny that. I haven't fought at all, word which implies attacks, and is not the case. I defend myself against inquisitorial replies. I made a recommendation offering my help. If you don't like me trying to help, just say who can try to help or who does not.  But that doesn't fit in any logic with this translated  sentence yours : "Sorry, but it's the last time that everyone here wants all the answers from me for the world's problems." That was the sentence made me try to help


56 minutes ago, alturismo said:

so we aggree on this now, i stop posting here about the n100m board and you stop pointing at people without taking a closer look ... and not just doing "1, 2, 3, ..." assuming others are not knowing what they do.


So you can say , "I have done all that." Is more polite. More gentleman way. And we can start talking about daemons, OS, docker configurations. I wouldn't pretending everyone remembers all the post written here - without proper quoting to them -  at the last piece of info you have given. This is an eleven pages thread. If someone  need this info, doesn't read it or similar,  the normal way is answering quoting to it. I don't say it heartless or angry. I just say it because is the normal thing. The accusation way, adjectives like headliners ...   that way you don't win a "friend" to debug., who,ups, maybe know more than you about docker or linux kernel. maybe not. And yes, I know you are trying to confirm instability issues about the famous commands. But the case and my points is the same





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1 hour ago, vmasip said:

I just wanted to point that other n100 users had better c-states performance.

And? Is this somehow relevant to the ASPM problem. If somebody else is longer in lower C-Package states then it depends mainly on the installed OS and the Load. I tried btw. to explain you this.


1 hour ago, vmasip said:

I did it right. Maybe I should do a video of me using your commands to believe me, but I won't get angry. Neither because of you for calling me idiot for doing bad a copy paste.

I need not to give you a proof what works or not. For me it´s sufficient that it works for me and some others which own this board and his brother the N100m. And I also supported some with other boards via PM to get it running with their, not N100 based, boards.

If my instructions don´t work for you it's your problem... 

Fact: Same Board, same devices, same Network HW registers, same addresses... you can discuss around as you want...



1 hour ago, vmasip said:

I just tried to help @alturismo , and he called me idiot because his huge last post was - according him- a part of many. So, I won't go through everypage finding every piece of information. If he doesn't even mind to quote those previous pieces of information. I just made my reasoning with the huge post. If he doesn't like the help of a rookie much less intelligent than you two - my lords- , just don't answer. Is my advice for him.  @MPC561 ,


You need not to help alturismo. Seems google translate worked not well. We knowed already why he is not in deeper Pkg States. It´s simply the same like when you say some others with a china box are more often in deeper c-pkg states. Altruismo simply has a permanent CPU Load as he has a lot of Docker etc. 

So the instruction worked for him but he has no "power benefit", as his CPU Loads don't allow the deeper states. So he can now deactivate his dockers or simply accept it. I think to deactivate his dockers is not an option...






Edited by MPC561
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17 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

And? Is this somehow relevant to the ASPM problem. If somebody else is longer in lower C-Package states then it depends mainly on the installed OS and the Load. I tried btw. to explain you this.


I've told you at the last post:

1 hour ago, vmasip said:

but here there was speculation about depending on the cpu and core kinds,

I am talking about this:

On 2/20/2024 at 1:09 PM, DataCollector said:

When a new I7 needs 2% to do normal workload and can be 98 percent in lower states,

then maybe a far less powerfull CPU needs more time to talk with its PCIe Slots, legacy connectors, SATA Ports, USB ports, and so on. And so the CPU can not reach the same high numbers in lower states.

I replied to this at the same posts you are inquiring about (I quote myself):

Ok, I just assume all the test , of course the ones I have done, are with a fresh installation (unraid and ubuntu) with no docker at all,no processes. And obviously no more hardware. @MPC561 BIOS settings. Just running ubuntu doing nothing, I mean, just running  ubuntu default daemons.


So I think that my test were taking into account what you've trying to explain.  2 OS and 0 load more than default daemons. Don't you think?



19 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

I need not to give you a proof what works or not. For me it´s sufficient that it works for me and some others which own this board and his brother the N100m. And I also supported some with other boards via PM to get it running with their boards.

If my instructions don´t work for you it's your problem... 

You don't have to give any proof because I believe you. Is you who don't believe me XD . But as I said I said - and you said - , I am happy with my command so , I don't stuck around. I just pointed out for others who may encounter same problem. I don't know why you keep pushing this against me.  You can keep me saying that I can't copy and paste. I will keep for advising others that it can  be possible  that this doesn't work for you, but don't make me record to write it here for being believed. So,  fact: I have copy and pasted it, and tried like 10 times with and without sudo.  At the go file or just at the terminal. In ubuntu and unraid.


30 minutes ago, MPC561 said:

You need not to help alturismo. Seems google translate worked not well. We knowed already why he is not in deeper Pkg States. It´s simply the same like when you say some others with a china box are more often in deeper c-pkg states. Altruismo simply has a permanent CPU Load as he has a lot of Docker etc. 

