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[Plugin] unbalanced

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Hi i am getting the same strange behaviour from the plugin. I am a long time user of Unbalanced so i know this is this not normal. To explain in a bit more detail


I am trying for example to gather some files distributed to multiple disk to cache. So i select the GATHER action, select the share and click Next.  Usually the plan phase took around 30sec max. After looking at the log and waiting for the plan to complete, the planning phase took around 6 minutes to complete. Have a look at the log


2024/06/04 08:37:16 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk1):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:40:13 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(39465):file(91400)
2024/06/04 08:40:14 items:count(6):size(13.40 GB)
2024/06/04 08:40:14 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk2):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:42:23 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(69196):file(19822)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 items:count(5):size(34.94 GB)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk3):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(76):file(26)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 items:count(3):size(5.14 MB)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk4):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 issues:not-available:(stat /mnt/disk4/nextcloud: no such file or directory)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 items:not-available:(stat /mnt/disk4/nextcloud: no such file or directory)
2024/06/04 08:42:24 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk5):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:43:09 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(25461):file(8091)
2024/06/04 08:43:09 items:count(8):size(5.34 GB)
2024/06/04 08:43:09 scanning:disk(/mnt/disk6):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:43:11 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(539):file(608)
2024/06/04 08:43:11 items:count(5):size(3.36 GB)
2024/06/04 08:43:11 scanning:disk(/mnt/cache):folder(nextcloud)
2024/06/04 08:43:11 issues:owner(0):group(0):folder(4):file(1)
2024/06/04 08:43:11 items:count(1):size(205.48 KB)


After that, the move phase worked as expected. 

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20 hours ago, racingsquirrel said:


I am trying to move files from one pool to another but neither of the pools/disks are showing up in the plugin


i think i made a change to better identify pools, but maybe there's still something missing there


if you can share your `/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini` (remove any sensitive info you want), i'd like to take a look

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5 hours ago, NickI said:

Usually the plan phase took around 30sec max. After looking at the log and waiting for the plan to complete, the planning phase took around 6 minutes to complete

yes, that seems odd

the biggest "culprits" seem to be disk1 and disk2, do the smart stats look good for them ?

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