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Constant Freeze Up


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I have an issue where my unraid server is locking up. I run tail -f /var/log/syslog but cannot gain any of the information as I lose all video, usb and web GUI access.  This issue has gotten worse over the past month as sometimes it freezes up at 45 minutes and other times 7 or 8 days. All drives pass smart test and parity check has 0 errors. I have tried different nic cards as I first thought it was dropping network. This has not been the case. Any ideas or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.

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More info like your setup, plugins, dockers you are running.


I have the same issue - https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=44637.0


I am keeping my 1st post up to date on changes I make to see what might resolved and I add things to my list of things to try when it locks up the next time.



I have checked your post and the issues are similar but not identical. I lose all control of the server. Cannot telnet/ssh in, I lose video out to the monitor so running the tail is of 0 use. The webgui says unavailable and I cannot ping the machine but I can clearly hear it still running.  This issue was happening on V5 as well without any dockers and running plex as the only plugin.












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Sounds like a hardware issue to me.  PSU or Mobo, Have you tried running memtest?


You should run a memtest and post up a diagnostic file.

Also you could try booting up into Safemode aka the second option when unRAID boots. It removes any and all plugins/dockers to try and isolate anything that maybe causing issues.


My Hardware issues was my problem, but freezing up could literally be anything.

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