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ZFS plugin for unRAID


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Well, the below is what I get when I ask for version.  So yes.. ;)


I'm quite new to ZFS, but the  package maintainer of this plugin is very speedy with updates and such.


Plus you get the advantage of being able to have a flexible array with unraid on the side.


The big minus with unraid is that nothing with ZFS has a GUI as it's an unofficial plugin.  But unofficial plugins with unraid are not as unofficial as they sound really, the way the product works, it is very inclusive.  Good community and good developers.


I've considered freenas a few times, but I think for me unraid is mostly better - especially since I discovered ZFS!


Also, the developer just packaged znapzend which makes things a bit easier.


# zfs --version

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  • 2 weeks later...

I upgraded today, thinking that because there is not a new kernel, it would upgrade.  However it doesn't as I think it has a specific lock to the version?  Or at least I assume kernel firmware is not the same as a kernel upgrade afaik.


Downgrading requires going to a backup of libvirt.img

Edited by Marshalleq
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a written guide from LevelOneTechs, just thought I should mention it here: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/zfs-on-unraid-lets-do-it-bonus-shadowcopy-setup-guide-project/148764

Complimentary videos are on the Gamers Nexus YouTube channel.


On 10/21/2019 at 1:22 AM, Marshalleq said:

Well, the below is what I get when I ask for version.  So yes..

Thank you so much for the answer!


On 11/2/2019 at 2:06 PM, steini84 said:

Upgraded for rc5


There was a  upgrade from kernel 5.3.7 to 5.3.8

Thanks so much for your work and contribution!

Also, I am really surprised that UnRAID is running on the latest kernel! I was really thinking that it would be on some old kernel since NAS/server distros tend to do so.


Also, on the GUI side of things, there is some active development on integrating ZFS with Cockpit: https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/cockpit-zfs-manager-coming-in-november.25668/


Would running cockpit on UnRAID or integrating the ZFS-manager plugin into the OS itself be something that could be feasible?

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On 11/11/2019 at 11:37 AM, sotirone said:

Here is a written guide from LevelOneTechs, just thought I should mention it here: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/zfs-on-unraid-lets-do-it-bonus-shadowcopy-setup-guide-project/148764

Complimentary videos are on the Gamers Nexus YouTube channel.


Thank you so much for the answer!


Thanks so much for your work and contribution!

Also, I am really surprised that UnRAID is running on the latest kernel! I was really thinking that it would be on some old kernel since NAS/server distros tend to do so.


Also, on the GUI side of things, there is some active development on integrating ZFS with Cockpit: https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/cockpit-zfs-manager-coming-in-november.25668/


Would running cockpit on UnRAID or integrating the ZFS-manager plugin into the OS itself be something that could be feasible?

I think it would be a huge undertaking to incorporate cockpit with unRAID, but I personally don´t have a use case for that so I did not think it through.

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Process to use ZFS in Unraid (Thanks to Wendell from Level1 techs for the baseline)

Unraid needs to be running with at least 1 data drive, pref 1 parity and 1 data drive.
Install Unraid options and set it up how you want
Backup the data from Unraid.

All following processes have to be installed using the GUI (monitor connected to the Unraid server, do not try to do it over remote operation)

Install ZFS Unraid Plugin (Done via the Unraid Install plugin option)

Check the drives you have available “Unassigned Devices” that are not parity, data or cache drives
In my case I am using 9 drives /dev/sdb-/dev/sdj

Using terminal in unraid use the following commands:

(list drives)
This will list all harddrives in your system.

(Create Zpool)
Zpool create dumpster raidz(1,2,3,x,x,x) /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
depending on how many drives you have, this may take a few seconds

(View Zpool Status)
zpool status
pool: dumpster
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        dumpster    ONLINE       0     0     0
          raidz1-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdb     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sde     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Your Zpool is setup

Using the GUI goto

scroll down and click on 
Binary Package
Make sure you save this file to the ROOT folder (no other folder will work)

Using terminal run the following command
upgradepkg –install-new ./fio-3.7-x86_64-1_slonly.txz

Now onto setting up the ZFS dataset (file system and folder creation)

Using terminal 

(ZFS Dataset)
zfs create dumpster/test -o casesensitivity=insensitive -o compression=off -o atime=off -o sync=standard

(ZFS verification)
ZFS list
dumpster        32.0G  7.65T      140K  /dumpster
dumpster/test   32.0G  7.65T     32.0G  /dumpster/test

Now onto the testing of the Zpool array

Using terminal

(FIO Disk / pool testing)
fio --direct=1 --name=test --bs=256k --filename=/dumpster/test/whatever.tmp --thread --size=32G --iodepth=64 --readwrite=randrw --sync=1

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I am running into an issue with accessing the ZFS share from windows.


I am able to see the path to the ZFS share, but it says I do not have permission to create/delete, etc

I get the following error when I try to enable SMB share

root@Pughhome:~# zfs set sharesmb=on dumpster
cannot share 'dumpster': smb add share failed
cannot share 'dumpster/test': smb add share failed


Here is my SMB script

   usershare path = /dumpster
   usershare max shares = 100
   usershare allow guests = yes
   usershare owner only = no

path = /dumpster
browseable = yes                                                                                                                                                       
guest ok = yes                                                                                                                                                         
writeable = yes
writelist = 
read only = no        


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Got this working and imported a pool from FreeNAS - nice work!


I'm guessing this conflicts with the Unraid Nvidia plugin? Or does it need to be re-installed for it?


Edit: To answer my own question, if you install the Unraid Nvidia plugin, which has it's own kernel package, you need to re-install the ZFS plugin to re-enable it. 

Edited by planetix
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21 hours ago, planetix said:

Got this working and imported a pool from FreeNAS - nice work!


I'm guessing this conflicts with the Unraid Nvidia plugin? Or does it need to be re-installed for it?


Edit: To answer my own question, if you install the Unraid Nvidia plugin, which has it's own kernel package, you need to re-install the ZFS plugin to re-enable it. 

I have the same setup, didn't have to re-install ZFS plugin after installing Unraid Nvidia. Be good if @steini84 can confirm just for sanity.

Edited by Varun Reddy
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21 hours ago, Marshalleq said:

Hey, I feell bad enough just asking all the time - so even tomorrow would be amazing!  Shame it can't autogenerate locally - that would be cool.


Updated for RC6


The build progress is really automated already. No problem to fully automate the build process, just a matter of expanding the build script:



The problem Is more that I don't have a server running the RC series so I don't get any notifications about updates . 

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