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"Mother Proof" HTTP/FTP Application?


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Hi Guys,


I'd like to setup an HTTP server so I can share photos with my family across the country.  It doesn't need to run on my UnRaid - but I know you guys are awesome, so I thought I'd ask here.  It will, of course, be sharing piles of my photos and videos (old VHS and Film digitized for the family) from my UnRaid system.


Ideally it'd provide a simple login over a web browser then allow visitors to preview images and download high resolution versions of the images.  Ideally they could also Upload files/folders.


Again, this can run on one of my spare Windows boxes.  I've found two packages that look pretty nice, but they're kinda costly for my tastes:


http://www.wftpserver.com/ - They have a cool online demo where you can actually try the product out - both user side and administration.  But it's $200 for a license - and more than double that price if it makes sense to go HTTPS - does it?


http://www.serv-u.com/ - This one starts at $495!  It looks equally well equipped for the task and also has an online demo where you can try out the product.


Are there other contenders?  Nothing in the Open Source market or free for personal use?  Should I insist on HTTPS?  Any other "gotta have" features that I haven't thought of?


It needs to be "Mother Proof" - my Mom and other non-technical users will be accessing it.





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Filezilla ftp server is an open source option.


Before that, any special reason to setup your own system? I used run a ftp server for our family to share home videos and photos in the long past. But now its easier just to use dropbox.


Used to use the Picasa web service, but decided to dropbox files into my parents computer and then remote login and add the new stuff to their library on an external drive (to get around the dropbox size limit). Added bonus is that I now have an additional off site backup of all our family media.

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Plex. This is pretty much one of the things plex is made for, it has a great UI, supports HTTP & Desktop applications, IOS, android, user friendly, pretty much exactly this. Plex plex plex. Dropbox/BitTorrentSync = no because they require you to download the files and large amounts of home movies can rack up (E.G. Why you have an unraid server). Plex. Plex plex plex.


Plex supports:-

1. Friendly web-UI (example)

2. Friendly http-based login (example)

3. Supports videos & images

4. Free

5. Easy as hell to use

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Guys,


Now you've got me planning to try both Plex and BitTorrent Sync.  Some family members could gain benefit from Sync while Plex is better for others.  :-)


Seeing what Plex might be able to do for my movie collection at home, any idea what Hardware I need to make Plex work well?


Can Celerons possibly do it?  (my builds are based on Tom's - one uses the Supermicro MDB-C2SEE-O while the other uses the Supermicro C2SEA (both Celerons, not sure what speed).





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I agree with automatic, Plex is the best option IMO. Bittorrent sync is more like dropbox without needing dropbox servers. I use plex to share videos/pictures/tv/movies with my family and its awesome!!! The transcoding is great. I live in Korea and my family lives in the US and they can stream HD videos without buffering!

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