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<Support> Kru-x - Wekan and MongoDB-wekan templates


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I can't start a new instance of wekan in unRAID unfortunately. It gives an error in docker whether I use the default value for the mongoDB instance or I provide my own URL from mongoDB cloud atlas.


Error: `docker: links are only supported for user-defined networks.`


There is a `--link` argument in the docker up command:

`--link "MongoDB:db" 'wekanteam/wekan'`

EDIT1: You have to click 'advanced' view on the top right when initializing the docker image and then remove the `--link` parameter. Now I've started the docker container but I get a 'Unable to connect' error when opening the 'Web View' link in the Wekan docker menu.

EDIT2: Giving up for now. I think the version of MongoDB that Wekan is using is a lot older and it can't parse the `mongo+srv://` connection string format that MongoDB 6.0 Serverless is asking me to use.

If I use a legacy connection string from mongoDB atlas I get 'no replica sets found' and if I use the `mongo+srv://` connection string it says it's unable to connect.

Edited by QVjS1tq2ZYkfp9xtLpHlK2kUt32LBhku
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  • 2 months later...

Okay this is a step by step when i got it working, as a new Wekan user.

  1. Go to community app store search and install "MongoDB" Did not need any changes to the template.

  2. Go to community app store search and install "Wekan"

  3. Advanced view in Wekan template, remove everything in extra parameters

  4. Varible ROOT_URL: Type IP to your server and port for Wekan example as follows:

  5. further down click  "Show more settings ..."

  6. Varible MONGO_URL: add/replace to show(with your server IP and port for MongoDB. example as follows): mongodb://

  7. Now you should be able to connect to WebbUI

  8. Register a new user and specify a password, you should be able to write anything in email. Even if it says Internal error the new user should have been created, go back and sign in with your new user

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Kru-x


I know this is an Old Repo and you haven't updated it in years, but I was playing around with it over the last few days and found a few things that would make it better:


  • Extra Parameters:
    --user nobody
    (By default the image creates a nobody attachment directory with a UID of 99, this won't let the container write files to the file system)
  • unRaid Share path: The image mount point is actually /data not /unraid  changing the path will allow Wekan users to upload files and save them to the share drive.  I know its working correctly when it created two directories under the share: image.png.5026783a15a617bbc93818b4de248096.png


I would release another Wekan app, but your app has been in the repository for so long I wanted to help future users. :) 



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7 hours ago, ptsiampas said:

Hi Kru-x


I know this is an Old Repo and you haven't updated it in years, but I was playing around with it over the last few days and found a few things that would make it better:


  • Extra Parameters:
    --user nobody
    (By default the image creates a nobody attachment directory with a UID of 99, this won't let the container write files to the file system)
  • unRaid Share path: The image mount point is actually /data not /unraid  changing the path will allow Wekan users to upload files and save them to the share drive.  I know its working correctly when it created two directories under the share: image.png.5026783a15a617bbc93818b4de248096.png


I would release another Wekan app, but your app has been in the repository for so long I wanted to help future users. :) 



Hi ptsiampas,


As you said I have not updated this template for years and I am not using wekan for the moment, other tasks got in the way. It is a shame as it is a useful program for people needing it and it should be kept better than I do it. If you care to look after it and improve  and keep the support thread up, please be my guest and I will remove my template in favours for yours and point this thread to you. Let me know if you do,






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  • 11 months later...

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