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Preclear.sh results - Questions about your results? Post them here.

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Well, that's the thing, the preclear is hanging at 76% of the last step (post read) and speed is down to around 300 KB/sec...

Is there any way to save what has been done until now and relaunch only the "post read" step?


EDIT >> Right now I have this :

=                unRAID server Pre-Clear disk /dev/sdg
=               cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 1
= Disk Pre-Clear-Read completed                                 DONE
= Step 1 of 10 - Copying zeros to first 2048k bytes             DONE
= Step 2 of 10 - Copying zeros to remainder of disk to clear it DONE
= Step 3 of 10 - Disk is now cleared from MBR onward.           DONE
= Step 4 of 10 - Clearing MBR bytes for partition 2,3 & 4       DONE
= Step 5 of 10 - Clearing MBR code area                         DONE
= Step 6 of 10 - Setting MBR signature bytes                    DONE
= Step 7 of 10 - Setting partition 1 to precleared state        DONE
= Step 8 of 10 - Notifying kernel we changed the partitioning   DONE
= Step 9 of 10 - Creating the /dev/disk/by* entries             DONE
= Step 10 of 10 - Verifying if the MBR is cleared.              DONE
= Post-Read in progress: 76% complete.
(  2,283,337,728,000  of  3,000,592,982,016  bytes read ) 210 kB/s
Disk Temperature: 34C, Elapsed Time:  46:29:17

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Is that updating periodically?  [is the elapsed time changing?]


If not, the system's hung.  If so, the drive is likely bad and the preclear is having problems reading everything.    The pre-clear itself is already done ... what is' doing now is nothing more than seeks and reads (no writes).


I'm not aware of an option to JUST do the post-read.  You can just do the pre-clear (skipping both pre-read and post-read cycles); and you can skip the pre-read;  but I don't think there's an option to do what you've asked here.   

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I'm very new to unRaid, this is my first setup.  First I had to buy a new motherboard because my Gigabyte board couldn't boot from USB.  Now I've got a new "old" Asus bord from eBay and I was good to go.


I created the boot thumb drive and installed unmenu and the preclear script.  Then I installed 3 disks: two 3TB Western Digital WD30EZRX (one of which is for parity) and one Western Digital 2TB WD20EARS.


I managed to install screen and ran three instances of Preclear.  The 2TB was obviously finished first, but when it was running, I immediately noticed something strange.  With the 2TB drive, the script said: "cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64".  With the 3TB drives, it said : "cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 1"


The 2TB drive finished without a problem, after 35 hours.  The 3TB drives gave some sort of notification, something concerning the partition and I had to re-type "Yes" again.  But then it said it could not continue of some sort.  I fear now that instead of at sector 64, these partitions started at sector 1.  I found that strange because I did use the -A switch (preclear_disk.sh -A /dev/sda).


What did I do wrong?  I hope you can help me, because after more than 40 hours of pre-clearing, I really don't feel like redoing it. 


Edit: oh, and does it matter that the motherboard uses an older bios which does not support disks larger than 2TB?  I've read in the past that Linux is capable of ignoring the BIOS setting and using it's own, but I'm not sure if it'll work in this case.  If not, then I will probably have to buy a SATA controller.  (the BIOS shows the 3 TB disks as 800 GB or something). 






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Is that updating periodically?  [is the elapsed time changing?]


If not, the system's hung.  If so, the drive is likely bad and the preclear is having problems reading everything.    The pre-clear itself is already done ... what is' doing now is nothing more than seeks and reads (no writes).


I'm not aware of an option to JUST do the post-read.  You can just do the pre-clear (skipping both pre-read and post-read cycles); and you can skip the pre-read;  but I don't think there's an option to do what you've asked here. 

Yes, the time is updating.


I think I'll just go ahead and place the drive in the array, hopefully it'll work out just fine.

I would have loved to have some kind of confirmation that all the previous steps went fine though...


Thanks for the help anyway :)

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I'm currently preclearing a new WD RED 3TB disk (sdg).

It all went fine until the last step (post read) around 70% of completion the speed went down to around 300 KB/sec and I noticed the following errors in the syslog (I'm using screen) :

Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200641
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200642
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200643
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200644
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200645
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200646
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200647
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200648
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200649
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 557200650
Aug 22 09:49:39 Alpha kernel: ata6: EH complete
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x3 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: irq_stat 0x40000008
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: cmd 60/00:00:98:ad:b1/01:00:09:01:00/40 tag 0 ncq 131072 in
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel:          res 41/40:00:68:ae:b1/00:00:09:01:00/40 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: error: { UNC }
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: configured for UDMA/133
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Unhandled sense code
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: Sense Key : 0x3 [current] [descriptor]
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel:         72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 01 
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel:         09 b1 ae 68 
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x4
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] CDB: 
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: cdb[0]=0x88: 88 00 00 00 00 01 09 b1 ad 98 00 00 01 00 00 00
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sdg, sector 4457606760
Aug 22 09:50:08 Alpha kernel: quiet_error: 8 callbacks suppressed



Could you please let me know if I'm facing a DOA disk and I need to RMA it?