So the instruction worked for him but he has no "power benefit", as his CPU Loads don't allow the deeper states. So he can now deactivate his dockers or simply accept it. I think to deactivate his dockers is not an option...

I know I didn't have to. How is he going to cross check anything without deactivating it? I mean, please. If can't deactivate he can't cross check. Above all, because I have read from you in the past (90% sure it was you, but maybe another one), that when you encountered this issue when new unraid kernel fucked realtek, you tried to overcome it, ASPM said it was enabled, but in fact you were still being stuck in same c states. So my advice is to deactivate it, then other typical things. My thought was, first this basic steps from that point, I could try to recreate and approximation to his main apps - if that is possible- and check if I've got issues too.  If it's not an option, there is no space to anything. Do I have to dig very much in many pages to find out that is not an option? That's all my point.






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54 minutes ago, vmasip said:

I know I didn't have to. How is he going to cross check anything without deactivating it? I mean, please. If can't deactivate he can't cross check.

He is crosschecking if the dangerous setpci instructions have side effects, as problems with network connections etc. For this his system need not to be in deeper C-Pkg states. He simply executed the setPCI instructions and showed that ASPM is now active although due to his CPU-Load he will not reach deep C-Package states.


1 hour ago, vmasip said:

ASPM said it was enabled, but in fact you were still being stuck in same c states

Mahhhhhhhhhhh. You understand nothing. Really nothing!!!!

Yes I said this. And I explained it in detail, but it seems you don´t read this details. The others do. This is not a fucking philosophy class. This is engineering, here this details count!


And now I will say it more clear: If it works for 10 people and for you not. Who is the problem. The 10 or you? And it seems really that you are so arrogant and stupid to believe the 10 are the problem. Nothing more to say.


I stop now any discussions with you. It makes no sense. 

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16 hours ago, MPC561 said:

And now I will say it more clear: If it works for 10 people and for you not. Who is the problem. The 10 or you? And it seems really that you are so arrogant and stupid to believe the 10 are the problem. Nothing more to say.


I can keep the manners and you don't.  You are proving being rude and disgusting , and I hope moderators take note.


I can read, you don't. I know for sure it worked for you, but not me:

once again here goes this capture:)



This is the 4th time I say this. The conclusion I said earlier for everyone: be aware , because maybe at some point anyone gets into the same problem than me(for an obscure reason -> setpci not working ) and that they can test the alternative I mentioned previously. I am not going to make a video you to believe it. Just go beyond self ego/self awareness , and try to think it's possible that your setpcie doesn't work because of causes you don't know. Or you know everything? XD


16 hours ago, MPC561 said:

He is crosschecking if the dangerous setpci instructions have side effects, as problems with network connections etc. For this his system need not to be in deeper C-Pkg states. He simply executed the setPCI instructions and showed that ASPM is now active although due to his CPU-Load he will not reach deep C-Package states.



Yes. And this side effect with the network can appear when the system is working normally, but mainly, when it has changes which affect to its energy. So with a so dockerized busy system, his ethernet driver is working at the best scenario - I mean it is opossite conditions to bugzilla inestability kernel bug report - . The normal case scenario to test this stability would be: disconnecting ethernet, sleeping the system, having the computer not working at all completely idle, and having the system in deeper c-states (I've proved all of them with no issues). Not working the NIC creates change in power, which causes THE BUG was reported.  You can read it following the bugzilla thread. I guess is not the case of the containers of @alturismo. So, from my point of view, is not a very "detailed" or useful test. I just was trying to make this point from the beggining. Is completely reasoned here, and I've been able to do it without being rude. Do you get both?



20 hours ago, MPC561 said:

The "echo" instruction, which is btw. not from you, it´s from somebody on reddit, it's old and me knows the thread there

This proves you read diagonally. You don't have to tell me, I pasted it with a huge reddit preview. LOL




Edited by vmasip
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On 2/24/2024 at 12:30 AM, MPC561 said:

And it seems really that you are so arrogant and stupid to believe the 10 are the problem. Nothing more to say.

@MPC561 bitte auch die Forumsregeln im Auge behalten, Beleidigungen sind weder gewünscht noch toleriert, Danke Dir.


21 hours ago, vmasip said:

This proves you read diagonally. You don't have to tell me, I pasted it with a huge reddit preview. LOL


@vmasip also please, if you want to commit something, please be detailed and respect if somebody is not willing to help you, enforcing answers by pointing to all kinda study wont make it better, so rather keep it detailed and if somebody already pointed out he is not interested in your comments, please respect it, thanks.


21 hours ago, vmasip said:

So, from my point of view, is not a very "detailed" or useful test. I just was trying to make this point from the beggining. Is completely reasoned here, and I've been able to do it without being rude. Do you get both?

as we agreed, im not posting anything about this anymore in that thread, but regarding your statements, yes and no, you didnt read the whole thread (or may didnt wanted to reread it, all good) but you made a assumption which was not correct, i made myself clear that im not interested in all of this cases.


also please, just keep as we committed, you have your point of view, i have mine, and we are done.


thanks to all to keep it friendly now and to repect others opinions.

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