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rsync GUI


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A GUI to enable rsync service would be helpful. I currently modify /etc/rsyncd.conf and /etc/inetd.conf to enable the rsync server.


A GUI for the rsync client client would also be nice. A simple feature that allows an entire data disk to be mirrored to a second server would be nice. Perhaps an extendible list that includes source and destination would be more flexible. I need to delete on the destination before syncing to get whole disk mirroring to work. This should also be an option.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I would love this! Yes, I know its completely possible to do via CMD, but the goal is to make unRAID more approachable for all users right? The gui is the reason those weaker, more expensive set-top NAS devices do so well, they have great, pretty simple,  software (speaking of Synology and QNAP)


Check out the unBALANCE plugin in the 6.1 plugins section.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 7 years later...

New user here.  This is the first thing I noticed.  No rsync GUI baked into unRAID (!). 


Bumping this request up made a decade ago.  I hope it will be reconsidered.


I currently use Lucky Backup.  There has to be a better solution.  This is one thing I missed that OMV has. 



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I agree:  Unraid needs an rsync GUI, especially to enable and configure rsync as a service.  


rsync has been a basic part of every NAS OS I've ever run or considered, including QNAP, TrueNAS, XigmaNAS, OpenMediaVault, Synology, and Thecus.  On those, it wasn't something where you had to 'roll your own' by manually enabling and configuring the rsync service from a command line or choose between multiple Docker rsync implementations.


This should be a pretty easy feature to implement, so I hope that Limetech sees fit to make it a standard part of Unraid. 

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