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Preclear.sh results - Questions about your results? Post them here.

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i bought a new 20ears drive, jumpered it and

got this message




is something wrong with my new disk?


what about me?


Sorry - I use my iPhone and read forum in text mode first thing in the morning. Can't see embedded images.


But I just took a look. Something is not right obviously. Suggest you wait for Joe L. who wrote the preclear script. He can probably explain what could cause this.

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Hi Guys,


Got a few, im sure basic questions here, but quite new to all this, learning as I go along.


Got 3 drives. just setting up the unRAID and was connected to the server with a monitor & keyboard to kick off the first of my drives.

It is purring along now 13 hours in and on the final step of 1 cycle.


I have a few questions:


Are you able to set more than 1 to go at the same time? - tried adding /dev/sda /dev/sdb.... at start but reckon I got syntax wrong. Couldnt really understand on screen isntructions.


I would also be interested kicking it off via telnet so I can keep an eye on it via a different machine, I didnt realise that when I telnet on, I dont see the same screen that is on my main monitor attatched, take it that is because the telnet is a different session?


Once the initial drive is finished, I will start the next Preclear (hopefully multiple at once, if this is possible) from the telnet, are you able to connect back in to the same session if telnet is closed, will the Preclear continue?


Why do people do multiple Preclears? - my 1 cycle for the first drive is now at the 18 hour mark for 2tb.


Thanks in advance,


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i bought a new 20ears drive, jumpered it and

got this message




is something wrong with my new disk?


what about me?

Your disk has stopped responding.  This behavior seems to occur when a previously un-jumpered drive has had a jumper added after it had initially been partitioned.  right now, you cannot even get the disk to respond to any command.


From prior reports, the drive will not respond again until you power cycle it. (remove and re-apply power by power cycling the server)  It may also be necessary to specifically write zeros to the first sector on the disk to have it not lock up again.    Some have used window's utilities to perform what they call a "low level format" but in reality they are just writing zeros as the last drives that let users perform low-level-formats to them are probably 15 years old or older.


To blank out the MBR you can type this command after first power cycling the drive.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=8


Then, if successful you'll be able to get the drive to respond to commands  Try this to see if it is responding:

fdisk -l /dev/sdb


If it responds, you can try the preclear script once more.


Joe L.

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Joe-L, all my disk got a jumper right away... (coming out from the box)

not one disk has got a jumper after partitioning it, so strange thing..


so i need to this

1) restart server (or you mean, i have to unplug the powercord to the harddrive?)

2) open telnet session and typ "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=8"

3) fdisk -l /dev/sdb

4) retry preclear


So nothing is wrong with my disc?

How come it responded before, and then all of a sudden it doesnt anymore?

Is this cause i closed telnet session? (i did use screen though)

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Joe-L, all my disk got a jumper right away... (coming out from the box)

not one disk has got a jumper after partitioning it, so strange thing..

I agree, usually is has been reported when the disk was partitioned previously. 

so i need to this

1) restart server (or you mean, i have to unplug the powercord to the harddrive?)

I don't really know if it will be recognized by the OS if you just pn-plug and re-plug the power cable to the drive, but I guess you can try that first.

2) open telnet session and typ "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=8"

3) fdisk -l /dev/sdb

4) retry preclear


So nothing is wrong with my disc?

How come it responded before, and then all of a sudden it doesnt anymore?

We really do not know.  It might have just failed in its first few hours of its life

Is this cause i closed telnet session? (i did use screen though)

If you invoked the command when in a "screen" session then logging of and then re-attaching to the running screen session should have left everything just fine.  Without "screen" logging off would just terminate any preclear session you might have started and you would just have to start again.


Joe L.

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Thank you theyre added but now i cant access the Server throgh windows ; ; only through //tower

Please explain further... have you started the unRAID server after adding the drives? 

(You would not see anything as a share on the LAN if the array was not started)


What do you see on the unRAID management console in your web-browser?


Joe L.

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I would search in this thread but 38 pages is too much and I haven't found a way for this forum to allow me to search in a specific thread.


I started a preclear -c 3 on a drive but it's only nearing the end of the first cycle.

Could I kill the script during the 2nd cycle in order to do a reboot, and then I can rerun preclear again?


One more... If I have already run a full cycle, is it acceptabe to use the '-n' next time to speed things up?


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Hi, I've just finished pre-clearing a 2TB WD20EARS.  Took around 28 hours in total for one run through.  I've attached the finish log.  Any help in interpreting it is most appreciated  ;D  Is the start log needed too?


Cheers, Matt.


Good to go.  Add it to your array and enjoy your new drive!

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Hi, I've just finished pre-clearing a 2TB WD20EARS.  Took around 28 hours in total for one run through.  I've attached the finish log.  Any help in interpreting it is most appreciated  ;D  Is the start log needed too?


Cheers, Matt.

Your disk is perfectly healthy.  No current "Value" (normalized) is at or below its affiliated failure threshold. In fact none are even close to their affiliated failure thresholds.


