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I noticed that my docker container is saying there is an update for Moviegrabber, is this update based on the stable build ?  Should I update or avoid this update as I had problems previously.


Appreciate the assistance.




Sounds good, let me know when it's ready, I did clear the db folder ....


Appreciate your assistance.



another build finished,  with this "stable" build.


have removed the EDGE routine, because if this stable version works better, running edge to update will screw it up again.

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I noticed that my docker container is saying there is an update for Moviegrabber, is this update based on the stable build ?  Should I update or avoid this update as I had problems previously.


Appreciate the assistance.




Sounds good, let me know when it's ready, I did clear the db folder ....


Appreciate your assistance.



another build finished,  with this "stable" build.


have removed the EDGE routine, because if this stable version works better, running edge to update will screw it up again.



point release for the base image 0.9.15 to 0.9.16 , no other changes.

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Running Docker Koma


I'm lost in how to setup this.  Any help would be appreciated.


myip:8080 loads XBMC interface and if i click on profiles / Master user, I get "connection to server lost"

myip:3306 downloads a file and there is no interface.  How does marindb work with XBMC.


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I was thinking of using this instead of plexmediaserver as I thought XMBC it has greater options for serving online streaming videos


I have a headless server and a upnp box connected to the tv.


that is not what this is at all. this is intended for people who wish to update their libraries via a headless server without having the need for a player system to be on.


if you want plex functionally regarding transcoding and streaming then use plex.


there may be future advances in this direction with kodi/xbmc but currently it does not do that.

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I was thinking of using this instead of plexmediaserver as I thought XMBC it has greater options for serving online streaming videos


I have a headless server and a upnp box connected to the tv.

Don't mean to hijack this from Sparklyballs, but you might want to look into the MediaBrowser3 docker as well, I find it works better for me than Plex. A buddy of mine maintains it.



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Just starting to play around with this, and have a stupid question


My existing database was scraped using Universal Movie Scraper.  I know that if I setup Kodi on my desktop and try to scan for new movies it won't pick anything up at all because MariaDB  knows I'm supposed to be using Universal Movie Scraper and its not installed.  Once I install it everything scans fine.


To setup Universal Movie Scraper, is all I have to do is copy ...addons/metadata.universal to the addons folder in appdata? 


Too late right now to exercise my google-fu.

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Just starting to play around with this, and have a stupid question


My existing database was scraped using Universal Movie Scraper.  I know that if I setup Kodi on my desktop and try to scan for new movies it won't pick anything up at all because MariaDB  knows I'm supposed to be using Universal Movie Scraper and its not installed.  Once I install it everything scans fine.


To setup Universal Movie Scraper, is all I have to do is copy ...addons/metadata.universal to the addons folder in appdata? 


Too late right now to exercise my google-fu.


not 100% sure, but i have had some success before by making a virgin install (either on a new machine or temporarily moving .kodi folder), setting up addons etc in it, and then copying over the whole folder to the headless instance.

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not 100% sure, but i have had some success before by making a virgin install (either on a new machine or temporarily moving .kodi folder), setting up addons etc in it, and then copying over the whole folder to the headless instance.

fair enough... I'll play with it.  I'll know in the morning if it worked.

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Have you found that kodi-headless will return errors (path does not exist) when scanning if you reference the hostname vs the ip address?


Not a big deal, but will have to reconfigure couch and sonarr...  Or is it something else in the network settings for the container?


Job for tomorrow.

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Have you found that kodi-headless will return errors (path does not exist) when scanning if you reference the hostname vs the ip address?


Not a big deal, but will have to reconfigure couch and sonarr...  Or is it something else in the network settings for the container?


Job for tomorrow.


everything on my lan has fixed ip's rather and i've always used ip's other than hostnames, with the exception of the unraid webgui.


but everywhere i've read on kodi/xbmc in a mysql environment has recommended ip rather than hostname.

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Same here.  (the only things in my house set to dynamic are mobile devices) But when setting up the video library it was so much easier with my remote control to just select the smb hostname rather than entering in the ip address.  Was just curious.  Hostnames worked perfectly with OpenElec & SQL.  At least I know that its trying to scan TV shows.  Will find out about movies and my quick & dirty copying of the scraper over if it works in the am.

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Not quite at the point of dealing with getting other scrapers into Kodi-Headless yet, but have noticed a couple of things.


As I was saying earlier, using my existing database, kodi's log is filled with


23:08:15 T:47830945208064 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://SERVER_B/Movies/BluRay Movies/Mississippi Burning (1988)/' does not exist - skipping scan.


I initially tried to use the <hosts> entry in advanced settings to point it to my IP, but the log doesn't change

I can do however docker exec -t Kodi-Headless ping server_b no problems


So I toasted my database, and am in the process of setting it back up referring to ip addresses instead of hostnames


now I'm getting:

23:40:27 T:47830945208064 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://' does not exist - skipping scan.

That path does work from OpenElec and my windows box


How are you setting up your libraries in Kodi?







Secondly, my docker log is filling up with

tdb(__NULL__): tdb_open_ex: called with name == NULL

over and over again.  Any ideas?

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