Really need to see the whole syslog, your syslog piece indicates there should be a long series of errors before.  Generally, it's the very first error that is the most important, but in your case you can see a 'media error' with 'UNC' flag (UNCorrectable) raised, so you have had a read error on the drive.  The drive itself is reporting it.  The buffer errors you see indicate there were more prior to this.  Dealing with them is what is slowing processing way down.  I think the Post read may be still working, even if very very slow.


I don't understand that SMART report piece, seems completely inconsistent with the syslog piece.  Are you absolutely sure it's from the correct drive, and that it is current?  Current_Pending_Sector count should have increased, and possibly also Offline_Uncorrectable (except it's not offline testing).  I have to work now, but others can help...

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May I throw my experience in at this point?

Please check this thread.


I didn't have time yesterday to attach the logs but they look like yours.

The last preclear that I started yesterday morning was "hanging" at 3% with write speeds shown @ 112 MB/s but nothing else happened but the clock running.

The syslog is about 33MB.


As soon as I have some time (probably next week), I will run the extended SMART diagnostics on this drive and see what comes up. There is also a WD tool for windows

I wouldn't put that drive in the server in this condition.

Better try the WD diagnostic tools and see what they report.

Your lucky that you still can RMA that drive.


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EDIT >> Disk3 is missing as it's the one I need to replace with the new 3TB.


Here's the first error in the syslog, please let me know if you need more but the complete syslog is around 40Mb :/

Aug 21 17:54:26 Alpha login[16018]: ROOT LOGIN  on '/dev/pts/0' from ''
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53005): rmmod md-mod |& logger
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53006): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat slots=24 |& logger
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53007): udevadm settle
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.1.6 installed
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: Device inventory:
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994 (sdb) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9 (sdc) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL (sdd) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026 (sde) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214 (sdf) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WCC1T0797655 (sdg) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939 (sdh) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD1600AAJS-75M0A0_WD-WMAV3D708981 (sdi) 156250000
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (1): import 0 8,64 2930266532 WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk0: [8,64] (sde) WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026 size: 2930266532
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (2): import 1 8,80 1953514552 WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk1: [8,80] (sdf) WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (3): import 2 8,32 1953514552 ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk2: [8,32] (sdc) ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (4): import 3 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: disk3 missing
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (5): import 4 8,16 2930266532 WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk4: [8,16] (sdb) WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994 size: 2930266532
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53008): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event driver_loaded
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (6): import 5 8,48 1953514552 ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk5: [8,48] (sdd) ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (7): import 6 8,112 1953514552 SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk6: [8,112] (sdh) SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (: import 7 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (9): import 8 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (10): import 9 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (11): import 10 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (12): import 11 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (13): import 12 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (14): import 13 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (15): import 14 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (16): import 15 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (17): import 16 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (18): import 17 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (19): import 18 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (20): import 19 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (21): import 20 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (22): import 21 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (23): import 22 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (24): import 23 0,0
Aug 21 17:55:20 Alpha emhttp_event: driver_loaded
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53009): rmmod md-mod |& logger
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53010): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat slots=24 |& logger
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53011): udevadm settle
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: Device inventory:
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994 (sdb) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9 (sdc) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL (sdd) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026 (sde) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214 (sdf) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WCC1T0797655 (sdg) 2930266584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939 (sdh) 1953514584
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: WDC_WD1600AAJS-75M0A0_WD-WMAV3D708981 (sdi) 156250000
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.1.6 installed
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (1): import 0 8,64 2930266532 WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk0: [8,64] (sde) WDC_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0_WD-WMC1T1113026 size: 2930266532
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (2): import 1 8,80 1953514552 WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk1: [8,80] (sdf) WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WMAZA0613214 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (3): import 2 8,32 1953514552 ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk2: [8,32] (sdc) ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD0TZF9 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (4): import 3 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: disk3 missing
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (5): import 4 8,16 2930266532 WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk4: [8,16] (sdb) WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ2987994 size: 2930266532
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp: shcmd (53012): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event driver_loaded
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (6): import 5 8,48 1953514552 ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk5: [8,48] (sdd) ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD12YSL size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (7): import 6 8,112 1953514552 SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: md: import disk6: [8,112] (sdh) SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1LZ200939 size: 1953514552
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (: import 7 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (9): import 8 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (10): import 9 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (11): import 10 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (12): import 11 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (13): import 12 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (14): import 13 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (15): import 14 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (16): import 15 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (17): import 16 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (18): import 17 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (19): import 18 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (20): import 19 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (21): import 20 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (22): import 21 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (23): import 22 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha kernel: mdcmd (24): import 23 0,0
Aug 21 17:57:20 Alpha emhttp_event: driver_loaded
Aug 21 18:49:22 Alpha sSMTP[28199]: Creating SSL connection to host
Aug 21 18:49:22 Alpha sSMTP[28199]: SSL connection using RC4-SHA
Aug 21 18:49:27 Alpha sSMTP[28199]: Sent mail for ************************* (221 2.0.0 closing connection iz19sm10981856wic.9 - gsmtp) uid=0 username=root outbytes=8116
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0xff SErr 0x0 action 0x0
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: irq_stat 0x40000008
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: cmd 60/00:18:18:2e:b0/01:00:0c:01:00/40 tag 3 ncq 131072 in
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel:          res 41/40:00:a8:2e:b0/00:00:0c:01:00/40 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: error: { UNC }
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: configured for UDMA/133
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Unhandled sense code
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Sense Key : 0x3 [current] [descriptor]
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel:         72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 01 
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel:         0c b0 2e a8 
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg]  
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x4
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] CDB: 
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: cdb[0]=0x88: 88 00 00 00 00 01 0c b0 2e 18 00 00 01 00 00 00
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sdg, sector 4507840168
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480021
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480022
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480023
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480024
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480025
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480026
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480027
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480028
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480029
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdg, logical block 563480030
Aug 21 19:02:26 Alpha kernel: ata6: EH complete
Aug 21 19:02:33 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0xff SErr 0x0 action 0x0
Aug 21 19:02:33 Alpha kernel: ata6.00: irq_stat 0x40000008


