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[Support] binhex - SABnzbd

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3 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

The problem is that I have a share on this unraid server called TV, but I have another unraid server called TV with the same share TV where I want Sonarr to move the downloaded files to, how do I accomplish this?

You have to use unassigned devices, mount a SMB share to your other server's TV share


Then add a mounting to Sonarr of say /otherServerTV mapped to /mnt/disks/whateverUDcalledIt (access mode of RW:Slave)


Then edit your tv Show(s) and set the location of them to be within /otherServerTV


TLDR: You have to tell sonarr where to put the files within the show's settings.  Right now its putting them where you originally told it to.

Edited by Squid
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One quick question, when I was first setting this up Sonarr created two folders in my TV directory on the unRAID server on which the dockers run and I cant delete them, it saying I don't have permission for user /Nobody. How do I delete these folders? I was able to rename them, just not delete them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Squid I need your help again, I had to delete the Sonarr docker because it wasn't working properly and affecting my server. I thought I took screen shots of all the settings but evidently I did not, and now episodes that sabNZB downloads are not being automatically copied to my other server as they were before.

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2 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

Squid I need your help again, I had to delete the Sonarr docker because it wasn't working properly and affecting my server. I thought I took screen shots of all the settings but evidently I did not, and now episodes that sabNZB downloads are not being automatically copied to my other server as they were before.


Sonarr and sabnzb need to have  the same container path in order for each other to see the episodes.  If sab downloads to /downloads and sonar is looking in /data, sonarr will never see /downloads, even if both point to /mnt/user/downloads.

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20 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

How does it work? Does Sonarr push the file to the destination I provide?


In "docker land" the spot sab writes to, and the spot sonarr reads from,  needs to be exactly the same container path.


Sonarr pushes the files to whatever destination you set up for each series, in sonarr.  Where is pushes it has nothing to do with the problem of sonarr not seeing the sab downloads.

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I am seeing these errors in Sonarr not sure where its getting this path from.


[Error] DownloadedEpisodesImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /data/completed/


I am going to post screen shots of my dockers because I believe everything is correct.

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