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Dropbox plugin not working


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The plugin installs but when I go to Settings/Dropbox in the webgui, it stays Status: Not Installed. The Install button seems to do nothing. I get this in the log after I click the Install button.


Jan 25 09:43:19 Symphonic-NAS emhttp: run_cmd: invalid cmd: /etc/rc.d/rc.dropbox install

Jan 25 09:43:19 Symphonic-NAS sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; ENV=HOME=/usr/local/dropbox ; COMMAND=/usr/local/sbin/dropbox.py status


Running unRAID ver. 6.1.7


Any help here would be awesome - thanks!!

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There is no logs in the popup - just Stop,Restart,Edit,Remove - unless I'm looking in the wrong place...

That seems like the right place. Don't know why it isn't working for you.


What do you have on the Dashboard for docker space (under System Status the numbers labeled flash : log : docker)?

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Done and still no joy. It still just sits on waiting for server. Again as i said earlier its only an issue when the app is running. but when i stop the app it will load up the log just fine. with dropbox however this seems to be an issue because of the fact a new link seems to be generated everytime i start the app.

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I actually can't remember if there any workarounds...


Been running the dropbox instance (folder wise) since Sept


I think you need to wait a while for the docker logs to flush (say 5-15m?) to the disk storage.


While the docker is running, can you access the unraid console and run this command?

root@Tower:/root# docker logs -t --tail=all [NameOfDropboxDocker]


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I awkwardly got around it by using my phone. Its clearly some weird W10 issue because i can open the logs perfectly with my phone while docker apps are running or not!



I got it sorted and dropbox is now working!!!


Thanks for the help lads. Still a weird issue with the logs not loading though.




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