I guess the smart report is from that same drive as they are both labeled sdg.


I saw that there's a command to run only the last post-read step :

./preclear_disk.sh -V [-A|-a] /dev/???

Do you think that if this command returns 0 errors it's good for the drive?


I'll check this WD diagnostic tool for windows to see if can be helpful, thanks for the suggestion :)

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I think preclear.sh is a great tool to eliminate the drives with instant mortality.

But it is not designed to automatically get the right conclusion.

Just looking if it delivers SUCCESS or PASSED can fool you!

Read this very informative post from RobJ.


As soon as there is a little sign of some irregularity be it in the logs or in the course of the preclearing cycle you should use alternative tools to dig deeper.


Just get an evidence that allows you to RMA the drive.

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I'm currently around 70% completed with a relatively good speed of ~90MB/s

I'll post the smart results once it's completed (probably in about 6 hours).


EDIT >> OK, so it's toasted in preclear, got stuck at 75% and speed dropping to a few hundreds of kb/s.

I'm taking it out of the server and will check with WD diag tool.

In the meantime, I'll begin the replacement procedure with amazon  :-[

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Well the WD diag tool indicates the same kind of issue with a bit less details.

Around 75% the extended test gets slower and slower...


Why doesn't WD test their drives before selling them is completely beyond me...

FYI, it's the second WD RED 3To drive that's DOA (on 2 purchases, thank you amazon for having such a great customer support :))

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Alright, sorry for the triple post but I wanted to inform anyone following this thread and I don't think an edit would trigger an alert :


I received my new disk on Monday morning (I asked for a replacement on amazon on Friday afternoon, so very good point for amazon, thanks guys!)

The preclear just ended successfully yay!

Now I'm rebuilding parity.


Last word : previous disk definitively DOA, thanks to the preclear for detecting a faulty drive :)

And thank you Joe L for making that script :)

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Only one pass I'm afraid.

I dealt very poorly with this situation I'm afraid : my server was down the entire upgrade time as I had to remove the production disk.

So more downtime was not really an option for me.

Next time I'll build a small server only for the preclear to run it's 3 passes for a week or so :)

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... Only one pass I'm afraid.


Simple fact is that a VERY high percentage of drives that show issues during pre-clear do so during the first pass ... so you're probably just fine.    MOST drives added to UnRAID arrays are NOT pre-cleared ... so just doing it at all is a much better integrity test than most get.


... but a separate dedicated box to do pre-clears is a good idea -- it's also a good idea to always have a pre-cleared spare ready in the event of failure.


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This may have already been mentioned.. but I can't seem to find it with the search..


Just got a new drive and went to pre clear it.. ran pre clear_disk.sh -l and it is showing ALL my disks, not just the unassigned ones. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong that might cause this??





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This may have already been mentioned.. but I can't seem to find it with the search..


Just got a new drive and went to pre clear it.. ran pre clear_disk.sh -l and it is showing ALL my disks, not just the unassigned ones. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong that might cause this??





I believe that this is a known issue if the array is not currently started.

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