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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I think that it is very likely. Type this


Ifconfig eth0


Print the output



eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 6c:62:6d:8c:08:01

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


          RX packets:33090210 errors:0 dropped:14 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:34842950 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:2597193917 (2.4 GiB)  TX bytes:1120076587 (1.0 GiB)

          Interrupt:47 Base address:0x4000


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Adding that to the plugin would be unnecessary for most users here. You should be able to just put that file in your /boot/extra/ directory so it installs on boot


Just tried to install by placing it in /boot/extra/ but doesn't seem to install.

an error saying not created with mkpkg?


Is someone able to help me out with this? I'd love to have more torrent providers for sickbeard.



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I have a problem with CouchPotato and NZBMatrix. It doesn't pass my username and API key to NZBMatrix and therefore can't download the NZB.


The URL it passes is like this for example:




But as you can see it's just put xxx where my username and API key should be. If I paste this into a Browser and replace them the NZB comes down perfectly.

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I have a problem with CouchPotato and NZBMatrix. It doesn't pass my username and API key to NZBMatrix and therefore can't download the NZB.


The URL it passes is like this for example:




But as you can see it's just put xxx where my username and API key should be. If I paste this into a Browser and replace them the NZB comes down perfectly.


That is just how couchpotato writes to the log, its to hide your username and apikey. There is another issue at play here, we can try to help but it might fit better on the couchpotato forums. Please post your couchpotato log from around where it is performing the search.

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Looks like it'd be easy enough to do, I'll have to install it and play with it a bit to see what all it needs though. I'll keep you updated on it, :)


Just Installed, it works great with little setup. I'll have to give it another go after rebooting so I can remove all dependencies and see what it needs to start, but I should be able to whip this one up pretty quickly.


Hilly, I could never reproduce the error your seeing, and honestly have no clue why its not installing for you. Will PM shortly and see if we can figure it out. I'm pretty sure I've mirrored your setup as closely as I can but no luck so far.

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I have a problem with CouchPotato and NZBMatrix. It doesn't pass my username and API key to NZBMatrix and therefore can't download the NZB.


The URL it passes is like this for example:




But as you can see it's just put xxx where my username and API key should be. If I paste this into a Browser and replace them the NZB comes down perfectly.


I got this error with CP, it was really not at all useful in debugging.  I ended up having to change the SABnzbd host from "localhost:port" to "ipaddr:port" so it looked like "localhost:8080" which I changed to "" where was the IP address of my unraid box.  Once I did that, it worked.

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To use the improved torrent search, you can install from junalmeida's repository.


To do this, disable the plug-in, restart your server(this remove sickbeard from being installed), alternatively, use MC to navigate to where sickbeard is installed, default is /usr/local/sickbeard, delete the directory to remove the sickbeard installation.


Then you can go into the plug-in settings, and click on "Show advanced configuration", change "official github to other, input "https://github.com/junalmeida/Sick-Beard" without quotes, then change enable to yes and click "Apply", the plug-in will install from junalmeida's repo, giving you the improved torrent searches.


You only have to go through this once, settings will be saved and it will do so automatically afterwards.


It appears junalmeida keeps up to date with midgetspy's repo so you shouldn't miss out on anything.

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Looks like it'd be easy enough to do, I'll have to install it and play with it a bit to see what all it needs though. I'll keep you updated on it, :)


Just Installed, it works great with little setup. I'll have to give it another go after rebooting so I can remove all dependencies and see what it needs to start, but I should be able to whip this one up pretty quickly.


Hilly, I could never reproduce the error your seeing, and honestly have no clue why its not installing for you. Will PM shortly and see if we can figure it out. I'm pretty sure I've mirrored your setup as closely as I can but no luck so far.


Fantastic!! Look forward to seeing it in action!

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Looks like it'd be easy enough to do, I'll have to install it and play with it a bit to see what all it needs though. I'll keep you updated on it, :)


Just Installed, it works great with little setup. I'll have to give it another go after rebooting so I can remove all dependencies and see what it needs to start, but I should be able to whip this one up pretty quickly.



Very muchly looking forward to this!

Can't wait to try!

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Do sick and sab still have the starting when set to no issue??  Just noticed mine are starting when set to no.  I thought it had been resolved.


Also I may be stupid but where is the advanced option for sic and sab I don't seem to have the optins in the settings??

