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Syslog has stopped updating


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I had mentioned an issue with mover that turned out to be a non-issue, however while investigating I've noticed that my syslog seems to have stopped updating:

root@CydStorage:/var/log# tail syslog

Mar 11 12:27:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:28:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:29:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:30:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:31:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:32:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:33:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:34:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 12:35:01 CydStorage crond[1723]: exit status 2 from user root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null

Mar 11 1



I had noticed this when looking via the GUI at syslog so confirmed via command line.


I am not sure what's happened here, or if anyone else has experienced this. Is there a way to get it started again, or do I need to reboot?


Here are the permissions if it matters:


root@CydStorage:/var/log# ls -al syslog*

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  204800 Mar 17 19:40 syslog

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1128164 Mar  9 04:40 syslog.1





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root@CydStorage:/var/log# df -h /var/log

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          128M  128M    0 100% /var/log




That would explain it. :)


Any suggestions on how I correct this? Can I increase the size, or are the common files that can be deleted to recover space?



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root@CydStorage:/var/log# df -h /var/log

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          128M  128M    0 100% /var/log




That would explain it. :)


Any suggestions on how I correct this? Can I increase the size, or are the common files that can be deleted to recover space?

You running any vm's? If so try deleting the libvirt log. I think they left debugging on and the log gets very large.

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Try the following:


du -sm /var/log/*



I suspect the largest space will be in /var/log/sa or the libvirtd area.


Even if you clean those files up, you likely have to restart logging service to get syslog working again. I'm not exactly certain on how to do that as I haven't toyed around with it yet.


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When I deleted the syslog.1 events started filling into syslog again without me doing anything which was nice.


I don't have VMs running, and don't see a log under libvertd. It looks like most of the space is in /sa. Are these files safe to delete? What are they used for?


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When I deleted the syslog.1 events started filling into syslog again without me doing anything which was nice.


I don't have VMs running, and don't see a log under libvertd. It looks like most of the space is in /sa. Are these files safe to delete? What are they used for?


They seem to rotate on a daily basis. I think theyre used for system activity display in the dynamix stats screens like old cpu usage or system temps or such. I deleted my old ones cause it was critical on space and have not noticed anything negative yet. I havent tracked back which dynamix plugin uses these yet.

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When I deleted the syslog.1 events started filling into syslog again without me doing anything which was nice.


I don't have VMs running, and don't see a log under libvertd. It looks like most of the space is in /sa. Are these files safe to delete? What are they used for?


They seem to rotate on a daily basis. I think theyre used for system activity display in the dynamix stats screens like old cpu usage or system temps or such. I deleted my old ones cause it was critical on space and have not noticed anything negative yet. I havent tracked back which dynamix plugin uses these yet.


Hopefully someone can chime in on this to explain the exact use of these. They seem to take a good chunk of the limited space.


Also, is there a reason this partition is so small? Could it not be doubled to prevent this (or decrease likelihood). Given the importance of the syslog if things are going wonky you would think it's critical to ensure there is enough space for this to remain writeable.


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you can resize the /var/log tmpfs on the fly with the following procedure on Beta14B and above.

There's an issue with earlier betas in that the /var/log tmpfs is mounted to early and does not show up in the /etc/mtab.


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# df -vH /var/log

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          135M  2.3M  132M  2% /var/log


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# mount -o remount,size=256m /var/log


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# df -vH /var/log                   

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          269M  2.3M  267M  1% /var/log


However I think what we really need are some monitors/notifications on disk space for / and /var/log since they are crucial to operation.

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you can resize the /var/log tmpfs on the fly with the following procedure on Beta14B and above.

There's an issue with earlier betas in that the /var/log tmpfs is mounted to early and does not show up in the /etc/mtab.


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# df -vH /var/log

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          135M  2.3M  132M  2% /var/log


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# mount -o remount,size=256m /var/log


root@unRAIDb:/etc/rc.d# df -vH /var/log                   

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs          269M  2.3M  267M  1% /var/log


However I think what we really need are some monitors/notifications on disk space for / and /var/log since they are crucial to operation.


Thanks Weebo.


How would I set this to automatically happen upon reboot?

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