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Trouble getting Dual CPUs to Boot


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It should be plug and play, I honestly think there is something else going on here, but we've all seen these kinds of problems result from missing a cable, a jumper a setting etc. I know how frustrating these problems can be, hang in there, it will get resolved one way or another.

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It absolutely should be plug 'n play.    But I agree with ashman70 --- it's probably something pretty simple ... a defective power supply is possible;  a defective CPU is probably unlikely, since you've tried each of them individually and they worked;  memory could still be an issue, but you've probably eliminated that by trying a different set of modules and confirming that you have the memory plugged into the correct slots for BOTH CPU's.    It's also possible you have a defective motherboard ... but I'd try a different PSU first ... preferably a single rail supply [Doesn't actually have to be a server unit if you happen to have an ATX unit available that has two EPS-12V connections ... you don't have to mount it in the case to try it.].


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2 hours ago, garycase said:


The keying is different on PCIe and  EPS-12v connectors -- there's NO chance of using the wrong ones :D

thanks, if i remember correctly, i had some reading somewhere when people are bricked their boards when connecting PCIe to EPS..


Edit: i'm talking about modular PSU - on the PSU side connectors are equal in most cases..


But i have offsite backup computer with PSU that dont have dual EPS connector - and i used then a transition from PCIe to EPS and it works fine.

Edited by uldise
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7 hours ago, ashman70 said:

It should be plug and play, I honestly think there is something else going on here, but we've all seen these kinds of problems result from missing a cable, a jumper a setting etc. I know how frustrating these problems can be, hang in there, it will get resolved one way or another.


Thanks Ashman. Very encouraging. 


5 hours ago, garycase said:


The keying is different on PCIe and  EPS-12v connectors -- there's NO chance of using the wrong ones :D


Yea, I thought the dog-ears and squares were different. Thanks. 


5 hours ago, garycase said:

It absolutely should be plug 'n play.    But I agree with ashman70 --- it's probably something pretty simple ... a defective power supply is possible;  a defective CPU is probably unlikely, since you've tried each of them individually and they worked;  memory could still be an issue, but you've probably eliminated that by trying a different set of modules and confirming that you have the memory plugged into the correct slots for BOTH CPU's.    It's also possible you have a defective motherboard ... but I'd try a different PSU first ... preferably a single rail supply [Doesn't actually have to be a server unit if you happen to have an ATX unit available that has two EPS-12V connections ... you don't have to mount it in the case to try it.].



Yea, I confirmed each CPU worked with a single CPU boot on each one. I tested the memory on single CPU boot too. It all showed up


That's a great idea. I'll shutdown the current server and borrow it's PSU for a quick test. It's a corsair 800+  if I remember correctly. 

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11 hours ago, uldise said:

As Gary noted, you can test it with both PSU - one PSU to each CPU. Just place second PSU near your server outside for testing..

To do that, you would need to tie the green power-on leads from each ATX motherboard connector together so both the power supplies will be powered up at the same time.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/8/2017 at 0:33 PM, garycase said:


Hopefully that'll resolve it -- I suspect it will, as you've tried just about everything else that could have been wrong.



Just got back in the country. Gigabyte returned it with nothing done. Said it tested fine. But same issue. 


Even tried to have a new PSU waiting for me when I got home; it was shipped broken. lol, my luck. 


Trying with NewEgg support now for help. It's way past the return period; but they've taken my statement that it was incorrectly described (description said it would work with v4 CPUs) and that I've tried going through Gigabyte's support; so we'll see what happened :( 


At 96% on old Server......considering buying a new MB, cause I need to do something soon to keep running. 

Edited by keithwlandry
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  • 2 months later...

I wanted to give everyone a final, and thankfully happy update. :D


Gigabyte MD60-SC0 never worked out. I returned that broken Power Supply. Ended up running with @garycase and @uldise's suggestion of trying two power supplies, one on each CPU..... no dice again.   Contacted Gigabyte again, went through another round of phone tests. Even had me send photos and videos of the MB, boot up, etc. After a few weeks of that, they asked me to send it back for another round of testing. Considering the last time took 3 weeks; I opted not to. 


I contacted NewEgg, explained everything that had happened, and they were gracious enough to give me a store credit refund for the Gigabyte MB. Considering I had originally purchased the motherboard in December of 2016, and they took it back in May of 2017, I was super pumped with that. Props to NewEgg. 


With the refund I STUPIDLY purchased an open-box ASUS Z10PE-D16 and some registered memory. It came in missing the I/O panel, jumpers all screwed to hell, obvious abuse on it. . . . . it never even tried to boot. 


At this point I'm starting to doubt the rest of my components. Thinking it was a funky CPU, or that my power supply was the culprit. But considering this open-box special is in rough shape, I opted to send it back, assuming it was DOA. 


When it refunded, I order a brand new ASUS Z10PE-D16. . . . BOOM. Magic. Post. No issues. 


I run a bunch of tests off Ubuntu on a USB stick to make sure all the backplane connections work, all the case connections work, both CPUs, all RAM, etc. . . . everything working as expected. 


unRAID migration was easy peasy. Parity check with no errors. Move everything to new case. Boot it back up, all works. Added two new HDDs (cause now I have the space), and those get cleaned and formatted just fine. 


After 6 months of turmoil, I'm happy to announce that she is all assembled, finally out of the office, and sitting proudly on her throne in the network closet. 


Thanks to everyone that helped out and offered suggestions and encouragement. I literally almost wept when it was finally all done. 


I'll try to post a build log next if I get some free time. I already have friends asking what the grand total was, and I'm kinda concerned to tally it up myself :) 


Thanks again, 









Edited by keithwlandry
Misspelled word.
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Part List:

*All prices at time of purchase


Grand Total = $1995.48




Shit. .. . . . . . 


. . . . . . . That was about $750 over budget. Lol. Oh well. 

Edited by keithwlandry
Needed GIF
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  • 3 years later...

I am really sorry to dig such an old topic, but this is the only one I found out in English (trust me, I went like 29 in google's result page).


I have exactly the same problem in two different motherboards. Both motherboards work with 1 Xeon V3, with 2 Xeons V3, with 1 Xeon V4 but it stops with code 79 when I put a second Xeon V4.

Probably most members that posted in this thread are not active anymore, but I saw in a Russian forum (translated) that most dual cpu motherboards that are not from Dell or HP do not work with 2 v4 CPUs and that a biosmod with AMIBCP5, mmtool_a5 and UEFITool is need to make any other motherboard pass this 79 code with dual v4 Xeons.

So I was wondering if anyone here may have this knowledge or point me to another forum.

Thanks and again, sorry for registering here just to post this.

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