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I thought it was resolved, I'll have to look again, might have accidentally regressed that fix.


The advanced options will only appear if the app is not installed, this is to ensure a clean installation without a file not being updated/changed for the different repo. Sab does not have this option currently.

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ok, I dumped all your plugins (except darkstat cos i dont know what that is) into my /boot/config/plugins directory on my flash drive and restarted.


starts ok but when starting the array it starts ok but then when i try to start the holy trinity with your plugins (which look great by the way) the array hangs and i have to manually telnet in and do a ps -ef or ps aux  then kill the start process before the web gui unfreezes.


I looked briefly at the end of my log file and it says something about there being no valid sudoers file so its quitting sthg but i dont know what. I am not a linux expert.


Please help

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I just set up a fresh install of unRAID Plus with a cache and parity drive (parity is syncing now).

I've added your plugins to /boot/config/plugins/ on the flash but they don't appear under the network services. Any ideas?


Did you reboot after adding them, or run them manually?  If not they won't run until you do.  To run them manually issue the following:


installplg /boot/config/plugins/plugin-name.plg


Where plugin-name.plg is the name of the plugin

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ok, I dumped all your plugins (except darkstat cos i dont know what that is) into my /boot/config/plugins directory on my flash drive and restarted.


starts ok but when starting the array it starts ok but then when i try to start the holy trinity with your plugins (which look great by the way) the array hangs and i have to manually telnet in and do a ps -ef or ps aux  then kill the start process before the web gui unfreezes.


I looked briefly at the end of my log file and it says something about there being no valid sudoers file so its quitting sthg but i dont know what. I am not a linux expert.


Please help


Did you configure the plugins before enabling and trying to start them?  You'll want them running as the user nobody, and set up your data and config directories before starting them.

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I just set up a fresh install of unRAID Plus with a cache and parity drive (parity is syncing now).

I've added your plugins to /boot/config/plugins/ on the flash but they don't appear under the network services. Any ideas?


Did you reboot after adding them, or run them manually?  If not they won't run until you do.  To run them manually issue the following:


installplg /boot/config/plugins/plugin-name.plg


Where plugin-name.plg is the name of the plugin


Excellent, that got them to appear. Now to try and configure them :-S Is there a guide for configuring them correctly?

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ok, I dumped all your plugins (except darkstat cos i dont know what that is) into my /boot/config/plugins directory on my flash drive and restarted.


starts ok but when starting the array it starts ok but then when i try to start the holy trinity with your plugins (which look great by the way) the array hangs and i have to manually telnet in and do a ps -ef or ps aux  then kill the start process before the web gui unfreezes.


I looked briefly at the end of my log file and it says something about there being no valid sudoers file so its quitting sthg but i dont know what. I am not a linux expert.


Please help


Did you configure the plugins before enabling and trying to start them?  You'll want them running as the user nobody, and set up your data and config directories before starting them.


Yes they are already configured, i was running sab SB and CP with Benni Channs plugin before and the changed to these and I'm using the same config files for sab SB and CP that were in the /boot/config directory on my flash drive.


My problem is deeper I think. Please see the attached log file.


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Excellent, that got them to appear. Now to try and configure them :-S Is there a guide for configuring them correctly?


Good to hear that worked. 


Regarding setting them up here's how I've done it, but I use a cache drive.


I created /mnt/cache/.apps (mover won't touch this directory, you could also use a cache only share as mover will leave that alone as well)


All my data directories reside in /mnt/cache/.apps/usenet/application (i.e. /mnt/cache/.apps/usenet/sabnzbd)


All local directories point to /usr/local/application (i.e. /usr/local/sabnzbd)


All plugins run as user nobody


The port is up to you (each application or plugin needs a unique port). 


To configure the applications themselves you should check out their respective support boards, and online documentation.


For Sabnzbd I have the temporary download folder set to /mnt/cache/.Downloads/incomplete and the completed download folder set to /mnt/cache/Download


For couchpotato_v2 I have (under renamer) From:  /mnt/user/Download/Movies/  To:  /mnt/user/Movies


Sickbeard doesn't seem to offer me an easy way to display my settings, but I am using the sabtosickbeard script. 

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And here is the go file.


syslog in previous post


Thanks for your help




Any particular reason you're running an old version of Simple Features?  I'd suggest you try updating to the most recent version, even if it may not have bearing on your current issue.

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