There are no re-allocated sectors, nor any pending re-allocation.


Joe L.

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I would search in this thread but 38 pages is too much and I haven't found a way for this forum to allow me to search in a specific thread.


I started a preclear -c 3 on a drive but it's only nearing the end of the first cycle.

Could I kill the script during the 2nd cycle in order to do a reboot, and then I can rerun preclear again?

You can kill it at any time it is in a "read" cycle and not affect what was already written.  If you kill it in the middle of its "write" cycles the disk will not be marked as pre-cleared.

One more... If I have already run a full cycle, is it acceptabe to use the '-n' next time to speed things up?

You would be skipping the more important part where it identifies unreadable sectors.  I personally would not.


I had said I was going to post a newer version of preclear_disk.sh, I guess I better get busy and get it to where it can be tested.


Joe L.

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One more quick question.  Now the preclear has finished, I have two unallocated drives showing:-


Drive Partitions - Not In Protected Array

Device Model/Serial Mounted File System Temp Size Used %Used Free

/dev/sdd scsi-SATA_WDC_WD20EARS-00_WD-WMAZA1718008 22°C 2000.3G

/dev/sdd1 scsi-SATA_WDC_WD20EARS-00_WD-WMAZA1718008


Why is this?

To add this as parity drive replacement, can I simply change it in the device settings page or do I need to physically remove the old parity drive and add this one into its slot?


Thanks!  Matt.


Hi, I've just finished pre-clearing a 2TB WD20EARS.  Took around 28 hours in total for one run through.  I've attached the finish log.  Any help in interpreting it is most appreciated  ;D  Is the start log needed too?


Cheers, Matt.

Your disk is perfectly healthy.  No current "Value" (normalized) is at or below its affiliated failure threshold. In fact none are even close to their affiliated failure thresholds.


There are no re-allocated sectors, nor any pending re-allocation.


Joe L.

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One more quick question.  Now the preclear has finished, I have two unallocated drives showing:-


Drive Partitions - Not In Protected Array

Device Model/Serial Mounted File System Temp Size Used %Used Free

/dev/sdd scsi-SATA_WDC_WD20EARS-00_WD-WMAZA1718008 22°C 2000.3G

/dev/sdd1 scsi-SATA_WDC_WD20EARS-00_WD-WMAZA1718008


Why is this?

No, you have two "devices"

/dev/sdd = the entire un-assigned drive  from sector 0 to the end

/dev/sdd1 = the first partition on the un-assigned drive.  (the preclear script creates an empty first partition, starting at sector 63 of the drive)

To add this as parity drive replacement, can I simply change it in the device settings page or do I need to physically remove the old parity drive and add this one into its slot?

You can do it either way.  It is your choice.


Joe L.

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Mine seems to have not gone too good.

This was a brand new 2Tb drive. Bought 3 of these and seem to have precleared the other 2 fine.


Only difference with this was that I was running 2 preclears at the same time.

It seems to have done a lot quicker as the same 2Tb drive took 25 hours on its own to preclear so to get to step 10 after 9hours makes me think something is up with it.




These were "2TB WD SATA2 WD20EARS 5400RPM" drives.


Now when I try and preclear that drive, its messed up and wont even display the information.


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It looks like it has stopped responding.


You can try on the command line

fdisk -l /dev/sdb


It might have died an early death, or a connector to it might have come loose.  It might wake-up after a power cycle.

Be thankful if it did die when being tested.  Far better than it dying after it holds all your files.


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joe, my first preclear try with my brand new wd20ears got the same result as stradle, as you know

i did everything you said, and ran preclear again

now after 23 hours, it still is at step 2, at 30 % of it , and its been there for at least 10 hours, and not going further

now what? is something wrong?


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Mine seems to have not gone too good.

This was a brand new 2Tb drive. Bought 3 of these and seem to have precleared the other 2 fine.


Only difference with this was that I was running 2 preclears at the same time.

It seems to have done a lot quicker as the same 2Tb drive took 25 hours on its own to preclear so to get to step 10 after 9hours makes me think something is up with it.




These were "2TB WD SATA2 WD20EARS 5400RPM" drives.


Now when I try and preclear that drive, its messed up and wont even display the information.



same thing

i got 3 brand new ones, and got with one of them same result...

i retried, and it hangs now..

i do find it strange that you have it too.. maybe something with the script i dunno

but that my and your drive has died.. i dunno

i never had any problems with new drives

what if we just format the drive and use it in the array

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Seagate ST32000542AS.  I did 2 preclears with cc34 firmware


Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   118   099   006    

Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   116   099   006    


I did one preclear with cc35 firmware.


Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   116   099   006  

Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   114   099   006  


It seems this raw read error rate keeps going down.  Is this a bad sign for the drive?  Also there wasnt any reallocated sector or pending.  I am wary because of all the bad comments on newegg about failures within a few months.


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