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What happens if your USB stick dies?


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Isn't running these things 24/7 a bad idea? If i understand how it works.. the software is tied to it. So, what happens if/when it dies?


Thanks :D

The amount of writes that take place to the stick is minimal.  Stick is only really written to when you change a setting.  (And for the most part only read during bootup)


But, you can make a backup of the stick, and if it dies, set up a new stick, copy the key file over to the new one and unRaid will walk you through transferring the registration over to the new one.

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I bought a cheap one and installed it in March of 2007, and it's still running fine.  In the past, 2 packs were sold for a small extra fee, just so users would have an extra "just in case".  That's been dropped, since replacement is so easy now that it's automated, from within the program.  I believe users usually have same day or same hour replacement.

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Actually, with the automated replacement, I think it's "instant" replacement.


The important thing is to keep a copy of your key file and the GUID of the old flash drive.  Be sure these are well backed up.  I would also keep a copy of the drive assignments -- e.g. a .JPEG of the Web GUI display.


If your flash drive fails, you can simply do the following:


(a)  put a fresh copy of UnRAID on a new flash drive [Following the instructions from Limetech for this -- basically just formatting the flash drive with an "UnRAID" label; copying the files from the latest release to it; and then running MakeBootable.


(b)  copy your old key file to the new flash drive


©  Boot your server to the new flash drive; then follow the steps to replace your old flash drive => this will automatically generate a new key file (and mark the old flash drive as invalid in LimeTech's database).


Then you can simply assign your drives to the configuration and boot and all will be well.



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The important thing is to keep a copy of your key file and the GUID of the old flash drive.  Be sure these are well backed up.  I would also keep a copy of the drive assignments -- e.g. a .JPEG of the Web GUI display.

CA's backup module does both of these things on a schedule should the assignments change.  (but admittedly, I also keep a copy the the key files elsewhere)
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Isn't running these things 24/7 a bad idea? If i understand how it works.. the software is tied to it. So, what happens if/when it dies?


Thanks :D

The amount of writes that take place to the stick is minimal.  Stick is only really written to when you change a setting.  (And for the most part only read during bootup)

Thought I would elaborate on this part a bit.


The unRAID operating system is actually unpacked fresh from bzroot into RAM on each boot, and from then on it runs completely in RAM. Some settings are also stored on flash and read in on boot, and if they are changed the changes are written to flash. So you can see the USB stick actually gets very little use.

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