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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Thanks benni-chan, :D


Pushed the changes to master


EDIT: Yeah I was going to put all three checks for the new version in the php, but it was having a fit with awk, it would either not parse the version number or not run at all, probably something simple with the quotations or tick marks but it was late, I was tired and outsourcing it to the rc script works just as well lol.

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UnRaid 5.0 rc8a pro


sabnzbd and couchpotato works fine. All using plg from: https://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged


sickbeard's install dir: "/mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard"

sickbeard's data dir: "/mnt/cache/sab" (also shared this data dir with sabnzab and couchpotato)

both above folders has been granted with 777.


sickbeard used to work on 1TB cache drive: /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard but no longer

Now if it's on a fresh boot of system, the access to http://raidsrv:8082 (sickbeard) always prompt for username and password, even though they are not set. I simply can no longer get in.

If I restart the sickbeard, the above URL is not even responding telling unable to connect.


After I run "/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard stop", it spits out the following errors:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard: line 57: kill: pid: arguments must be process or job IDs

/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard: line 61: kill: pid: arguments must be process or job IDs

... OK



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I bought a key for unraid pro and put it onto a different USB that I was using for the trial version. I then formatted it and did a straight copy of my old installation across. Now the web manager doesn't work, and SAB and sickbeard don't even install, but I can access couchpotato and headphones from their respective webuis. Unsure what the problem could be because the only thing that changed was the USB.

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UnRaid 5.0 rc8a pro


sabnzbd and couchpotato works fine. All using plg from: https://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged


sickbeard's install dir: "/mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard"

sickbeard's data dir: "/mnt/cache/sab" (also shared this data dir with sabnzab and couchpotato)

both above folders has been granted with 777.


sickbeard used to work on 1TB cache drive: /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard but no longer

Now if it's on a fresh boot of system, the access to http://raidsrv:8082 (sickbeard) always prompt for username and password, even though they are not set. I simply can no longer get in.

If I restart the sickbeard, the above URL is not even responding telling unable to connect.


After I run "/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard stop", it spits out the following errors:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard: line 57: kill: pid: arguments must be process or job IDs

/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard: line 61: kill: pid: arguments must be process or job IDs

... OK


please try to start sickbeard with its own data-directory. it could be, that some files are conflicting with each other...

do you use the same user for every app? (best to use "nobody")

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I am using the transmission package and I am getting this error


"Tower transmission-daemon: transmission-daemon Error loading config file -- exiting. (daemon.c:462)"


I have changed my data directory to /mnt/cache/apps/transmission


Any ideas?




I have fixed it by taking out the watch directory in the settings embedded into the package. Seems you cant have a watch directory enabled which is a shame.

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First off i love your plugins.

I don't have a cache drive. i run snap to mount a drive. the data folder for your plugins are on that drive. i saw someone else with the same issue in another thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=22352.0

So your plugins are running before snap can mount the drive so everything is being created in ram.

Did you find a correct solution for this issue? Should i mount the drive another way?


it would be interesting, at what time snap tries to mount that drive. it looks like it will mount the drive after the array is started (please check with the creator of snap).

at the plugin installation time, the data drive is not needed, but after the array started, sabnzbd, etc. will be started. so it's important to mount the drive before the array starts.


i have a similar setup (no cache drive, but one special data drive for downloads and app data). i'm using my own drive mount plugin, which works fine, but isn't feature complete and doesn't support as many options as snap...


Just to let you guys know that I switched to Benni-chan's mount plugin and now everything is working fine. The drive is mounted before the other plugins run. So I'm good to go. Thanks guys!!  :)

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For whatever reason my server restarted (electricity flickered I think) and now I can't get couchpotato, sickbeard, or sabnzbd to work.  They don't show up under my unRAID settings tab so I thought maybe they weren't installed.  I tried to install them again and I keep getting a "line 13 xml parse error".  I'm not sure that installing them again is what I need to do though.  When I look in my /boot/config/plugins folder I see that there are folders in there for the different applications in addition to the plg files.  Maybe I just need a command to run the applications?  I do use a cache drive and I followed the instructions on Influencers github page to install these and thought they were supposed to reinstall with a reboot.  I'm not sure what's going wrong.  Any help is appreciated. 


Also, I noticed the plg files all have a .txt extension.  For example, sabnzbd.plg.txt.  I don't remember them being that way before and am wondering if that has something to do with my problems.

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Is there currently a known issue with the htpcmanager plugin?  I've downloaded the plg from the github and tried to install it manually as well as install by just rebooting my unraid box and get the same errors with both methods.


Basically, the errors are a bunch of things similar to this:


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager_unplugged.plg:47: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 35 and head in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():    in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():          ^ in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager_unplugged.plg:85: parser error : Specification mandate value for attribute itemscope in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():           

in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():                    ^ in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager_unplugged.plg:140: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: input line 139 and div in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file(): 

in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger:

Nov 13 12:23:06 storage2 logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():        ^ in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13


Is there something else I need to install or something to make this work?

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Yes, you have to rename them removing the .txt extension.


I figured it was something easy like this.  I had tried renaming them before posting my question and that's when I got the "line 13 xml parse error".  I originally renamed them from my mac through Finder.  This time I renamed them from my unRAID box through midnight commander and everything works as it should now.

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For a little while now I've been poking around using the Apple Bonjour Proxy to wake my unRAID box on demand ( http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=21326.0 ) a smarter and more determined man than myself has figured out how to do it but it requires some updated packages than to the ones used by your Plugins ( mainly Python from the top of my head). So I've got two questions :)


Firstly would there be any issues from CP, Sabnzbd ect from using the updated Python package?

And secondly if I download the newer packages in the /boot/packages directory to be automatically installed would your plugins detect this or would they re-download and install the older version of Python?


Many Thanks for you time as always mate.

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the plugins should work with a newer version of python... but i haven't tested it.

the problem will be the order of installation. if your plugin with the newer python version is installed first, then one of the other plugins will replace it with the older version again.

if your plugin is installed last, then you will have the newer python version installed.

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the plugins should work with a newer version of python... but i haven't tested it.

the problem will be the order of installation. if your plugin with the newer python version is installed first, then one of the other plugins will replace it with the older version again.

if your plugin is installed last, then you will have the newer python version installed.


Thanks for the response Benni!


Luckily it's just a script that runs just prior to sleep and registers the server with the sleep proxy. With that in mind if I add the package(s) to /boot/packages I need am I right in thinking that either a) The newer package will install before Influencers plugins, and when they install they will detect Python is already installed and skip download / install or b) Plugins will run first install the older python then any additional packages in /boot/packages will install updating the installed Python?


Know I could just try it and find out but at work at the minute and will be for a long time yet! Lol

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if i remember correctly, /boot/extra will be installed before /boot/config/plugins

packages in /boot/packages won't be installed automatically. this is the common place, where the plugins will save the packages and install them from.

to autoinstall a standard package, the folder /boot/extra is used.

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Having an issue I'm hoping someone can help me with, I have sickbeard configured to run as "Nobody" and the data directory is /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard


It survives if I take the array offline and put it back on line - however if i restart the unraid server it loses all its config saying it cant find;


Unable to find '/mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard/config.ini' , all settings will be default!


Can anyone help with this? As mentioned its only lost on reboot.


Thanks :D

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