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[SOLVED] Can't install plugins/Docker Container


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I first stuck this inside a dynamix post then realised it wasn't just some plugins...


I've finally taken the plunge and upgraded to unraid 6, was watching an interview with the team on youtube and thought it was about time based on all the changes. Went to install some plugins and it jsut hangs when I point it to the plugin:


I get this when I try to install a plugin and nothing changes, any plugin, not just this one:@

plugin: installing: https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg

plugin: downloading https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg

plugin: downloading: https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg ...


For example I left it for about 20 minutes this time...


Any ideas? I bet I've missed something seriously simple!


Docker has similar issues, when I try to install a container I click Templates and I get 2 options despite having 3 repos saved.


[user defined Templates]


[Default Templates]


Clicking either does nothing!


I'm stumped.


From the syslog:


Nov 7 15:54:17 Wintermute emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin install https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg

Nov 7 15:54:32 Wintermute emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog


Also trying to hit check for updates for the dynamix and Unraid plugins just loads the same thing and hangs... :(???

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Thanks, and your answer is:


3 packets transmitted, 0 recieved, 100% packet loss, time 1999s




Well that's a good start to pin pointing the issue, how on earth can the server not hit it but I can open a browser to it?

I'm actually stumped, while I consider myself a tech head most of the time I can't think where to even start on this one!

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Thanks, and your answer is:


3 packets transmitted, 0 recieved, 100% packet loss, time 1999s




Well that's a good start to pin pointing the issue, how on earth can the server not hit it but I can open a browser to it?

I'm actually stumped, while I consider myself a tech head most of the time I can't think where to even start on this one!

Try manually setting a DNS address in Settings / Network.  Try and
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Hmm it was set as  :P And auto detect.


Just tried to ping again and got:


ping: unkown host github.com


Which is now more confusing


Screenshot of my settings/network.


I've probably not changed them since I first set up the server. Half wondering if I re-install Unraid 6 and wipe most of the original stuff if that would help.

Obviously not what's on the array just the setting files.


Unless you've got any more ideas?


Thanks all!


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Deleted and ping...same error message as above.


Docker still not giving any drop downs (assume it times out too)


It's gone back to the atached settings.


I've also gone into my router settings, unraid is not listed but it runs through a wireless switch and that is listed as connectable.

In defintely has to be as the pc I typing on is hooked into that switch by an ethernet cable!


Also tried the above DNS change to my ISPs DNS server. Couldn't connect to github again. i.e. unknown host


netlookup for github brings me back so it's picking it up!


Ping fails though!




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