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[Support] binhex - PyCharm

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On 5/12/2022 at 3:46 AM, binhex said:

done, please pull down image in an hour from now.

thank you @binhex it works!


may i ask another question:


I found i cannot copy text from external to pycharm, and i have searched a lot, all of them about uninstalling VIM extension, but i have no VIM installed. 


May i know if there is workaround to copy text to pycharm?


Appreciate your time and effort


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9 hours ago, Wesley_Sun said:

I found i cannot copy text from external to pycharm

yep you can do this, novnc has a pull out on the left hand side, if you click on this and then click on the second icon down 'clipboard' then you can copy your text from your host and then it will be available to paste inside of the novnc window in which pycharm is running in.

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9 hours ago, binhex said:

yep you can do this, novnc has a pull out on the left hand side, if you click on this and then click on the second icon down 'clipboard' then you can copy your text from your host and then it will be available to paste inside of the novnc window in which pycharm is running in.

awesome, i will definitely try that, thank you

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  • 7 months later...

@binhex  Hi, thanks for all your efforts maintaining this PyCharm docker.  I have a question about it.  I normally do all my python development in a virtual environment like conda.  I've downloaded the anaconda installer and tried to run it inside the PyCharm container.  It fails because of missing libraries.  Is there any way to add the anaconda venv to this docker?  Thanks!

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@binhex  Hi, thanks for all your efforts maintaining this PyCharm docker.  I have a question about it.  I normally do all my python development in a virtual environment like conda.  I've downloaded the anaconda installer and tried to run it inside the PyCharm container.  It fails because of missing libraries.  Is there any way to add the anaconda venv to this docker?  Thanks!
Can you tell me what the advantages are of conda over the integrated package management and virtual environment support built into pycharm? I would encourage you to take a look at that first.

Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/30/2022 at 12:36 PM, max-z said:

Hello everyone,


I'm working on a python script that uses the ffmpeg-python - which requires ffmpeg to be installed on the system. Aaaand that's where I got stuck. How do I (properly) install ffmpeg in this container?

ffmpeg-python link: https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python#installing-ffmpeg-python


Thank you very much!

This container uses Arch Linux. The package manager for arch is pacman. Read here on how to install packages with pacman:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I seem to be running into an issue where rather than connecting to my previous vnc session, noVNC keeps creating a new VNC session when I connect, and I'm unable to connect to my old one. I know for sure my old VNC session is still running, because in it is a python script that I can tell is running based on both top and disk usage (its scraping APIs and saving them). Is there any way to "recover" that first VNC session?


Here is my output from a terminal of the multiple vnc processes:

[root@761abf1adbf4 /]# ps -ef | grep vnc
nobody      85    81  0 Jun30 ?        00:00:05 /usr/sbin/python /usr/sbin/websockify --web /usr/share/webapps/novnc/ 6080 localhost:5900
nobody      89    84  0 Jun30 ?        00:02:55 Xvnc :0 -depth 24 -PasswordFile=/home/nobody/.vnc/passwd -Desktop=PythonUnraid
nobody    1576    85  0 07:00 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/python /usr/sbin/websockify --web /usr/share/webapps/novnc/ 6080 localhost:5900
root      1587  1507  0 07:01 pts/1    00:00:00 grep vnc


And here is output from my top file showing that my python scripts are still running.



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18 hours ago, koopatroopa8 said:

Is there any way to "recover" that first VNC session?

hmm probably not, i know its not ideal but can you not simply restart the container?


p.s. I'm not exactly sure how you got into this state to be honest, i use this container myself extensively and i have not seen a orphaned vnc session before, it def is an odd one, if you can replicate the issue i would be interested.

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8 hours ago, binhex said:

hmm probably not, i know its not ideal but can you not simply restart the container?


p.s. I'm not exactly sure how you got into this state to be honest, i use this container myself extensively and i have not seen a orphaned vnc session before, it def is an odd one, if you can replicate the issue i would be interested.

I can restart the container, I had seen something happen before that may have been the same issue, but this is the first time I have diagnosed it as an orphaned vnc session before. I'll let you know if I do have it happen again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do have the orphaned container issue again. If you'd rather take it to DMs for more back and forth we can. The primary thing that I can see being an issue out of normal usage is that my uptime is 4 days, and I'm running 5 python scripts continuously in it. I can share with you what you think you would need to diagnose/reproduce.

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