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Sparklyballs' Repo- Sparkly Stuff In Here

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any thoughts as to why the logstash log directory would be missing?  does it mean pfsense is not sending logs or something is messed int he container?  Or, do I simply need to  create the directory manually?


the log for logstash itself is found



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hmmm, that log has 2 lines in it and hasnt been modified since the time of deployment.  Wonder if something didnt deploy correctly?


Is it worth deleting and deploying again just to see?


you have to edit the config file correcty with your pfsense ip and then change your settings in pfsense to externally log to <unraid-ip>:5140

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First, thanks for all the work you do on the various dockers - great stuff!


I would like to instal "Krusader". I also have "unmenu" installed.


The both use port 8080. Do I need to set Krusader to a different port?


For the /UNRAID volume mapping - does it make sense to put this under my cache?



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First, thanks for all the work you do on the various dockers - great stuff!


I would like to instal "Krusader". I also have "unmenu" installed.


The both use port 8080. Do I need to set Krusader to a different port?


For the /UNRAID volume mapping - does it make sense to put this under my cache?






you can choose any port for krusader, but only change the host port side..


the /UNRAID mapping is for what you want to use krusader to operate on.....


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You say: "the /UNRAID mapping is for what you want to use krusader to operate on..... "


Would you not want to be able to see your entire file system? So should this point to root? Or something like /mnt/user?




/mnt/user would give access to all shares etc..... but you would have to be extremely careful with what you do in krusader with that open a mapping...



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RE: Photo management


Installing your photoshow plugin could not have been easier. 


However, when i want to leave a comment about a photo, I notice that the second time i hit the space bar in the comments field makes the picture zoom to full screen.  Were it not for this behavior, photoshow would be my first choice over piwigo and lychee -- your other photo management dockers. I am curious to know if anyone else gets the same behavior so I can rule out the possibility that something else on my computer is creating this problem.


Even though it is not yet working well for me, I truly appreciate your efforts to make dockers out of so many applications.


Best regards,



Update:  Found the PhotoShow demo site at http://www.photoshow-gallery.com/demo/  Log in as anonymous/password.  Find a picture and enter a comment. When you type a second space character, the demo site goes into full screen mode. So it appears that this is problem with photoshow not with the docker.

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