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[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB

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Thanks, the client ID error is because I used the default config which dosen't allow anon connections and I was trying without a username and password. I didn't even check past that point because I could clearly see that in the new location it's picking up the config file, but I can test it further if you like.

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Oh, and is there a way I can see the code behind the docker? I'm not a coder, but I can maybe try and help troubleshoot?


*edit* some detective work (well for me anyway) and I've found the following code from your Github


FROM debian:stable

MAINTAINER Thomas Kerpe <[email protected]>

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y wget

RUN wget -O - http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key | apt-key add -
RUN wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mosquitto-repo.list http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mosquitto

RUN adduser --system --disabled-password --disabled-login mosquitto

COPY config /mqtt/config
VOLUME ["/mqtt/config", "/mqtt/data", "/mqtt/log"]

CMD /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /mqtt/config/mosquitto.conf


It appears from my (admittedly newbie) logic that a user called moquitto gets added to the docker file and then the service runs as that user? Following that, maybe that user dosen't have the right permissions? I looked through some other Docker examples and it appears that this may not be needed i.e. just let the docker run as the default user?


Alternatively, I noticed from here (https://github.com/toke/docker-mosquitto/blob/master/Dockerfile) that this is the Dockerfile:


FROM debian:jessie

MAINTAINER Thomas Kerpe <[email protected]>

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget && \
    wget -q -O - https://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key | apt-key add - && \
    wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mosquitto-jessie.list https://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-jessie.list && \
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y mosquitto && \
    adduser --system --disabled-password --disabled-login mosquitto

RUN mkdir -p /mqtt/config /mqtt/data /mqtt/log
COPY config /mqtt/config
RUN chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /mqtt
VOLUME ["/mqtt/config", "/mqtt/data", "/mqtt/log"]

EXPOSE 1883 9001
CMD /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /mqtt/config/mosquitto.conf


So maybe we need the mosqitto user to own the files in the docker image?


Apologies if I'm completely off-base here!

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You can add the node-red-node-pushover node via the admin tab and it should persist between updates......


edit the node-red-contrib by using backspace.


(is this how you are doing it?.... make sure that you are also pointing /data to a directory on your drives - in my case /mnt/user/docker/appdata/nodered so that the flows and additions persist)

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You can add the node-red-node-pushover node via the admin tab and it should persist between updates......


edit the node-red-contrib by using backspace.


(is this how you are doing it?.... make sure that you are also pointing /data to a directory on your drives - in my case /mnt/user/docker/appdata/nodered so that the flows and additions persist)


I had been doing it by opening a bash shell through "docker exec -it" on the container, didn't realize it could be done through the admin tab for some reason, but I've not switched to that method.  I do have my /data directory mapped correctly, so I guess we'll see if it persists the next time I need to update.

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I tried the new one, same error as the old docker unfortunately. Tried experimenting a little bit more, what I found is that if I invoke the docker at the command line with different PGID and PUID I can read the config file fine, however it then complains that it can't find user mosquitto. Don't know if that helps with troubleshoting at all.

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I tried the new one, same error as the old docker unfortunately. Tried experimenting a little bit more, what I found is that if I invoke the docker at the command line with different PGID and PUID I can read the config file fine, however it then complains that it can't find user mosquitto. Don't know if that helps with troubleshoting at all.



Yes, thanks!

I think that it is because you are using the /mnt/ and not /mnt/user/ hierarchy ..... I tested with the data on the protected raid and not on a cache drive. I will try and look at this over the weekend.


Can I check that you really want to have your data stored in this way?. If you create a share that is only on one disk then it is that disk and parity that will be spinning. There is not a lot of energy difference and the strain on a disk is when it is starting up.

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Thanks, I did some more research on having the docker image and config files on the cache drive, and it's definitely the way I want to stay. But don't change your docker just for me! I just thought I'd try and help with troubleshooting as I'm sure there must be others who have a similar setup as me and maybe want the MQTT docker.

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Thanks, I did some more research on having the docker image and config files on the cache drive, and it's definitely the way I want to stay. But don't change your docker just for me! I just thought I'd try and help with troubleshooting as I'm sure there must be others who have a similar setup as me and maybe want the MQTT docker.


+1 from me.  ;)


I'm new to unRaid, Dockers and Home Assistant so am learning everyday. I have just found this docker though and now I understand what it does, I am struggling to get it to work but from reading this it appears that it is because I store my docker file on my cache disk at /mnt/cache/appdata/ too.


Would be great if it could work at this location. However if not, how easy is it to move my docker file (and will it mess up all my configs??)




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I've just totally rebuilt the MQTT docker to use Alpine Linux 3.3 - which is the version of Linux favoured by the Docker team.


I have removed all the fancy Nobody/User settings as the have caused problems to me when I wanted to use the same docker on my mac.


The issue will be is that to edit the settings on first use - defaults are created - you may need to run a NEWPERMS on the data directory.


If you already have run the older version, it can use the settings but there is an updated EXAMPLE file that might be a better base: it shows the connects in the log window but doesnt create a huge logfile.


For non mnt/user/ this may work better for you.


*** Please let me know if it works or breaks something!!! ***


(Note: that you will need the 1st May version - not the April)

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Spants, you are a legend.  8)


I had to remove the old docker and directory for it to work. I did just try pulling the new build first and then running a NEWPERMS on the cache but it didn't work so I just removed everything and started again and it has connected from mqtt-spy on my Macbook to my unRaid server just fine.


Now to have a play with OwnTracks and HomeAssist and see how I get on.


Very happy - thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have updated the NodeRed docker to allow the easy updating of the Nodes to the latest versions without me updating the Docker. To do this, I removed them from the build - you can reinstall them in the Admin tab (top right). Your flows will need you to re add the missing nodes that are used.


The affected Nodes are:





































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ah. I understand. There isn't an upgrade button.


As far as I know, uninstalling and reinstalling should bring down the latest version. Thats a good point though - I hope that it doesnt just use the cached version!. I will ping the author of the Admin node.


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  • 1 month later...

strange, running great here.


I tried a push again and nothing else was uploaded... I wonder if docker is mid update for this docker.


Try removing the docker and reinstalling.

I will keep an eye out whilst watching the England game :)


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