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Server Unreachable after Update


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So I just updated my server to 6.0 RC. I tried to stop the array to reboot but the GUI became unresponsive so I telneted in to it and sent it the shutdown -r now command and waited for the reboot. After awhile I heard the beep like it was rebooting but it never came back up. I then did a hard shutdown and powered it back on and it's still not coming back online. Any suggestions on what I can do from here are greatly appreciated.

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Can you telnet / putty into the server?


Do you have a monitor and keyboard connected to the server?  (In cases like this it is extremely helpful)


If you have the keyboard / monitor connected, type in

ethtool eth0



and then take a picture of the results on the screen.


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Ok yea I don't why I didn't think about that  :P


So it looks like it's getting hung up trying to boot the Xen server version. It gives the error message no files found.


It will let me boot to the regular version though.

Xen is no longer available. You must select another boot option.
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